Indulgence: Death Beneath the Waves (OGL) PDF

3.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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by Wolfgang Baur

There is no greater frontier of mystery and danger than the crushing black depths of the unforgiving sea. Underwater adventures send heroes into a hostile realm where ichthyoidal alien things prowl the cold currents, and the environs themselves choke off life. Running a game beneath the waves isn’t easy. Thankfully one of the world’s best fantasy game designers offers six pages of pdf packed with a plethora of tips, tricks, rules, and a brand new beastie to pump air into the gills of any GM brave enough to delve the watery deeps.

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3.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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For beginner DMs...


Designed for less experienced DMs, this Pdf gives some advice on how to run underwater adventures.

Ok for the price, but if you (like myself) have run an extended underwater adventure (e.g. the Sahuagin-trilogy in AD&D), you probably won't need it.

My least favourite Indulgence so far.

Good for less experienced DMs...


This PDF nicely goes over some of the pitfalls players will have with underwater adventures. It gives some good ideas to overcome those issues and to get players interested in going into the depths. A few more mechanical or crunch ideas would have allowed me to give this product more stars, but if you are a DM who has run several underwater adventures then this product goes over what you have already learned. Unfortunately it does not give any exceptional new methods to handling all the pitfalls, but the layered idea is pretty nice. At one point the pdf says to not take away all the penalties of underwater adventures and a paragraph later it introduces masterwork armor that has no penalty to swim checks. =( For a buck fifty its a nice document for experienced DMs, but a really good document for less experienced DMs.

Perhaps a touch vague, but mostly awesome and you can't argue with the price


What the title says! A lot of this document is rather like an extended discussion on the standard underwater rules, their implications for characters and how to hook characters into an underwater adventure and make it as cool as possible. Unfortunately this section doesn't expand much on things ruleswise; as another reviewer says, the bends are mentioned but never explained, though I guess "If you surface without Deep Dive or similar protection you die" gives extra incentive to keep the mage alive and functioning and avoid dispels! Two new spells are introduced both of which are good utility spells, and the new monster is great and possibly the best thing in the pdf. So not a perfect product, but at $1.50, well worth the money.

Sinister's Crazy Underwater Baur Adaptation


First of all: A BUCK FIFTY!!

I found this pdf to be a useful supplement to the existing underwater rules, whether it is for an adventure or a few encounters. The monster presented, and it's sample use as a recurring villain, were imaginative. Environmental hazards, combat influences, and ways of overcoming them, were well presented.

My only negative: the hazards of pressure change and "the bends" are discussed, but not detailed in game terms. More crunch here would have been appreciated.

Another positive: the word "whingers" is used in the intro!


Wolfgang Baur teaches us all a little something about drowning.

Sovereign Court

How 3.5 compatable is this going to be? Does it include all the underwater rules from the DMG? And then improvments to those rules plus more useful rules all in the same location, ya know hot water freezing water, hypothermia?


Andrew Phillips wrote:
How 3.5 compatable is this going to be? Does it include all the underwater rules from the DMG? And then improvments to those rules plus more useful rules all in the same location, ya know hot water freezing water, hypothermia?

This is completely 3.5 compatible using the rules in DMG. It includes cool expansions on those rules and excellent advice on running underwater adventures.

Yah, I really liked the idea of simplifying using layers. Major speed up, that one.

Dark Archive

Kruelaid wrote:
Yah, I really liked the idea of simplifying using layers. Major speed up, that one.

Don't you dare sink the Intractable.



Apologies in advance if the Indulgences are putting Sinister thoughts in Kruel's head! :-)

Radavel wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Yah, I really liked the idea of simplifying using layers. Major speed up, that one.
Don't you dare sink the Intractable.

Ummmm. Me? Would I do that?

Radavel wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Yah, I really liked the idea of simplifying using layers. Major speed up, that one.
Don't you dare sink the Intractable.

Report any crueltyies and/or injustices to DM Heathy's Saltmarsh Discussion Thread for his enjoyment, followed by karmic revenge meted out against one Stigwold Maechaemmer, DM Kruely's duly appointed whippingboy.


Jabberjaw th SharkGodAvatar wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Yah, I really liked the idea of simplifying using layers. Major speed up, that one.
Don't you dare sink the Intractable.
Report any crueltyies and/or injustices to DM Heathy's Saltmarsh Discussion Thread for his enjoyment, followed by karmic revenge meted out against one Stigwold Maechaemmer, DM Kruely's duly appointed whippingboy.

You are losing in the polls Sharky!

Dark Archive

Jabberjaw th SharkGodAvatar wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Yah, I really liked the idea of simplifying using layers. Major speed up, that one.
Don't you dare sink the Intractable.
Report any crueltyies and/or injustices to DM Heathy's Saltmarsh Discussion Thread for his enjoyment, followed by karmic revenge meted out against one Stigwold Maechaemmer, DM Kruely's duly appointed whippingboy.

I'd almost given up looking for it but it appears that there is justice in the world. LOL

Dark Archive

Nicolas Logue wrote:

You are losing in the polls Sharky!

I also like the Sharky article.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Jabberjaw th SharkGodAvatar wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Yah, I really liked the idea of simplifying using layers. Major speed up, that one.
Don't you dare sink the Intractable.
Report any crueltyies and/or injustices to DM Heathy's Saltmarsh Discussion Thread for his enjoyment, followed by karmic revenge meted out against one Stigwold Maechaemmer, DM Kruely's duly appointed whippingboy.
You are losing in the polls Sharky!

No rethpect I tell's ya!

I was old when dinosaurs was born, and I outlived them eevolutionary dead ends!

I been around longer than th' cockroach, and I'll outlive them too!

Friggin' krakens.

Dark Archive

Methinks that Sharky has plans of conquering the surface world. "Quickly to the bat cave!"


Radavel wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

You are losing in the polls Sharky!
I also like the Sharky article.

Thanks Radavel!


How many people would be interested in seeing an article on ship to ship, and ship board combat as an Indulgence?

Nicolas Logue wrote:
How many people would be interested in seeing an article on ship to ship, and ship board combat as an Indulgence?

I would be interested! I'd even pay for it!

Sovereign Court

Nicolas Logue wrote:
How many people would be interested in seeing an article on ship to ship, and ship board combat as an Indulgence?

Count me in too!


Blackscorp wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
How many people would be interested in seeing an article on ship to ship, and ship board combat as an Indulgence?

Count me in too!

Sweet! It's looking like it might be a winner.

Dark Archive

Nicolas Logue wrote:
How many people would be interested in seeing an article on ship to ship, and ship board combat as an Indulgence?

Count me in!

Liberty's Edge

Nicolas Logue wrote:
How many people would be interested in seeing an article on ship to ship, and ship board combat as an Indulgence?

Definitely count me in. The Stormwrack rules just really didn't cut it for my group.


Darian Graey wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:
How many people would be interested in seeing an article on ship to ship, and ship board combat as an Indulgence?
Definitely count me in. The Stormwrack rules just really didn't cut it for my group.

Right on Darian! We need more cool rules for sailing the seas!

I'd like to see something about aquatic familiars for wizards and sorcerers. Nicholas Logue mentioned something about an otter who offers a reduced penalty for underwater combat and casting. More thoughts to flesh out this (or other) idea(s)? C'mon- the elven wizard in the party is my wife! If I can't satisfy her, you guys gotta help me out! Waitaminute...
Alternatives to soggy spellbooks would be keen, too! Of course, any suggestions mentioned here would get serious consideration for immediate gameplay in the current running of "Blood Waters," also from Sinister Adventures. Thanks!


Szombulis wrote:

I'd like to see something about aquatic familiars for wizards and sorcerers. Nicholas Logue mentioned something about an otter who offers a reduced penalty for underwater combat and casting. More thoughts to flesh out this (or other) idea(s)? C'mon- the elven wizard in the party is my wife! If I can't satisfy her, you guys gotta help me out! Waitaminute...

Alternatives to soggy spellbooks would be keen, too! Of course, any suggestions mentioned here would get serious consideration for immediate gameplay in the current running of "Blood Waters," also from Sinister Adventures. Thanks!

For the spellbook angle, it might be cool to have some kind of crazy magic critter (like an arcane hermit crab or something shelled like a conch) that when it "breathes" the eddies it creates in the water are the runes of different spells "stored" in it. So the thing just breathes in different ways and shows its caster the spells they want to learn for the day.

Thanks, Nick! I'll suggest that idea tomorrow. We use the weekdays to plan for the next session, so there's always some buzz about what's going on...


Szombulis wrote:
Thanks, Nick! I'll suggest that idea tomorrow. We use the weekdays to plan for the next session, so there's always some buzz about what's going on...

Sweet! Hope its not too weird for your group! Its pretty weird! :-)

Scarab Sages

Szombulis wrote:
C'mon- the elven wizard in the party is my wife! If I can't satisfy her, you guys gotta help me out! Waitaminute...

<raises eyebrow>

<washes round his 'bits'>

<checks breath mints> (very useful for a gorgon...)

<heads for door>

"Oh, you mean help her with her familiar?
Not be familiar?


Nicolas Logue wrote:
Szombulis wrote:

I'd like to see something about aquatic familiars for wizards and sorcerers. Nicholas Logue mentioned something about an otter who offers a reduced penalty for underwater combat and casting. More thoughts to flesh out this (or other) idea(s)? C'mon- the elven wizard in the party is my wife! If I can't satisfy her, you guys gotta help me out! Waitaminute...

Alternatives to soggy spellbooks would be keen, too! Of course, any suggestions mentioned here would get serious consideration for immediate gameplay in the current running of "Blood Waters," also from Sinister Adventures. Thanks!
For the spellbook angle, it might be cool to have some kind of crazy magic critter (like an arcane hermit crab or something shelled like a conch) that when it "breathes" the eddies it creates in the water are the runes of different spells "stored" in it. So the thing just breathes in different ways and shows its caster the spells they want to learn for the day.

Whoa. That's weird. Don't remember writing that - I must have been on Guayaki...


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