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I was just looking at the samples in the blog and I noticed one minor error. The morningstar is actually a picture of a flail.
Hmm. It is looking more and more like the artist went with one of the versions of a morningstar that D&D calls a flail. Unfortunately, this is one of those weapons that has had numerous looks over the years. So while it might not match the current incarnation, it is certainly correct for some era's of the weapon.
Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager

SuperBeast |

I just received my Dragon's Trove cards last night!
I must say that this is an excellent set, probably the best so far. I am not going to list all the cards here, but a can give a little breakdown :
~10 armor cards, highlights include dragon armors and a cool new tower shield
~25 weapon cards, a couple nice long & short swords, a pick, darts
~20 scrolls, all are unique and interesting
~20 potions, all are unique and interesting, although there seems to be a flask theme for some of them
~5 rings, I like these ones a lot!
~5 staffs
~10 wands
~20 miscellaneous items, belt, hat, goblet, box, book, vestments and some other cool stuff. There is a good variety here and most of it are new items.
Now, I just can't wait to get the next set. :-)

Amaril |

Hmmm... 60 cards I don't need out of 110 total.
I might have to pass on this one, especially for a price of $20.
I like the cards and have plenty of them, but I'm in more need of things that aren't consumed and can be reused (i.e. - scrolls, potions, wands, etc.). I need the various things that are more akin to wondrous items than anything else.

Amaril |

The gallery is up at Vincent's site.
Edit: After looking at the items in this deck, I think there are enough items I'd like to have to warrant purchasing this pack. It'll be hard spending $20 on this, but 110 cards for $20 is a better price per card than buying the same quantity as booster packs. I'll just pretend I got the usual distribution of scrolls and potions. :P

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At the risk of sounding obtuse, what is the purpose for these cards? I understand that they have cool artwork, but does it really make managing inventory easier than just writing things down? How are they intended to be used?
I am admittedly biased, but I've been using them in my campaign, and I find that players interact with their items much more, shuffling through their stuff to consider whether something can get them out of a tight spot. When a new card hits the table, people get a little more excited about it. Since expended items are returned to me, I am certain that everyone is being equally diligent about their bookkeeping.
Trading items from one player to another is much, much easier. The players' eyes light up when they get them.
I no longer use the identify spell as written in my campaign, but when I did I could give the players a card with nothing written on it, and let them fill in the details as they learned them.
Like I said, I'm biased, but that's my point of view.

Disenchanter |

At the risk of sounding obtuse, what is the purpose for these cards? I understand that they have cool artwork, but does it really make managing inventory easier than just writing things down? How are they intended to be used?
I'll add a little less biased opinion to Erik Mona's post.
For some people, the cards do make it much easier to handle inventory.
I know my group has a habit of being forgetful / lazy / disinterested / whatever enough to not mark down certain things. Then the next session (or worse) down the road, we all try to remember who got what.
These would make that a little easier. Assuming of course, people remember to bring them.
Although I sound like we have used them, the truth is we haven't yet. Primarily due to the fact that I need to purchase more of them to help showcase them to the group. I just know what my group is like when it comes to keeping track of things.
If you are a person that loves tracking things on paper, they probably aren't for you.
But I think there is a great deal of interest in these little gems.

Kelvar Silvermace2 |

Kelvar Silvermace wrote:At the risk of sounding obtuse, what is the purpose for these cards? I understand that they have cool artwork, but does it really make managing inventory easier than just writing things down? How are they intended to be used?I am admittedly biased, but I've been using them in my campaign, and I find that players interact with their items much more, shuffling through their stuff to consider whether something can get them out of a tight spot. When a new card hits the table, people get a little more excited about it. Since expended items are returned to me, I am certain that everyone is being equally diligent about their bookkeeping.
Trading items from one player to another is much, much easier. The players' eyes light up when they get them.
I no longer use the identify spell as written in my campaign, but when I did I could give the players a card with nothing written on it, and let them fill in the details as they learned them.
Like I said, I'm biased, but that's my point of view.
Darnit. Now I've got to get a pack or two and try them out for myself.
*shakes fist*:-)

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This is an amazing set! It provides some great variety on common things and adds some much needed new ones...
Which beings me to my point. I really hate to say this, but I wish there were Dragon's Trove boosters. I want a second Pistol, Kukri and a couple other items.
Otherwise, these cards are great!!!

Amaril |

This is an amazing set! It provides some great variety on common things and adds some much needed new ones...
Which beings me to my point. I really hate to say this, but I wish there were Dragon's Trove boosters. I want a second Pistol, Kukri and a couple other items.
Otherwise, these cards are great!!!
I've made this point before, but I'm not reluctant to make it again. I honestly think that selling both complete sets of a series as well as boosters for those series would honestly do well. The reasons for the disapproval of the previous booster sets was for two distinct reasons.
1. Some of the cards in Hero's Hoard are already available in Item Pack One while others are only available from the boosters. If Item Pack One included all of Hero's Hoard and Hero's Hoard were marketed as boosters of the same cards, then consumers could obtain a complete set as as a starter and purchase incremental boosters in manageable and affordable quantities to add to the collection without equivalent multiples of cards they didn't need.
2. Relics of War is only available as boosters, which makes acquiring that one particular card somewhat costly, let alone multiples of that one card. If it were available as a complete set with additional, optional boosters, that would satisfy both desires.
I also have issue with the inclusion of numerous potions, scrolls, wands, staffs, and rods in the newer sets. I have plenty of these, and they aren't going anywhere. If I need more potions, I can purchase a booster of Hero's Hoard rather than deal with overstocking on potions by purchasing Relics of War or Dragon's Trove. I could see an argument that one might not want to purchase tons of Hero's Hoard cards, but those who have already purchased Hero's Hoard cards already have enough potions and probably don't need more, and those who haven't could benefit from a few of those boosters.
In all honesty, these cards aren't really about the artwork to my players and me. They don't care what a potion, scroll, wand, or shield, or any other item looks like as long as the card is labeled. Occasionally, they might want a pair of boots that look appropriate for their function, but that's understandable. When it comes to the disposable, single-use items, they don't really care. To include these type of items in the new sets is unnecessary in my opinion.
One last comment, I swear! Adventure Gear is cool. They like tracking the mundane equipment, as do I. However, it's relatively expensive and I end up with excessive amounts of cards that will most likely never be used. To accommodate backpacks for all of my players, I need to spend $50, but then I'm left with multiples of a bunch of items from Adventure Gear that are sitting in a box never to be used.
With all of that said, I love these cards and my players do, too. I'm just frustrated with the excessive quantity of reusable cards for single-use items.
I like a lot of the items in the list for Dragon's Trove, but $20 is a hefty price. I equate it to the cost of a new D&D supplement from Amazon. It will be a while before I can justify the $20 for Dragon's Trove. Booster packs are more affordable, but with the inclusion of so many scrolls int he whole set and the convention of including more scrolls and potions than other items from that set in a booster, I would be reluctant to purchase that as well. In the meantime, I'll be checking out similar PDF products from Talisman Studios.

Derek Poppink |

~10 armor cards, highlights include dragon armors and a cool new tower shield
~25 weapon cards, a couple nice long & short swords, a pick, darts
~20 scrolls, all are unique and interesting
~20 potions, all are unique and interesting, although there seems to be a flask theme for some of them
~5 rings, I like these ones a lot!
~5 staffs
~10 wands
~20 miscellaneous items, belt, hat, goblet, box, book, vestments and some other cool stuff. There is a good variety here and most of it are new items.
These numbers are a little bit off
13 Armors (including shields)
22 Weapons
11 Potions (as opposed to 18 in Hero's Hoard and Relics of War)
5 Rings
10 Scrolls
2 Rods
4 Staves
10 Wands
33 Wondrous Items (up from 23 in Relics of War)
The distribution change from Potions to Wondrous Items is awesome. The artwork is also great. Thanks, Vincent and Paizo!

Bryan Blaire |

Any chance of getting preview pics on 3 or 4 of these? Just wondering...
Hayseed, if you look at the Dragon's Trove gallery link above, it shows almost all (if not all) the items in one picture.
If you need the link again: Dragon's Trove Gallery

Kata. the ..... |

I own nearly all the Paizo Treasure and Supply decks. So, I think I now have moved to the level of asking what I really need. A real treasure deck (no magic items needed). I need a lot of gems, tapestries, artwork, idols, statuettes and other items. I use 3x5 cards for most of these items, but my players would appreciate getting cards that accomplish the same thing.

Kata. the ..... |

I think the Paizonians just announced what you're asking for: Wondrous Treasure
I guess what they say is true "Absinth makes the heart grow stronger". But, February, that is so long from now.

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What is the best way to write down item names and or descriptions on these cards without defacing the actual card?
Laminating seems a bit price prohibitive...
So I am guessing using the card protector sleeves would be the best way to proctect them. but what is the best way to write on the sleeves?
Is there another obvious method I am missing?
I don't suppose these cards work like the game mastery flip mats in regards to markers?
Guess I should have asked these questions when I was at the GenCon booth... DOH!!!

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What is the best way to write down item names and or descriptions on these cards without defacing the actual card?
Laminating seems a bit price prohibitive...
So I am guessing using the card protector sleeves would be the best way to proctect them. but what is the best way to write on the sleeves?
We've found light pencil erases nicely. If you're using sleeves, you might as well just sleeve up a slip of paper (or small sticky note) along with the card.

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You could scan them into your computer and print them as needed and write whatever you want on the back. That is what I did when I did not have enough cards to give out when there was only one set. I have since scanned all of the cards. This way I can hand the cards out to my players and don't have to worry about them losing them or spilling drinks on them (this has happened several times in the past year). My players can keep them as long as they need. This method is especially useful when keeping track of charges on wands and staffs.

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Lots of scrolls...lots of potions...lots of wands...oh hey look a pistol! Wait, would the pistol card have the damage stats on the back, or would we have to dig out the pistol from the DM's guide? And why isn't there an ammo card to go with it?
None of these cards have stats, so you can use them with any system you like.
I'm sure ammo will turn up someday.

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*looks through gallery*
not bad, I might get this at some point, but seeing as I am getting Wondrous Treasures, some of my cards might double up. I'm not sure whether this is a good or a bad thing...
Each set contains unique cards. So the titles may be the same, but the artwork will be different.

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What, so no two cards are the same between decks?
one of the Decks was reprints..
Essentials Deck was a reprint of some of the Relics of War, Hero's Hoard and Item Pack One