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Pirate wrote:


This rule does exist.


Immediate Actions wrote:

Using an immediate action on your turn is the same as using a swift action and counts as your swift action for that turn. You cannot use another immediate action or a swift action until after your next turn if you have used an immediate action when it is not currently your turn (effectively, using an immediate action before your turn is equivalent to using your swift action for the coming turn). You also cannot use an immediate action if you are flat-footed.

This is also found on page 189 of the CRB.


I meant the part where it eats your next turns swift action. it only does so if you use up an immediate action out of turn.

Changed your bolding to the part I was talking about, it does not always take away a swift action on your next turn.

But yes, you are right about the original bolding...

I'm not aware of such a rule and I never played earlier than pathfinder. Sounds like an artefact...

Cure Light Wounds Wand, play a character with Use Magical Device as a class skill. Done.

Never dug the LotR, I've tried several times to finish Two Towers and it never happens. I can read about 150 pages an hour, so when I feel something is taking too long, it's kind of a problem.

I love Tolkien himself though and I point out a quote in his "official" autobiography (bundled with the box set for a while.)

Writer: "people say you suck as a writer, what's up with that?"
The Man: "well I'm not really a writer, I'm a historian of a fictional world."

So yeah, when the author himself admits he sucks at writing, I'll take his word for it. I will happily stipulate he changed the world we live in with his books, but I'm not going to say I like his style.

Although kudos to you if you can wade through it and enjoy it, never let it be said an opinion about what's entertaining is wrong!

I read those too. They were oddly fun how the game world became aware of the players and starting agitating to keep the gameworld going when some of the players got disturbed by the fact that their game might be real.

SwnyNerdgasm wrote:
Run a prologue adventure where the players are all handed pre generated sheets, then have what ever your BBEG is going to be, hunt down these people and slaughter them. Then tell the players to grab their sheets and start the real adventure.

Be very careful with this, one time I was convinced to run a one shot hunter game and I told everyone to make two characters and I was going to kill the first set in the first scene and have the second characters get a vision of that scene and the game would be search and destroy after that.

Everyone took it as a personal challenge and spent all their time making unkillable characters. Feelings were hurt when I killed them all anyways...

(My plan was that the villains of that game were the PCs (ratkin) from my ongoing game at the time and if the players succeeded in killing their own characters, next session THEY going to wake up with a vision of the one shot game and running a quick side session of taking out the PCs of the one shot)

Since it took them a long time to convince me to run this one shot, a decade later people still talk about how they won't play a game I run when I'm not in the mood to run a game. They thought I was "punishing" them when really I didn't have any good ideas till I thought of that and I was disappointed we didn't actually continue past the first scene...

(sorry for the white wolfy nature of the post, but that's a majority of the games I ran)

Wow guys thanks, nobody replied after the first day so I figured it was an endless quest of ticking off combinations...

I'm playing with the point buy calculator now. I thought of the list cuz I get obsessive and want to see all the possible variations. I spend a few hours juggling like three stats before I'm satisfied lol.

What it says on the tin, my googlefu is weak or it doesn't exist.

I'm just wondering, I drew up like 15 possibilities but I'm sure there are more. I tend to never be happy with my ability scores, feeling like I'm missing something, so I figure from now on I'll just use a master list like I'm working on building now...

Only if the lower tier players care should you even bother worrying about it. I play with two optimizers and unless it's going to be a hardcore campaign I generally don't ask for help since I'm a lateral thinker and generally end up saving every one through not die rolling but actually being genre savvy and cutting sideways through the plotline.

Really the arguments we had for a while were them demanding I optimize and me refusing since I wanted to try something entirely suboptimal. In the end after a few sessions I got it out of my system and did what they wanted since it turned out they were right lol...

(basically we were playing Exalted and I was running an Ess 1 Infernal with only excellencies. If you never played that game, trust me, it's the stupidest idea I've ever had for a character lol)

But normally I stand my ground if someone complains "I'm doing it wrong" if I'm having fun, who cares? The one time I truly was dragging the party down, I admitted it and changed my guy. From experience asking an optimizer not to optimize is a bad plan since usually the suboptimal will be willing to upgrade, and if not, as long as they are having fun and okay with not being the best at what they do, it shouldn't be a concern.

Level three Time Thief

Gives them nine motes in their pool, pick Old Wounds as their talent so if they make a mess of their HP they can fix it. Otherwise they get to add bonuses to their rolls when they aren't up to snuff.

An 7 Int gives them 4 ranks a level, max out Perception, Stealth, Sense Motive and Acrobatics each time.

Great Fortitude and Weapon Focus (their weapon here) as feats.
Either Toughness or Alertness as the human feat. Give them some choice I guess...
(also it would depend on which array was used below)

14 Str 13
14 Dex 17
13 Con 11
7 Int 7
13 Wis 10
14 Cha 12

Depending on the game I planned on running would dictate which set of stats I would use, and which stat I would put my +2.

For equipment, a +1 weapon and a +2 Leaf Armor, boring but whatever it works.

As for advantages, the thief is a fifth member, so I would be using it as something that can let the player discover how things work without having to worry about the rest of the party and has a lot of decent "ooops I messed up" options.

(can cover as the rogue, but not being allowed to be a skill monkey ruins that, if needed to cover I would use the second column but reduce the Dex and Con by one to raise Int and take trapfinder as the temporal talent the extra skills would go into Disable Device and Bluff, the extra feat would be Alertness)

But really I'm just obsessing over the time thief right now, so that's probably why I'm pushing it.

Switch Hitting Ranger and Staff Magus are the two Classes I got my noobs playing now.

They didn't like Time Thief...

Bit of an old school pop reference, I promise I'm not old enough to remember this, but combine Archie and Edith Bunker. Both were dumb, one was abrasive, the other wise as hell...

Oooo, thanks guys, I'll take a look at the Dragon thingy.

I'm hoping to make a casty/trip/archer, but I'm sure that's not possible lol.

So I'm playing a bard and I was thinking of taking a level of Alchemist for the mutagen and then I got to thinking of what I could do if I did more than a dip. I'm really new to PF so I was looking for help.

Group Info: five players with three rotating GMs, three of us have been playing nonD20 games for over a decade (two of us played AD&D back in the day,) and the two others have never played any roleplaying games. We have a Wizard, a Rogue (with an Urban Barbarian dip,) a Magus, a Paladin, and I'm playing the Bard. My guy was built with support in mind figuring that that would be able to help the two noobs the best and cover any weaknesses we have. We all just hit three, but I'm allowed one remake of my char so I can go back and change it if I want to just go Alchemist now rather than waiting for 4.

Here's my horrible nonop stats:

Human Bard 3
25 pt buy
Str 15
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 18*
Wis 10
Cha 13

*racial +2 went here

Extra Performance
Arcane Strike
Harmonic Spell

Versatile Performance: Oratory, Acting is next

I thought of the Alchemist since I was thinking of going for a one level dip and that would make my incredibly high for a bard INT useful, I can't think of any other class that is based around Int which would also give me a +4 to STR or DEX. Originally we didn't have the Rogue or the Magus in the group so I was thinking I would end up being the skill monkey, now it's not so important but I just really like the idea of knowing every language since it seems like every session we need someone who speaks a new different language anyways...

At first I was just going for a 1 level dip since I wanted a boost to my Str or Dex depending on the situation (mainly STR I do a lot of tripping) but then I thought I might want to pick up a second level for Infusion so I could make 3 Enlarge Persons, give the other two to the Pally and Magus and we would have a fun time hitting people embiggened.

But then I thought that maybe I could go for a Bard 11 Alchemist 9 route, killing my BAB but giving me wings, a thought that made me really happy, although I'd lose 2 on my Inspire Courage buff, which is why I was kinda playing the character anyways...
I have three levels I can play with before I hurt my Inspire Courage, although I would like to get that last Versatile Performance at 18, it's not super important, taking three levels of Alchemist would get me more formulae and some more bomb damage.

If I did go Alchemist 9 I was looking at the following Discoveries:
Wings 6
Precision Bombs
Explosive Missile 4

So yeah, do you have any advice? If it's "don't do it" at least give me a reason, since I was playing a suboptimal bard anyway, I am worried about killing my BAB doing this and getting stuck doing just casting and since I would also be killing my caster levels, I may just end up being incredibly not useful for anything other than giving a +2 morale bonus which would kinda suck I suppose.

Any other dip advice? I'm just looking to be better at what it is I want to do, which is just be useful really.

Also, advice on ability changes is appreciated, but I flat out won't go below 10, ability based negatives to die pools make my head hurt. Thanks in advance...

(oh anything from the SRD is fair game, and only that I'm afraid)

I houseruled that you can grapple someone two size categories bigger than you but you can't do anything other than throw them or keep grappling and try to apply damage...

I used the brain gear and related clockwork parasites from the SRD in an Eb game I ran recently set on a train. Freaked the players out that everyone who died came back as "zombies" who weren't effected by channeling positive energy...

It is third party material I believe. I ruled they were banned magitech that predated warforged.

Since I tend to play games with my friends as DM I would certainly let him get over the wall if it was all in the same round, no biggie, my NPC gets to make a new action too since it was predicated on him not making it over the wall...

As DM I just want to make a good story and if it isn't too disruptive then hell ya rewind that stuff, if it's too long well then sucks to be you bud. Like say two or three rounds later.

As a player I usually remember something and if it's right after my action I may ask to redo my action, but most times I just say, oh crap, and move on with life. Hopefully I remember it next time...

I'm posting this here instead of the other thread since it seems more pertinent to this discussion.

I used to play ADnD until about 1998 or so when I left it for other, easier systems. Earlier this year we started playing M&M which got some of us jonesing for the D20 system and all the great settings we left behind. After researching the differences between 4.0 and Pathfinder, we went with Pathfinder (mainly due to our most vocal player constantly calling 4.0 an attempt at creating an MMO tabletop for 12 year olds, no offense to any who enjoy 4.0 but there it is.)

We have two CRBs that we bought. After playing three sessions we don't even crack them open anymore since I can find anything on the online SRD way quicker than they can and it's all about the search function. Rules may be buried but I can open up three tabs to all the different sections I need and it's done.

I HATE using pdfs and reading things online in a computer, but honestly since the CRB is such a clusterfudge really we have no choice since we've only been playing about three weeks and really don't have rules mastery under our belt.

I would love a more usable format for these rules in dead tree format.