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What it says on the tin, my googlefu is weak or it doesn't exist.

I'm just wondering, I drew up like 15 possibilities but I'm sure there are more. I tend to never be happy with my ability scores, feeling like I'm missing something, so I figure from now on I'll just use a master list like I'm working on building now...

So I'm playing a bard and I was thinking of taking a level of Alchemist for the mutagen and then I got to thinking of what I could do if I did more than a dip. I'm really new to PF so I was looking for help.

Group Info: five players with three rotating GMs, three of us have been playing nonD20 games for over a decade (two of us played AD&D back in the day,) and the two others have never played any roleplaying games. We have a Wizard, a Rogue (with an Urban Barbarian dip,) a Magus, a Paladin, and I'm playing the Bard. My guy was built with support in mind figuring that that would be able to help the two noobs the best and cover any weaknesses we have. We all just hit three, but I'm allowed one remake of my char so I can go back and change it if I want to just go Alchemist now rather than waiting for 4.

Here's my horrible nonop stats:

Human Bard 3
25 pt buy
Str 15
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 18*
Wis 10
Cha 13

*racial +2 went here

Extra Performance
Arcane Strike
Harmonic Spell

Versatile Performance: Oratory, Acting is next

I thought of the Alchemist since I was thinking of going for a one level dip and that would make my incredibly high for a bard INT useful, I can't think of any other class that is based around Int which would also give me a +4 to STR or DEX. Originally we didn't have the Rogue or the Magus in the group so I was thinking I would end up being the skill monkey, now it's not so important but I just really like the idea of knowing every language since it seems like every session we need someone who speaks a new different language anyways...

At first I was just going for a 1 level dip since I wanted a boost to my Str or Dex depending on the situation (mainly STR I do a lot of tripping) but then I thought I might want to pick up a second level for Infusion so I could make 3 Enlarge Persons, give the other two to the Pally and Magus and we would have a fun time hitting people embiggened.

But then I thought that maybe I could go for a Bard 11 Alchemist 9 route, killing my BAB but giving me wings, a thought that made me really happy, although I'd lose 2 on my Inspire Courage buff, which is why I was kinda playing the character anyways...
I have three levels I can play with before I hurt my Inspire Courage, although I would like to get that last Versatile Performance at 18, it's not super important, taking three levels of Alchemist would get me more formulae and some more bomb damage.

If I did go Alchemist 9 I was looking at the following Discoveries:
Wings 6
Precision Bombs
Explosive Missile 4

So yeah, do you have any advice? If it's "don't do it" at least give me a reason, since I was playing a suboptimal bard anyway, I am worried about killing my BAB doing this and getting stuck doing just casting and since I would also be killing my caster levels, I may just end up being incredibly not useful for anything other than giving a +2 morale bonus which would kinda suck I suppose.

Any other dip advice? I'm just looking to be better at what it is I want to do, which is just be useful really.

Also, advice on ability changes is appreciated, but I flat out won't go below 10, ability based negatives to die pools make my head hurt. Thanks in advance...

(oh anything from the SRD is fair game, and only that I'm afraid)