
xiloscient's page

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I was wondering if there is some sort of spell that can summon a companion. For instanct:
Your a high level caster and you need you friend by you side immediatly, but you do not wish to teleport there and back to get him. You cast a spell that just teleports him to you?
Is there such a spell, if not what level do you think it should be, and of course there would be a will save. . .alittle help would do wonders! Thanks!!

Hey guys thanks for all you help! The problems I have with multi classing have been brought up save one: my DM says anylevel after 19 must be gained by doing a "Legendary" quest. . .im trying to pitch the idea that it shouldnt take a legendary event to take a frist level in anything. . .but if he stick to his guns i cant bring my slef to spend all this time, power, effort, thought, etc. for a first level wizard class!know what i mean? . . . . . .

Hey guys, I'm level 20 ranger and i was wondering if you guys think its think it worth multiclassing now or not???

I don't know if this will help, but my original DM has made a rule that i use in my games. I do not know if this is a change or a rule he kept form when DnD was still in magazines...but...In my dungeons a creature does not always die when -10 is reached. I believe every person/creature has a different ability to "hang on" to that last strand of life. Therefore: a creature does not die in my dungeons until his negative HP are greater than the specific creatures CON (after all mods).
So if it were to be my dungeon the dervish fighter would still be alive if his CON is 11 or higher.

PC's Name: Vincent Von Drake: Lord of Lies + Rand + Moonbrooke
Race: Half-Elf + Gnome + Elf
Class: Fighter + Ranger + Wizard
Level: 11 + 10 + 6
Circumstances of Death: An evil, powerful sorcerer who takes form of a powerful sword on the prime material plane was destroyed while in sword form, and in one last breath cast Wail of the Banshee.....no one made their save......
Setting: Custom made dungeon

Just need some quick help:
What are the requirements for becoming a spellsword?? My book is miles away from me...

Just wondering. . .what books are the classes Abjurant Champion and Eldritch Knight in??? Thanks guys!

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Haun wrote:

I know, I know, I know I just made one but I was thinking of making a healer thats got a full BAB and is awsome at shotting arrows and can maybe heal his people with the arrows...... How? Can it be done? I honestly have no clue were to begin...

So I come to you...

By the books, there is no way. I'd suggest playing a paladin (if you really want that full BAB) and asking your DM to come up with some Healing Arrow spells.

Hey Tequila,

I was thinking of something for Haun that would work. . .maybe. . .

I was thinking of a bow with spell storing..he could cast healing spells into it and when he wanted to heal a compainion he could shot a premade blunt arrow from afar. Do you think that would work???


Daigle wrote:

In addition to Aubrey's post, thrown ranged weapons have a maximum distance of five range increments and projectile weapons have a maximum of ten. You can only throw a dagger at a target no more than 50' away, normally.

Also regarding your question on Point Blank Shot, any ranged attack can benefit from this feat even ray type spells that are delivered within 30'.

If you read the feat description you will notice it specifically says "You are skilled at making well-placed shots with RANGED WEAPONS at close range."

Ray type spells will NOT gain the benefit of this feat because it is not a weapon, it is a spell. This feat was written with the intention of giving the character knowledge of how to find the most effective spot to shoot an enemy within the 30' space, spells do not need to hit a specific spot on an enemies body to do damage therefore get no bonuses.

I have another problem for my fellow DnDers. . .I am a DM for and Evil group. Now most people wouldn't see that as a problem, but I have come to some what of a dead end. I find it extremely hard to find reasons for them to want to adventure in my dungeon; I find it very hard to find drive in a chaotic evil character. Now, I know personal gain is an easy way to define this type of character, so what adventure would they seek out on, and further more how can I create a chain within all adventures to make the experience fun and interesting for my players? My players are so evil they are beginning to not listen to the NPC's! For example (keep in mind this is one example of their everyday activities) they asked a shop keeper a question and since he didn't know the answer they killed him, I know that is what an evil character should do in some cases but how do I counter it?!?!?

Hoping you understood all of my babbling please help!? I am in a bit of a fix and I very much want to make every second of my dungeon fun, interesting, and challenging for my players!

Hey guys, thanks soooo much for all your imput. I've decided to go with Divine Trickster-no devotion-domains luck and trickery. Thanks for all the info and thanks to FH for posting this character class!

If your DM will allow it, go with the Divine Trickster for a prestige class, basically same thing as an Arcane Trickster but with a cleric/rogue instead. You would be able to do the stealth thing, heal yourself, and gain access to alot of good buff spells.
*really read the whole class before you make a decision, I think it is perfect for your sitch*

Hey FH,

Thanks for the recomendation, I read over both Arcane Trickster and Divine Trickster and I think Divine Trickster is the way I want to go with this character. I know I'm going to go with the Luck domain but I'm not sure about the other. I'm thinking Knowledge. . .it seems to help with thieveing and finding the correct path. . .or maybe Trickery because the spells it give will help with sneaking around town, getting places I need to be through the disguise and invisibility spells. . .or Healing so I can heal myself. So if you can give me some advice as for the best possible choice I would really appreciate it. Thanks again FH


Haun wrote:
As the DM I would like to say (to help my player with ideas and ideas from you guys) that there is going to be action, sneaky things that kill at night, and undead, cults, murder, blackmail, and things I couldnt say as to not give it away all over the place so this character could do many a thing and like I said before Xilo you can be anything from any book as long as I ok it. Do you think I should write Xlio story on the boards here?

Hey friend, I think I'm going to go with Divine Trickster. . .but with no diety just devoting myself to a cause. My domain is going to be Luck for one, I'm not 100% sure about the other one. . .reading up though. Anysort 300 comes out this friday, so you go to go or no?

Hey everyone thanks so much for you help. . .like I said to FH this is a solo mission. . .so if you recommendations change please let me know! Thanks again everyone!

Hey FH, I think I forgot one important piece of info. . .my rouge is on a solo mission, so I don't have a group to be effective for, just myslef : (. But I do like the arcane trickster route, I've just heard so negatvie things about it, I was thinking about it though. So with that being said, I think I'm going to start on the track to arcane trickster with a socerer level next.

If you have anymore advice PLEASE share!!!!

Thanks for your help

Okay so this is my first post, my friend loves these chats so I figured I would give it a try.
I should start by saying I'm slightly against multiclassing (this being the main reason I want to try it). I only have one other character: Xiloscient (Lvl 19, so to be 20, High Eldarin Ranger). I've been playing for about 3 years and I've had one "multiclasser" in my playing group and none in the group I DM. The player who multicalssed is a 8th lvl fighter and a 11th level wizard and he does not contribute much to the group (this could be why I'm against multiclassing). In any sort the character in need of help is my rouge. I started as a rouge and took my second level in fighting, I hope that wasn't a mistake but I did it for the hit points and the bonus feat. I'm thinking about heading back to rouge at lvl 3 but am not sure how wise that will be for future building.
So I want the character to be sneaky assasin type but can hold his own in a fight. But mainly I want it to be fun and let me know the benefits of multiclassing. I have access to a good amount of books so throw any ideas you can at me. . .please please help!!!!!

Okay, very easy in my case. I've been playing for about 3 years with my elven-ranger, Xiloscient. I've dabbed in other races, classes and so forth, but I always can't stand being away from my ranger. Multiple reasons: I love all the abilities (3.0/3.5 mix rules; more so 3.5), I love the facts that I can slam the crap out of an idiotic orge, or a powerfull wizard WHILE doing some light healing on companions, I love the forest and how a ranger would worship/survive/assist nature, but I think most of all I LOVE how I can be very sneaky!!!!!

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