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It would be great to get clarification...seems dumb that through the boon you can get proficiency in a weapon but can't commission a weaponsmith to make you another copy of said weapon...its not like the weapon is a one of a kind...orcs in the world are currently using them. I would even accept that you need to purchase the weapon from the scenario first so you have something for the smith to copy. But then thats just logic talking and likely doesn't go with the intent which is to make the PC's purchase a specific weapon with an enchantment that very few people would choose...good way to burn through gold and ensure you don't see any keen versions of the axe until higher levels ![]()
are their any specific game mechanics for a "holdout" pistol. I recently played a scenario which gave the option to purchase one...couldn't find it in the core rulebook. the only reference to a "holdout" pistol was in First Contact...which was for a variant of the weapon...was unhelpful. With the name it sounds like it should have some modifiers for a slight of hand check for it to be hidden on a character. can anyone help me find a reference ![]()
Nefreet wrote:
I do think it applies...I am just not confident it will be answered. With the number of questions out there being asked and the limited number of staff answering the questions...the chances of them getting around to answering this question before my character is created and played to retirement is sadly slim. ![]()
Ragoz wrote: This is honestly just one of those situtions where no answer will be given because it is obvious with no need to be addressed. Yeah so obvious...that's why there are multiple threads discussing it and only a few obscure other clarifications from other classes to cross reference against. Though I do agree it is unlikely there will be any official ruling. ![]()
savokk wrote: While I can't give you an official ruling, I just have a thought. If you can use other classes spells through the gun, is there any reason to not change to another class? By only taking one level of wizard (spellslinger) then going full sorcerer, you can dump Int and regain access to cantrips and all opposition schools. That was my intent...to dip into spellslinger and then switch to a different spellcasting class. Though it feels like it was intended to not work that way ![]()
Greetings all, I recently gained access to the Spellslinger wizard archetype via a boon at a convention. I have been surfing the FAQ, clarifications, erratas and messageboards for clear guidance regarding the interaction of spells from other classes working with the Arcane gun. It seems the general consensus is you can use spells from other classes and cast them through the gun. such as taking one level in spellslinger and then multiclassing into say sorcerer and casting your sorcerer spells through the gun in addition to being able to cast spells from the spellslinger class. All of the arguments for being able to do this hinge on the very specific writing of the archetype wherein it states "A spellslinger can cast any ranged touch attack, cone, line, or ray spells through his arcane gun." the specific emphasis being on the word Any. Though i can appreciate individual interpretations and dialogue, If i could get an official ruling and not just mob opinion I would truly appreciate it. I want to be able to run this character but also want to adhere to the rules. I hate doing the whole RAW vs RAI arguments and just want clarification regardless of whether it benefits me or not. thanks ![]()
I think the interpretation is wrong. I see this feat as saying it provides one team work feat to her allies, as a bonus feat, as a standard action. Meaning your allies receive one of your teamwork feats as a bonus feat to them. But you can only share one of your feats at a time and not different team work feats you possess to different party members ![]()
here is a question from my son
the chronicle sheet states you can continue to play the character after the playtest is complete. the only mention of the Single class restriction i can find seems to only apply to getting the 3 line, 6 line, or 9 line benefits. So does a character have the ability to continue using the occult guide or just the one specific class which was played during the playtest? ![]()
Diminuendo wrote: Can you get that without using a trait? link? I want it. HOLY SYMBOL, TATTOO Price 100 gp; Weight —In some religions, you are allowed to tattoo or brand your deity's holy symbol onto your skin (typically the palm, back of the hand, or forearm) in a special ceremony. Thereafter, it functions like an actual holy symbol of your faith, and you may use it as a divine focus for spellcasting, channeling energy, and so on. The tattoo must be fully visible to use it in this way (it cannot be covered with a glove, gauntlet, or any other material). The listed price includes the cost of a simple brand or non-fading black tattoo; add appropriate tattoo costs if you want something more elaborate. Specifically damaging or erasing the tattoo or brand negates its use as an actual holy symbol. its listed under gear in Ultimate Equipment ![]()
I certainly hope the rest of season 6 isn't as brutal as this scenario was...played this last weekend at Dragoncon. we had a couple of veteran players and three players new to PFS. one was sitting in his first PFS game...needless to say the scenario was exceptionally difficult. our highest level character (level 3)was killed before he even got off a shot at the first creature we faced...in that same encounter two other members of our party were put down into negative digits and a animal companion was killed. The whole scenario was written like it was Bonekeep...not a 1-5. Sadly i think this scenario might have soured atleast one of the new players to not play any more PFS in the future. our table was playing the low tier...unless our GM was completely screwing us over...the encounters were not tier appropriate at all...it felt more like a 7-11. When I sit down at a 1-5...I expect it to be somewhat lighthearted...maybe some puzzles, knowledge checks, or diplomacy...and a couple of hack and slash encounters where unless you do something crazy or have horrible luck...the worst you can expect is maybe one teammate unconscious. If this continues i may just forego the rest of season 6. ![]()
Can I get some clarification? Are there specific requirements for utilizing the feats, equipment, and spells listed in the additional resources..ie...do you have to be part of the cheliax faction to use the feats and equipment from the cheliax book....or do you have to be a gnome to buy a ripsaw glaive? This question has the core assumption that the person legally owns the additional resource and brings it with them to the game, and the feats and equipment are designated as legal for PFS play...my question is specific to what types of characters can use each of the feats and equipment. ![]()
Has there been an official ruling for Cavalier mounts taking archetypes from animal archive?...i know there was some talk about the charger archetype...but what about the others? I am specifically interested in the bodyguard archetype...last news i saw was it was being thought about...but that was back in March. ![]()
i fail to see how swapping out a level of fighter for a level of swashbuckler...and actually using the new playtest classes is exploiting the system. if the intent is to see if we would use the new classes and how they hold against what we are already using...then i personally feel we are following the intent. ![]()
Just wondering when we will get some guidance for retraining old class levels using the new classes that came out yesterday. If we can swap out classes...then my question is specifically how the class synergy will be for them...ie if i have a level of fighter and want to swap it out for swashbuckler...can i? ![]()
the skill sense motive only has three options listed: hunch, sense enchantment, and discern secret message. the snake style feat does not say there is now a forth option it simply says make a sense motive check. of the three options available within the sense motive subtypes hunch makes the most sense as it talks about gut instincts. ![]()
looking for official PFS guidance on the Spoiler: faerie dragon:riddywhipple that was granted via chronical sheet (not looking for educated guesses from the peanut gallery ;)) 1. Can the faerie dragon be upgraded/modified by animal archive? 2. since on the chronical sheet it doesn't say "limit 1" does this mean that if riddywhipple dies you can pay the cost to get another faerie dragon? 3. do any of the special abilities increase as the faerie dragon increases in HD. ie does his greater invisibility last for 3 rounds or = to number of HD of wizard?, does the faerie dragon's spell resistance increase with HD of wizard or does it remain at 13 until the wizard grants it spell resistance at level 11?, does DC of breath weapon increase with HD? 4. Have there been any other official rulings regarding the afore mentioned faerie dragon? don't want to be blindsided or questioned regarding legality and find out i am unknowingly breaking a rule.
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