waytoomuchcoffee's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 54 posts (118 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.
Well this was my first NeonCon and I had a blast. I will definitely try to attend again next year. Yes, there were some problems with registration, but I gave my feedback there rather than on the boards. I had three slots where my game disappeared, but you can't run a mod if hasn't been released. In any case it was easy enough to find another table to join. In one case we lost our GM at the last minute, but luckily Issak jumped in and ran a really fun mod.
Since I love to start new characters, I played at the 1-2 tables most of the con and met some brand-new PFS players. They seemed psyched and were happily figuring out how they were going to build their characters, so I assume they are going to continue with PFS. My table for the special had three pregens, and they all kicked ass and had a great time (as did I). The only thing I was disappointed about was that the new people didn't have a chance to get any special certs as there didn't seem to be any; not sure what happened there. However people were very excited about the Con Bucks.
Lastly, there was some really great GMing at my tables - it inspired me so much that I am thinking of moving from a casual player to a casual player that occasionally GMs.
So curious about this Con, but can't find much info on how registration works on their website. Will PFS games be on Warhorn, or with tickets to slots like at Gencon? Or something else entirely?
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
If a skill does not have any relevant tools, then there are no masterwork tools to buy. In addition to UMD, I would rule that the following would not have tools, masterwork or not: Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive.
Sure about that? Check out this link. Especially the post by Jason Bulmahn, where he states "I think that you can come up with a masterwork tool for every skill, if you give it some thought. Here are some examples I came up with on the fly..."
Preparing your gnome's practical jokes beforehand saves a lot of time during play. Also, don't forget the fun things in Adventurer's Armory.
Itching Powder, Marker Dye (if you put it on a PC while asleep you can turn their skin bright green, and they can't wash it off for 3 days!), Beast Lure on clothing (for example, Beast Lure - Mosquitoes, or Beast Lure - Weasels coated on someone's underwear).
I don't think so. A weapon that reverted back to non-masterwork status, would no longer qualify for the enhancements applied to it. Essentially, the magic would "bleed" out of the item since it was no longer of a quality capable of maintaining it.
"All magic weapons are automatically considered to be of masterwork quality." The rule doesn't say they were masterwork to begin with or not, as it doesn't matter. Read as written, once it is magic, it is considered to be masterwork.
Who cares if it only lasts to the end of the session? It only needs to last long enough to enchant it.
Tharg The Pirate King wrote: You want some non evil idea, play an Oracale with the Mystery from Pathfinder #39 Serpents Skull City of Seven Spears
JuJu Mystery.
Unfortunately the OP requested PFS character advice, and the JuJu oracle is not PFS legal.
Chris if you do play a cleric of Urgathoa, remember that the Death domain is kick-ass for a negative channeler - at 8th level you start being healed by your channeled negative energy. Also look into the Sacred Conduit trait.
Dragnmoon wrote:
You may want to clear the "Playtests and Errata" section in the 4.0 rules, because as read it makes it seem if there is "Any" change you can change the Feat (Trait)
As many people already did with Heirloom Weapon.
Bob Jonquet wrote: If not for already retiring (almost) a pally, I would play an Aasimar pally. yeah it's a cliche` but that's because they are awesome! The other nice thing about Aasimar is that they have two +2 stats with no -2 stat. And that's after errata has been published for the Bestiary, and it wasn't changed.
I assume those gms that mark sheets for evil acts also mark them for good acts as well? Either one can mess up some clerics, for example.
Jennesseeted wrote: So, I got a couple of the boons at GenCon, including one of the races (Aasimar), which I thought was pretty neat. My question is this: I got that boon immediately after my first game of my first character at my first Society event of any kind (and first Pathfinder game, too). Man, Aasimars are lucky for new players. I convinced a friend to try PF with a delve, and he got one too. I couldn't believe it when he showed it to me later. Almost makes me believe in conspiracies.
Actually it says in the new pfrpg that if a feat or trait changes you can pick a new one. I would give you a page but I an currently stuck in the gencon will call line.
Additional resources page updated too. Heirloom Weapon info is there.
Fozzy Hammer wrote: waytoomuchcoffee wrote:
If it isn't written down, either in PFS documentation or as a post by a dev, then it's not a rule then is it?
Ah. I was young once. Nevermind, Found it. See? If it is a real rule it is found somewhere.
Fozzy Hammer wrote:
It's just another of those rules that aren't really written down that you are supposed to know.
If it isn't written down, either in PFS documentation or as a post by a dev, then it's not a rule then is it?
EDIT: Nevermind, FOUND IT.
Chris Kenney wrote: 0gre wrote: I wonder if I can use this spell with PFS... hmm. No. The effects of every long-term spell in PFS are reduced to "Until the end of the scenario" even for instantaneous duration spells. So where is this exactly? I can't find it. Only thing I found was that active spells end at the end of a scenario.
Shifty wrote: Mark Garringer wrote: Yes and that wider debate is much more appropriate in a wider forum :) Then perhaps this thread is in the wrong place...this isn't a 'PFS change', this is a 'Game change'. Considering that the OP asked about how this will affect PFS and I reminded you twice that this is a PFS forum, I can safely say you are in the wrong place, and wasting our time.
Shifty wrote: Nope, clearly not allowed in the normal rules. It's making exceptions like that which leads to things like HW getting broken. A 'houserule' for PFS shouldn't dictate changes to the core game (which appears to be what we have here). You should tell Josh then. He's the one who made this "houserule".
Shifty wrote: I can see why (in PFS) this would be a problem, but not so in regular campaigns where longer term (more than four hours of a session) has to be considered. Once again, you are posting in a PFS forum.
Shifty wrote: Sure maybe not in PFS, but the change to HW affect all games under the rules not just PFS. RP is still alive and kicking (as far as I am aware) everywhere else. You do realize you are posting in a Society forum, don't you?
Shifty wrote: waytoomuchcoffee wrote: Actually they were getting Str Bows, just at Str 10 that was upgraded next scenario. How are they doing that after the fact?
The bows are built at a STR level, you dont bolt on the mod. Yes, you can. Also you can't take Rich Parents, which is what made the free masterwork so good.
Actually they were getting Str Bows, just at Str 10 that was upgraded next scenario.
Shifty wrote: waytoomuchcoffee wrote: Shifty wrote: So what was the compelling rationale behind nerfing it so heavily? Because it was grossly overpowered. I felt guilty using it, but I still did. Well not really. 'Overpowered' is pretty subjective, and to be honest if that is simply code for not evenly balanced against ALL the other traits then I'd concede that, but there are a few traits in that basket, as well as some that are downright sub-par. When a trait is as good as two feats AND it gives you a free masterwork weapon at level 1, I subjectively consider it grossly overpowered.
While I won't be sorry to see all of the masterwork Meteor Hammers disappear from the world, I am sorry I modded a mini to carry an Earthbreaker.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shifty wrote: So what was the compelling rationale behind nerfing it so heavily? Because it was grossly overpowered. I felt guilty using it, but I still did.
Chris Mortika wrote: Andrew, that's not how PFS works. Once a revision to the text (new definition of the trait, in this case) happens, it's immediately in effect. Right now, there is a way to deal with the change, as I outlined above. Not sure if this is correct. This was the rule for playtests, but this is not a playtest. This would seem to fall under the Guidelines For Conversions Due To Changing Rules post, except that post doesn't cover traits. I don't think there IS a rule to cover this particular problem.
Dorje Sylas wrote: Here is an article put out by the guys who make iAnnotate PDF reader and annotation software.
Great link! Thanks!
Wife is using "my" Ipad more and more, meaning I get to use it less and less. Plus half of its capacity is now used to store Sex and the City videos.
Anyway, if I break down and get an iPad 2, will page turning in pdfs be any faster?
Part of my wants to wait until a new Nook Color is out and root it, but then again Jason said at Kublacon that the Pathfinder iPad apps would be out "very soon".
A bit unclear on the concept of having three Lodges. So if my character is in the Lantern Lodge does this mean:
1) I am a member of both the PFS and the lantern society or whatever it is called?
2) Am I in the Lantern Lodge, spying on the PFS?
3) Are both Lodges just different parts of the PFS?
4) Am I not in the PFS at all?
Ashanderai wrote: waytoomuchcoffee wrote: Ashanderai wrote: AZhobbit wrote:
4. Your faction is secret, so don't go blabbing it about. This could be very important in the near future.
Yeah, well... you see, that is kind of tough to pull off when people wear faction t-shirts to get goodies for their characters. Why do you assume people will always wear the same shirt as the faction of the character they are playing at the time? Because, historically, they have. In my experience, they don't. I seldom seem to match up the character I am playing with a faction shirt. It depends on such factors such as if I am playing multiple characters that day, which shirt is clean, or even if I own the relevant shirt. From what I see from my tables, I am not the only one.
In any case, I am not sure how seeing what the player is wearing has any impact on what your character does, unless you are metagaming.
Oh, for the "goodies" I get for my characters, the last reroll I made saved the lives of myself and three other party members.
As an aside, whether or not I keep a faction (or even the missions) secret depends on what faction I have and how I am roleplaying the character. I don't particularly like such inflexible advice such as "never" tell anyone your faction. My stupid characters often just blurt it out, and even my smarter/wiser characters have been known to be tricked out of the info by another player.
Ashanderai wrote: AZhobbit wrote:
4. Your faction is secret, so don't go blabbing it about. This could be very important in the near future.
Yeah, well... you see, that is kind of tough to pull off when people wear faction t-shirts to get goodies for their characters. Why do you assume people will always wear the same shirt as the faction of the character they are playing at the time?
Omg why is this thread still talking about this? Sorc from Rogue's party last year. I will just quote the response I gave last year.
waytoomuchcoffee wrote:
And I thought our GM was great - very fast (even though we weren't) and really knew the system. The players were great too, and as a bonus our rogue was very cute ;-) Edit: and the problem was resolved at the table, just like it is supposed to be.
Bob Jonquet wrote: Before Heirloom Wweapon, I think this is how we evaluated the change in our heads. The crafter would provide you with a repeat-customer discount by taking your existing trade-in for full retail and apply it to the upgrade bow. The nice thing about this ruling is that you can actually get an heirloom composite longbow now. You just start with the base model (+0 Str for 100gp) and put on the Str mods later.
Finally I can use that farmer with a pig mini as a PC.
Other Deities - all legal (Gods and Magic)
Archdevils, Archdevils - legal, page 231 ISWG
Demon Lords, legal (page 231 ISWG) except those below which do not seem to be listed:
* Andirifku: Curse, Deception, Demon, Thievery
* Areshkagal: Deception, Demon, Thievery, Wind
* Jubilex: Catastrophe, Demon, Ice, Oceans
* Mazmezz: Catastrophe, Demon, Fur (replace beast shape I with vermin shape I), Rage
* Nurgal: Ash, Day, Demon, Smoke
* Urazra: Blood, Demon, Ferocity, Fur, Resolve, Tactics
unless they are listed somewhere else?
The Eldest, Elemental Lords, Empyreal Lords, Horsemen - all legal p234 ISWG
The Fallen, False, and Forgotten - not legal, unless they are listed somewhere else
edit: I went through all the known sources of Gods in the Additional Resources, except gods listed in Dwarves of Golarion (which I do not have) and none of the non-listed from above seem to be anywhere legal.
Andirifku, Areshkagal, Jubilex, Mazmezz, Nurgal are on page 233 of ISWG, but are not on legal tables listed in the Additional Resources. (only gods listed on tables on pages 229, 231 and 234 are legal)
Urazra is from Pathfinder Ad. Path 4, which is not listed in Additional Resources.
Various subdomains were supposed to be added to the Additional Resources, but haven't been yet.
Charender wrote: The cleric as still prepare it, thus it is on their spell list.
By your interpretation, a cleric can craft a wand or scroll of true strike, but they cannot use it.
You are not guaranteed to be able to use everything you can craft. Otherwise, my sorc could wear a Druid Vestment and Horseshoes of Speed.
The specific rules question is on the rules forum now.
8 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required.
So, True Strike is on their domain list, but not their class list. For 3.5 this was easy, as spell trigger was ok for "anyone with a spell on his or her spell list". PF changed this. Rules under spell trigger now say:
Spell Trigger: Spell trigger activation is similar to spell completion, but it's even simpler. No gestures or spell finishing is needed, just a special knowledge of spellcasting that an appropriate character would know, and a single word that must be spoken. Spell trigger items can be used by anyone whose class can cast the corresponding spell. This is the case even for a character who can't actually cast spells, such as a 3rd-level paladin.
This issue is relevant for other classes as well, of course.
If I'm a PFRPG cleric with the defense subdomain, and have the craft wand feat, I can create a wand of Shield.
Craft Wand: You can create a wand of any 4th-level or lower spell that you know.
I assume no one will argue that said cleric doesn't know the spell shield? So the according to your view, the cleric couldn't use the wand he just created?
The rules don't guarantee you can use the item you create. Are you saying you can use a Mattock of the Titans without being huge, just because you created it? A Phylactery of neg or pos channeling if you are the opposite? A Maul of Titans without 18 str? A Druid Vestment because you know polymorph? I guess I should run out and buy some Horseshoes of Speed for my sorc.
Adastra/Kyle, you are thinking 3.5 where spell trigger was ok for "anyone with a spell on his or her spell list". PF now gears it for class. I can only assume the change is intentional.
AdAstraGames wrote:
Quote: Spell trigger items can be used by anyone whose class can cast the corresponding spell. As it's a domain spell, and specifically a domain spell Neve can cast, Neve is a member of a class that can cast the corresponding spell.
Under that logic, ANY cleric can use wands of True Strike or Entangle because there is always a Cleric out there that has the appropriate domains.
AdAstraGames wrote: I am SO buying a Wand of True Strike. True Strike is one of your domain spells of course, but it isn't on the cleric list so you would not be able to use a wand. Besides, even if you could, you could only use it for your Javelin. Unless you wanted to sheath your Greatsword, withdraw a wand, use the wand, sheath the wand, withdraw your Greatsword, and then use it.
That's an interesting interpretation, but I don't think it's the intent, or why would they have listed deities beside the mysteries at all?
Trying to determine intent is a really bad way to go in a Living or Society game. You play with the rules as written for consistency. In this case, the APG states "This mystery can represent a devotion to one ideal, prayers to deities that support the concept, or a natural calling to champion a cause." So i expect the deities are listed in case you want to use the second clause, but it doesn't really matter what you or I think the intent is. If you had to worship a god or gods it would say you had to. The Society rules specifically call out Clerics and some Inquisitors as having to pick, but not Oracles.
It's an interesting concept, except only certain gods give you certain mysteries and Aroden doesn't give the Life Mystery. Correct. Aroden doesn't give any mystery, because he's dead. A pc doesn't have to worship any of the dieties of a mystery (or a diety at all) to get a mystery, however.
Joseph Caubo wrote:
What level are the other Paladins of Aroden? I hope to be able to run into others of my faith at places like GenCon this year. I will work my darndest to level him up to allow him to play at the same table.
Not a paladin, but I have been meaning to play my Life Oracle of Aroden I rolled up a while back. Since Life Oracles can channel, and Oracles don't actually need a holy symbol to work, I figure I can use one with a winged eye.
Later I will upgrade my holy symbol to an Azlant Pendant, which is actually legal. As 1) the Magic Symbols of the Gods (Gods and Magic) don't actually get their power from the gods (they can be retuned to remove a patron requirement completely) and 2) you only need to "worship the right god" to activate the special power, I figure I can use it just fine.
And I will be at Gencon!
KnightErrantJR wrote: Winter War is this weekend, so I'm curious to see how many gunslingers actually show up. I'm going to be playing in mostly 5-9 scenarios, so I'll have to ask around. I'm genuinely curious. Last year I think I only ran into a couple of APG playtest characters the whole con, and I was GMing last year. Am I missing an official post or something? This playtest is not mentioned in the latest Guide to PFS Organized Play (unlike the Magus), so I have been assuming nothing is legal yet.
Edit: nevermind. I found it.
Doug Miles wrote:
Behold, I have returned Bumfuzzle Hornswaggle to life! Please check him from your side and confirm he's alive with full PA. I saw another character at the tabled died as well. I won't change that unless the player formally asks. Did you know him? Thanks so much! The table went from TPK, to 2 dead, to no dead after the time ran out. I don't know the rest of the table, but Rogue Eidolon might.
Doug Miles wrote:
Tell us the session number and the character's name and we can fix it.
Woot! I assume the session log was handed in before the GM went up and pleaded our case.
Event Name: Gen Con 2010
The Session #227
Your PFS#: 15638-1
Your character's name: Bumfuzzle Hornswaggle
Rogue Eidolon wrote: At this point, time ran out. The GM told us that there were so many waves left (I think he said there were three after that) that we would all definitely die...but the GM saved the day by checking up front and telling us that since time ran out, we just lose all prestige for the mission and nobody dies SarNati wrote: Hey all, Friendly GM that ran the scenario here to add to the discussion. SarNati, sorc from the group that started this thread at Gencon... I realized the other day that my character (15638-1) has a note stating "Character died" under my session history for this mod. Anyway to fix this? I played a few games after this without even realizing this, and would like to keep playing him.
Actually they do talk about deities. Oracle: "oracles garner strength and power from many sources, namely those patron deities who support their ideals. Instead of worshiping a single source, oracles tend to venerate all of the gods that share their beliefs."
Not so different than clerics that don't worship one deity.
Cleric: "As their powers are inf luenced by their faith, all clerics must focus their worship upon a divine source. While the vast majority of clerics revere a specific deity, a small number dedicate themselves to a divine concept worthy of devotion—such as battle, death, justice, or knowledge—free of a deific abstraction."
I think you would need a house rule to say the opposite. It clearly says channel as a cleric, and the cleric rules says you need a holy symbol.
Not that I am disagreeing; it just looks like the authors didn't notice that one ability of one mystery has a bit of a contradiction. I was hoping there was some way out of this besides calling me disingenuous for asking about it.
Edit: what do clerics that dedicate themselves to a concept do for a holy symbol?