uzaithemonki's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 14 Organized Play characters.


Is there a hard rule that the character must have exactly 33 exp, or can I fudge that a bit? Or, is there anything I or the player can do to be legally eligible?


What options are there besides Eyes of the Ten to play beyond level 12?


I want to run a series of scenarios that highlights the overarching storyline of pfs in regards to the specials. Starting with season 0, what are the scenarios that lead up to each special? Also, what scenarios would you consider essential to understanding what's going on with the society?


I've got a level one tiefling that I want to respec before level two. My question is in regards to the extra options.

First, do you need to take the heritage feat in order to pick a specific heritage, or can you just take them for free?

Second, what about the options that appear as a random table? Can any of those options be taken, and what is replaced. For instance, I want an additional stat boost, what would that replace?

Thanks in advance.

Also, could a blood rager?

For the domain powers that are a touch attack, can you use them with spring attack? Also, if you miss, does it still expend a use?

How does the metamagic feat, reach spell, interact with the communal versions of spells?


Hi, I'm making a Clebarian starting at 3rd level with GM credit. My question is whether I can take both "Berserker of the Society" and "Exalted of the Society?" First level is Barbarian and then Cleric from then on. Thanks in advance.

Can a wizard make his bonded ring a ring of freedom of movement even though wizards don't have access to the spell? The wording in the entry for bonded object just says that you have to meet the level requirement.

What happens if I decided to perform the ritual to bond to a new object while the old object is still intact? Especially if I've previously added an enhancement to it through the Arcane Bond feature.

I was trying to create the event, but there isn't a box to check for any of the modules. How do I report the event, or do I need to at all?

Does the thrown weapon do damage as well, thereby delivering a sneak attack to the struck opponent, or does it just explode, doing at most 5d6 damage?


How does it work if I want to cast a spell that has a multiple day duration or is permanent? Can my character cast prep spells between adventures, or do I have to cast any spells while at the table? Can I sit down and say 'yesterday I cast these spells in preperation for today's adventure'?

Speaking of which and while I'm at it, how does the 2nd level spell 'retrieve item' work if the item is stored in an extrademinsional space, like a bag of holding?