Clanartus Viliras

tricky bob's page

91 posts. Alias of stuart haffenden.

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Please cancel my subscription for the pf adventure paths with immediate effect. This should leave me with no current subscriptions active.


After checking out the pawns in my Villain Codex box I noticed one the the sheets is missing and I have 2 copies of one of the other sheets.

Having already been hit with import duty due to the box containing bases and your reluctance to state the package is a paper product I'm somewhat dissapointed with the possibility of having to return the shipment and going through that again.

Can I sent a photo of the 2 identical sheets to confirm this error and have you post the missing item alone as just a paper product?

Please let me know how you'll rectify this problem.

Can my bonded mount (nature Oracle - 6 Int) camel use a climbing kit? And would it be able to climb a knotted rope or ladder. It has a climb score of +8 and 3HD.

When using Quicken Spell as a Sorcerer can I use a Rod of a different metamagic spell?

Please and Thank You!

If one has been hasted and then gains a new form of movement after, like say fly, would the fly speed be increased by the haste spell?

In other words, are you hasted in all ways for the duration, as the spell isn't an instantaneous effect or does it just alter your existing abilities.

Please and Thank You!

The text says nothing about spell trigger items.

Got a message regarding #90 Divinity Drive being on its way soon which is great but I've not received #89 Palace of Fallen Stars yet! I have .pdf access but no hard copy?
Please may I have one!

Do alchemists get an equivalent to PoP?

Half Elf Investigator - any ideas on what traits to pick?

The only one I'm considering at the moment is the one that let's you use your INT for a CHA skill (diplomacy).

Can an elf use its Oracle favoured class bonus to pump a revelation it hasn't yet taken?
Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

If I have 4 attacks with grab and the constrict ability, and hit with all of them do I get to roll a grab check on each?

Assuming I do and the first one is successful, I then do constrict damage. Can I then let go as a free action and then use the second attack to roll another grab check? If I can then do I get to rince/repeat 4 times?

Hit/grab/constrict/release - hit/grab/constrict/release etc etc?

If your caster level is 8 and you choose tentacle as the target of this spell does it enchant (+2) just one tentacle or all of them? (same as if you chose claw, would only one claw get the +2)

Please and thank you!

Does one need a +3 weapon to by-pass cold iron or would a +1 holy weapon also work?

If I have enough held charges of a spell and hit with an attack that has the grab ability, does the grab part count as a second charge or is the whole attack counted as one?

Hit with attack - one charge.
Grab - ?

If I only use a natural attack - say a prehensile hair attack - do I get a second attack with that natural weapon when my bab reaches 6/1?

Is the whole move and attack at some point done as a swift action, meaning that none of it provokes AoO's? It is done as a swift action. Or is the activation swift and therefore the movement would provoke?

Swift actions don't normally provoke AoO's.

If you fail to penetrate SR do you still get to hit?

I cast a frostbite as part of a spell strike and fail to beat the monsters spell resistance, does that mean I can't have the attack that would have delivered the spell?

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If a monster power attacks with the grab ability would the constrict damage remain as normal damage for that attack or would it be the increased value from the power attack?

How does one go about aligning a natural weapon? The spell Align Weapon calls out natural weapons as not being legal targets. I'm after adding Good to my natural attack.
What are my options?

How does one go about aligning a natural weapon? The spell Align Weapon calls out natural weapons as not being legal targets. I'm after adding Good to my natural attack.
What are my options?

Simple question...

If a creature, for example a dragon, is prone - can it just fly up from the ground or does it need to stand up first?

Is there an intelligence based item like the circlet of persuasion?

Looking for ways to increase my chance to beat SR with a Magus that's taken 2 levels in WHW.

Throw Spell (Su)

When casting a melee touch spell, you can expend one use of mythic power to throw that spell as a ranged touch attack. The range of this thrown spell is 10 feet per tier. If the spell allows you to make multiple melee touch attacks, you may make any number of the attacks as melee touch attacks and throw the rest as you see fit.

Does this mean with one mythic point you can throw however many of the touches you want?
Let's say I'm level 8 and cast frostbite, therefore granting me 8 touches. I decide to keep 4 of them as touches to use during my next couple of rounds. Do I get to throw all 4 of the others at once with just one mythic point?
So basically I roll 4 range touch attacks vs whatever and resolve them all at once?

If a choose to do non-lethal damage with a natural attack (hair) do I take a penalty?

Is there a feat that allows me to avoid taking a penalty?

Are there any plans for another mythic AP?

It's clearly popular and there are a number of 3rd party products that support the rules.

Will Paizo write a second Mythic adventure?

Any plans to do mythic apg spells?

Without 3rd party material the spell options are rather limited.

Let me get this right, Spell Scars basically allows you to prepare extra spells (assuming you have the time - using scribe scroll rules).
You can either cast them straight off your body and then they're gone, or prepare spells for the day using them as if they were in your spellbook, thus increasing your repertoire.

Is that correct?

Do the scars cost the same as scribe scroll?

Can you prepare a scar at any level you can casts - like a 3rd level shield at 3rd level?


If one were using the Cabalist archetype where you become a spontaneous caster I assume the spell scars would effectively increase your spells known? or would you only be able to make scars of your known spells?
Also perhaps the scars would still be used up (vanish) if used, effectively increasing your spells known only on the days where you have had time/gold to create them? Or would you be able to keep using them indefinitely until replaced?

Can a Wizard with a Faerie dragon familiar (they have sorcerer levels)get the dragon to use a wand of true strike on the Wizard?
Share Spells says the wizard can cast on the dragon but not the other way round and true strike has range: personal and target: you ??

Can I buy magic items for my familiar, which item slots would a faerie dragon have? Headband seems reasonable, as does rings but I'm not sure about the others.? ?

What other cunning stunts can wizards pull off with a faerie!

When my character hits level 6 I'm going to be using my INT for hitting and damaging. Trouble is, before that, levels 1 - 5, I'm stuck with either Str or dex using a feat for weapon finesse.
On the bright side I have 25 points to spend.
Option 1. Spend 10 points on Str for +3 to hit until level 6 when it becomes utterly useless to me bar for the occasional strength check or vs Str draining monsters.
Cost: 10 valuable stat points.

Option 2. Spend the same 10 points on dex and take weapon finesse (human bonus feat) for +3 to hit. The points stay useful throughout my career boosting a poor reflex save, granting AC, Initiative and extra AoO (taking combat reflexes in build)
Cost: one Feat.

Option 3. Spend 5 on each stat and suffer a +2 to hit instead, for 5 levels.
Cost: 5 stat points and -1 to hit for 5 full levels.

What would you do?

Extra info that my help...
Human Defiler Hexcrafter/White Haired Witch about to start Wrath of the Righteous where we'll end up level 20/Mythic Tier 10.

When my character hits level 6 I'm going to be using my INT for hitting and damaging. Trouble is, before that, levels 1 - 5, I'm stuck with either Str or dex using a feat for weapon finesse.
On the bright side I have 25 points to spend.

Option 1. Spend 10 points on Str for +3 to hit until level 6 when it becomes utterly useless to me bar for the occasional strength check or vs Str draining monsters.
Cost: 10 valuable stat points.

Option 2. Spend the same 10 points on dex and take weapon finesse (human bonus feat) for +3 to hit. The points stay useful throughout my career boosting a poor reflex save, granting AC, Initiative and extra AoO (taking combat reflexes in build)
Cost: one Feat.

Option 3. Spend 5 on each stat and suffer a +2 to hit instead, for 5 levels.
Cost: 5 stat points and -1 to hit for 5 full levels.

What would you do?

Extra info that my help...
Human Defiler Hexcrafter/White Haired Witch about to start Wrath of the Righteous where we'll end up level 20/Mythic Tier 10.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

If I have cast, say, frostbite and I'm level 5 I get 5 touches.
If after using 2 of them I decide to grapple someone, what happens to the remaining charges?

Still available?
Go Nova?

So Bob has taken a potion of fly and Mr. Trippy has successfully performed a trip manoeuvre against him, what happens?

Is Bob tripped? Does he suffer from any penalties?

When you're thinking in 3D things get muddled pretty quickly!

When prone you suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls.

Does that effect your CMD? Why?

Thanks in advance.

Will there be wrath of the righteous paper minis?

I want to play an Aasimar but also want to gain the favoured Class bonuses from 2 different classes, it that even possible without being a half-elf? If so how!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So I'm a constrictor snake and I bite you. Because I have grab I get a free attempt to grapple you, let's say I roll high enough.
So do I get to add constrict damage at the same time? Yes/no why?

In my next turn, can I bite you? Or do I have to maintain the grapple, and if successful, then just do constrict damage again?

Can I maintain the grapple and bite someone else?

Is it better to let go and start over so I can get bite and constrict damage again?


So if you take a vermin type AC with no INT score it doesn't get any Feats. If you then spend your ability score points increasing its INT does it gain the feats retrospective?

If I cast frostbite as a level 5 Magus I get 5 charges to use. Do those charges continue to be held if I cast another spell?
So could I cast frostbite on turn 1 and shield on turn 2 and still have those 5 charges to use?

Is it casting another touch spell that make those held touches dissipate?

When an Alchemist uses the Beastmorph ability do they gain the size increase bonuses or is it only the listed abilities (choose from)???

I'm building a grapple type character [Catfolk] and would appreciate any advice as I've never gone with a manoeuvre based dude before.

This dude is replacing my previous character that failed his save vs a Demilich trap the soul ability [that sucked!]

Catfolk Ranger 2/Fighter 12

Stats [15 point buy, after stat increases and items]
Str: 22 +6
Dex: 16 +3
Con: 16 +3
Int: 13 +1
Wis: 12 +2
Cha: 10 +0

Saves [including Heroism]
Fort: +23
Ref : +17
Will: +13
+3 vs Death/Energy Drain
Cat's Luck: 1/day roll Ref twice - take highest.

Hit Points: 144

Base: 28, FF: 25, T: 14
Buffed: 40, FF: 33, T: 22

Attack routine [including Heroism]
Bite: +26 (1d3+10+2d6)
2x Claw: +27 (1d4+12+2d6)
Gore: +26 (1d6+10+2d6)
Armour [grappling] +1 Spikes 1d6+7

Power Attack
Bite: +22 (1d3+18+2d6)
2x Claw: +23 (1d4+20+2d6)
Gore: +22 (1d6+18+2d6)

CMB:+20 [+29 > +35 Grapple depending on buffs]

Skills: [of note]
Kn. Dungeoneering +18
Perception +19
UMD +23

1. Combat Expertise
2. Weapon Focus Claw
3. Power Attack/Imp.Unarmed Strike
4. Improved Grapple
5. Great Fortitude
6. Skill Focus UMD
7. Snapping Turtle Style
8. Snapping Turtle Clutch
9. Nimble Striker
10.Claw Pounce
11.Greater Grapple
12.Body Shield
13.Pinning Knockout
14.Weapon Specialization Claw
15.Snapping Turtle Shell
16.Imp. Great Fortitude or Iron Will

Helm of the Mammoth Lord/Circlet of Persuation
Headband of Wisdom +2
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 & Holy
Cloak of Resistance +5
Ring of Rat Fangs
Belt of Str/Dex/Con +4

Wands [UMD]
Shield of Faith +4
Barkskin +4
Resinous Skin
Protection from Evil
Enlarge Person
Mirror Image
Resist Energy

Basics are to pounce with the claws. Grapple and Pin as soon as possible and use Lockjaw to apply the hurt. I gain +6 to charges from class levels. I can grapple at -2 as an AoO and use my grappled foe as a sort of shield 1/round. My defences are DR from Resinous Skin, decent AC and Mirror Images, with Protection from Evil vs head-twist magic.

It probably looks like a jumbled mess to anyone with Grapple based character experience but its where I'm at and I think I've been looking for so long I'm probably not seeing the wood for the trees.

Any input is appreciated, nothing is set in stone other than the Grapple/Natural Weapons general concept.

I'm going to be playing a Magus in the mythic AP and wanted someone advice as to which mythic powers to take.

I'm a hex Magus, would I be able to take the hex power?

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If you take this at tier one you'll only start with one ability but does that increase as you level up to the maximum of 3, at least until you take it again. Or do you only get the one ability?

Also if at a higher level you take intelligent item twice can you combine the points to gain a level 5 spell 2/day. (assuming you are tier 5)?

Further to those questions what are the best abilities to choose for a Magus?
Is the cheap upgradable one always an auto choice?

So I can give it an arcane wand as its a sorcerer but what else can I do with it?

Can I improved it's UMD somehow?

How do I get the most out of having a familiar?

I'm a Magus and I want to use it to further break my action economy but have never used a familiar before.


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So I have a number of touches from casting, say Frostbite, and assign my familiar as the toucher, does that mean I can't touch and deliver the spell also?

Can a creature that is small enough to occupy the same square as another creature use the 5ft. step "non-action" to move into the occupied square?

I have a question about Magus abilities.

Assume I pass my concentration checks so we don’t have to worry about that bit.
Race: Tiefling [with prehensile tail holding a metamagic rod and 2 claws]
Class: Hex Magus Level 4 with a familiar.

Using Spell Combat and Spellstrike...
So I cast a metamagic’ed Frostbite [this give me 4 “touches”] and use Spellstrike to deliver a frostbite via one of my claws [at -2 because of Spell Combat] instead of using a touch because claws count as a weapon [1 of my 4 touches has gone].

Then, using Spell Combat [because I’m already adjacent to some monsters] I get my full round attacks too and at my level [4] that’ll be just the 2 claws [also at -2 from Spell Combat]. If they hit I deal claw damage and frostbite damage [as I still had 3 “touches” left - now I only have one “touch” left].

Then my familiar moves into a monsters’ space [he doesn’t have a 5ft. reach] and delivers my final frostbite touch via his attack.

Qu.1: Is all that legal?

Qu.2: Does the familiar moving into a monsters space provoke an AoO?

Qu.3: Can the familiar choose to use a touch attack instead of a normal attack?

If you have Acid resistance can you lick an ooze and get away with it?

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