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Sorry about that. Try this link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S6D49d6QQlVrHTyLa38qAS3qZENOOwed/view?usp= sharing
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It took me forever, but I updates the document with the suggestions that I received. I liked the idea of the vanguard talents and will add more of them in the future. Thanks again for your encouragement and please feel free to keep adding suggestions.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/19gqqHt4BbavoBEeXEYl5qtcFHr9Sv_TOWyjaebF dbPc/edit?usp=sharing
The Lord wrote: I am looking for or willing to start a group for Starfinder in the area. Preferance being a bit more roleplaying over rules heavy. Hey, I know you posted this a while back, but I am starting a group and have a few players. We are over in Gig Harbor, so we might not be the best fit, but if you are interested, send me a PM and I can give you some additional details.
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Thanks, DM_aka_Dudemeister!! I'll look over all your feedback, it is very appreciated!
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In case you don't want to puzzle through my terrible formatting:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bmu7RPhAHH5BowfoIaUNwKOFCN96fOyD/view?usp= sharing
Level BAB Fort save Ref Save Will Save Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Scrimmage+1d6Trapfinding
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Track
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Fast Movement +10, Scrimmage +1d6/+1AC
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus Feat
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Scrimmage +2d6/ +1AC
6 +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Armor Training 1
7 +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Scrimmage +2d6/ +2AC
8 +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Trackless Step
9 +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Scrimmage +3d6/+2AC
10 +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Fast Movement+20, Armor Training 2
11 +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Scrimmage +3d6/+3 AC, Bonus Feat, Camouflage
12 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Unhindered Stride
13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 Scrimmage +4d6/ +3AC
14 +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Heightened Senses
15 +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Armor Training 3, Scrimmage +4d6/ +4AC
16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Bonus Feat
17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Scrimmage +5d6/+5 AC
18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Seasoned Judgement
19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Scrimmage +6d6/+6AC
20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Elite soldier
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I started out trying to update the 3.5 Scout, but wound up making something a little different, so I renamed it. Please tell me what you think.
This is a hybrid class that resurrects a mechanic that was under used in a previous edition. The scouts skirmish feature was a fun and innovative idea that encouraged a particular fighting style. The class in 3.5 was most effective when multiclassed with a ranger. However, Paizo already did that, with the Slayer, so why not try with the actual fighter, which has some abilities that compliment a martial rouge class from the outset.
Role: The Vanguard is the advance scout for the party. Maneuverability, sharp senses, and combat ability are the strengths that the vanguard brings to bear in the service of the group.
Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d8
Parent Classes: Fighter and rouge
Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp
Class Skills: Disable device, perception, search, survival, diplomacy, bluff, stealth, intimidate, swim, climb, acrobatics, climb.
Class Features
The following are the class features of the vanguard,
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Vanguards are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor, but not with shields.
Scrimmage: When moving before an attack the vanguard deal extra damage and gain a bonus to AC. The damage is precision based and the AC bonus is a competence bonus. The vanguard must move more than 10 feet. A vanguard can only use this ability when wearing light or medium armor and not while carrying a heavy load.
Trapfinding: The vanguard has the trapfinding and trap sense abilities as a rogue of his level.
Track: A vanguard takes no penalty to track when moving at half speed or slower. At #level the vanguard can move at normal speed without penalty.
Fast Movement: The vanguard gains the listed increase to base movement provided the vanguard is wearing light armor, or medium armor with which the vanguard has no armor check penalty due to armor training, and is only carrying a light load.
Bonus Feat: A vanguard can pick a bonus feat from the list of fighter combat bonus feats.
Armor training: A vanguard has the armor training just as the fighter ability of the same name.
Trackless Step: The vanguard leaves no trail in wilderness settings.
Camouflage: The vanguard can use their surroundings to change their appearance. They gain a bonus to stealth rolls equal to their int modifier.
Unhindered Stride: Difficult terrain no longer impedes the vanguard unless the impediment to motion is magical.
Heightened Senses: +2 experience Bonus to skill checks for Perception and Search.
Seasoned Judgement: Reroll perception/ sense motive/ search once each per day
Elite Skirmisher: The vanguard gains the ability hide even while being observed per the ability Hide in Plain Sight and is able to move and perform a full attack action if not all of the vanguard’s movement is used before the attack action.
I like it!! I had always thought the concept behind the class had some potential, but none of my fixes looked quite this nice. I kept trying to add in the psionic aura ability of the divine mind, to mixed results. Great job!
Hey, Gokaifire, I am looking at starting a Pathfinder group in Gig Harbor, if you want to stay on this side of the bridge. If you (or anyone else) are interested, let me know.
Sounds like you already have a ton of interest, but I wanted throw my hat in the ring too. sounds really cool!
I would love to test run with you. My preferences would be: Starfinder,
Gods of the fall and something in the Cypher system. This sounds really fun!
I would love to play, but I would be nervous about GMing, since I have never GMed for PbP. I have played a lot of Pathfinder and a little 5e.
I am looking for players after my old Pathfinder group disbanded. I would be looking to play Thursday or Friday. Thanks!
Hey, I would love to DM or play a campaign. I am a little restricted schedule wise, and live in Federal Way, but I am happy to host, if we can make something work.
Nice Job! I have also been a fan of Nyambe for a while. When I was thinking about converting it to Pathfinder, I was thinking of how to alter the draconic bloodline to give sorcerers more options, based on the dragon lineage the player chooses.
Sean Mahoney wrote: I am not far away (Covington), also in my 30s and have a little kid (6 year old boy). I have been out of playing for a while as the result of a move to the area and would be interested in getting back into it.
Shoot me a PM or respond and we can set up a meeting of some kind to get to know each other (assuming you are still looking).
Sean Mahoney
Sorry I took so long to get back to you, stupid life getting in the way of fun. I am still trying to get a group together, so it would be great to meet. Let me know your availability and we can set something up.
Pathfinder/3.x group looking for players to play every other weekend. We are RPers in our 30s and dads of little kids, so we are looking for players who are dedicated to playing, since this is our free time activity. Thanks!!
titanius_anglesmith wrote: Gorbacz wrote: titanius_anglesmith wrote: I like the way that this thread is starting out and hope that we can continue talking philosophy of design and mechanics rather than devolving into an "I hate hybrid classes" vs. "I love them" discussion, because I think the other forums have that covered. It would be cool of the designers and forum participants wanted to outline essential components of the classes that carry over to the hybrids so that they will be useful in a party and viable as an alternative to the standard class. So for example, the slayer lacks the trap finding ability. That means that the party still needs a rogue, even though a slayer would otherwise be a great scout. Thoughts? You don't 'need' trapfinding. Anybody can max Perception and find traps by taking 20.
You 'needed' trapfinding in 3.5, with its stupid "only Rogues can find traps above Search DC 20" clause, which is gone in Pathfinder. True, I guess I should have specified the disable device that allows for the disabling of traps above a certain DC as well as magical traps that is part of the rogue's trap finding. My bad. However, maybe that is not a requirement for the slayer role for everyone. I am open to that feedback as well.
Gorbacz wrote: titanius_anglesmith wrote: I like the way that this thread is starting out and hope that we can continue talking philosophy of design and mechanics rather than devolving into an "I hate hybrid classes" vs. "I love them" discussion, because I think the other forums have that covered. It would be cool of the designers and forum participants wanted to outline essential components of the classes that carry over to the hybrids so that they will be useful in a party and viable as an alternative to the standard class. So for example, the slayer lacks the trap finding ability. That means that the party still needs a rogue, even though a slayer would otherwise be a great scout. Thoughts? You don't 'need' trapfinding. Anybody can max Perception and find traps by taking 20.
You 'needed' trapfinding in 3.5, with its stupid "only Rogues can find traps above Search DC 20" clause, which is gone in Pathfinder. True, I guess I should have specified the disable device that allows for the disabling of traps above a certain DC as well as magical traps that is part of the rogue's trap finding. My bad.
I like the way that this thread is starting out and hope that we can continue talking philosophy of design and mechanics rather than devolving into an "I hate hybrid classes" vs. "I love them" discussion, because I think the other forums have that covered. It would be cool of the designers and forum participants wanted to outline essential components of the classes that carry over to the hybrids so that they will be useful in a party and viable as an alternative to the standard class. So for example, the slayer lacks the trap finding ability. That means that the party still needs a rogue, even though a slayer would otherwise be a great scout. Thoughts?
I am a little unsure if this is the right place for this question, as the discussion seems to have moved to whether the overall approach of the designers is the way to proceed, rather than how we define the party/role playing function of the hybrid class concept. I am not trying to suggest that people shouldn't be heard with constructive criticism, but I was hoping for a discussion of class features intrinsic to party composition and how we see them integrated into the class. For example, since the Slayer is a rogue/ranger hybrid, I feel that it desperately needs trap finding, in order to best serve it's party role, and this ability is essential to a rogue hybrid class. Maybe there is a variant ability to integrate, giving new mechanics and flavor, but it would be great to discuss these mechanical issues globally, before tackling the classes individually.
Cthulhudrew wrote: titanius_anglesmith wrote: I agree with your stance on sneak attack. Maybe extra damage based on perception checks, (seeing weak spots, previous injuries, etc.) since it fits with observation/deduction. I just had a thought, and maybe it's too good, or just doesn't benefit the Investigator PC enough, but what if the Investigator was able to grant the Sneak Attack to an allied character- ie, giving them the benefits of his observations. I know there's an Inspiration ability (Inspirational Awareness) that does something like that already, but just tossing out some ideas. I love it! Maybe make it a scalable bonus to damage that the investigator can take advantage of too.
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I think this was mentioned earlier in the post, but one of the fixes that Pathfinder did for the paladin was making the spell casting charisma based, so that you didn't have to worry about spreading your main stats between Wisdom, Charisma, Strength, and Constitution. I think this will leave the Warpriest at a distinct disadvantage versus paladin/antipaladin.
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Cthulhudrew wrote: This is my favorite class so far (only up to Slayer), and I really enjoy the Inspiration pool feature. It helps make it seem less like just a hybrid and more of its own thing.
The only thing I don't like, actually, is the Sneak Attack. This doesn't really seem to fit the concept. I think changing this out for something else, or else making it a slightly different take on Sneak Attack (something that draws on the Inspiration pool, for instance) would work better.
I agree with your stance on sneak attack. Maybe extra damage based on perception checks, (seeing weak spots, previous injuries, etc.) since it fits with observation/deduction.
Ronin_Knight wrote: I'll admit I was surprised at the 4+INT skill ranks per level and the lack of the trap finding ability. the skills per level is lower than either of alternate classes feels a bit of a disservice, I don't know if it's a print error or the intention but it makes me leery of the class. on the Trap finding ability the idea of getting in to the opportune place suggests an infiltration theme to the class and it would be nice to have the ability available to another stealth viable class. I also think that it wouldn't unbalance the class too much to add trap finding. Since it is a rogue alternate, a player who chooses this would be at a disadvantage for scouting ahead. I played a 3.5 Scout/ranger and had a blast with it, but I was glad for my trap finding.
I am in Federal Way, which might be a bit out of the way for you, but I would love to get a game started. I would offer to DM a Pathfinder game.
Hey, I love the new PDF, and really like the new races. I do have one suggestion for the description of the Noral, if you are still looking for feedback before printing Ultimate Psionics. I still am vague on the nature of the symbiote. I picture it as a mass of tentacles that connects at the base of the neck, which works for RP purposes, but describing it in a little more detail in the physical description section would help. Just my two cents. Overall, love it!
Just got a pdf of this and it is great!!! Thanks and keep up the great work!
Looking forward to the 14th of October!!
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Well, that is great news to me! I am really excited to see the new material. Thanks!
Jeremy, do you think you will release Ultimate Psionics and the supplemental booklet/PDF at the same time, or will there be a delay in releasing the separate material for those that already have the Psionics Unleashed and Advanced Psionic?
I like it! I don't have my Races of Stone book with me, so what did you trim off this version to go from 26 to 19 race points?
Endzeitgeist wrote: For what it's worth, I wanted to bow my head to DSP for compiling the new material in a new pdf/book. Thank you so much for that and not forcing me to scrap my copies of PU and PE.
Thank you!
I will second that appreciation. I love my first two books and can't wait to see the new material.
Jeremy Smith wrote: ShadowcatX wrote: Forgive me if this has been covered before, will there be any way that those of us who already have the content from the other 2 books can only get the new content? Yep! That is great news! Are you going to release it as a physical book, or just a PDF? I won't even ask about a release date, seeing as how you don't have one for the Ultimate Psionics, but I am looking forward to the new material.
titanius_anglesmith wrote: MageRage wrote: Hey Titanius if you happen to get a game going id be interested. Im neer Kent. I haven't played in a while but want to get back into it I am still looking to start a game. Send me a PM and we can work out the details of the when and where. I sent you a PM, MageRage. Get back to me either on this post or by PM.
MageRage wrote: Hey Titanius if you happen to get a game going id be interested. Im neer Kent. I haven't played in a while but want to get back into it I am still looking to start a game. Send me a PM and we can work out the details of the when and where.
I would love to DM a Pathfinder game, but need to find people in the area, or people who could come to this area. The group could meet weekly or monthly depending on schedules, and I am happy to host.
I think one of this issues with clerics is that in Pathfinder, the classes are defined by their class features, and that clerics have less. Oracles can be way more customizable because they get more class features and you can select the nature of more of the class features. Pathfinder did add more class features to the cleric with the second domain powers, but it still falls a little short.
Hey, I see from your last post that you are possibly in the market for a GM. I realize that the last post was a month ago, so maybe you have all the people you need for your game, but I am looking to join a group and I don't mind being a GM. I am in Federal Way, and since you are in Tacoma, I could track you down pretty easy. Let me know if you are still looking. Thanks!
Hey, I would love to join or start up a Pathfinder game. I would be happy to GM or be a player. While I am fairly busy, I would work with other people's schedules in order to make something work. Hopefully there is some interest in the area near Federal Way, but I am also willing to travel to nearby towns. Thanks!