titanius_anglesmith |
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I started out trying to update the 3.5 Scout, but wound up making something a little different, so I renamed it. Please tell me what you think.
This is a hybrid class that resurrects a mechanic that was under used in a previous edition. The scouts skirmish feature was a fun and innovative idea that encouraged a particular fighting style. The class in 3.5 was most effective when multiclassed with a ranger. However, Paizo already did that, with the Slayer, so why not try with the actual fighter, which has some abilities that compliment a martial rouge class from the outset.
Role: The Vanguard is the advance scout for the party. Maneuverability, sharp senses, and combat ability are the strengths that the vanguard brings to bear in the service of the group.
Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d8
Parent Classes: Fighter and rouge
Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp
Class Skills: Disable device, perception, search, survival, diplomacy, bluff, stealth, intimidate, swim, climb, acrobatics, climb.
Class Features
The following are the class features of the vanguard,
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Vanguards are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor, but not with shields.
Scrimmage: When moving before an attack the vanguard deal extra damage and gain a bonus to AC. The damage is precision based and the AC bonus is a competence bonus. The vanguard must move more than 10 feet. A vanguard can only use this ability when wearing light or medium armor and not while carrying a heavy load.
Trapfinding: The vanguard has the trapfinding and trap sense abilities as a rogue of his level.
Track: A vanguard takes no penalty to track when moving at half speed or slower. At #level the vanguard can move at normal speed without penalty.
Fast Movement: The vanguard gains the listed increase to base movement provided the vanguard is wearing light armor, or medium armor with which the vanguard has no armor check penalty due to armor training, and is only carrying a light load.
Bonus Feat: A vanguard can pick a bonus feat from the list of fighter combat bonus feats.
Armor training: A vanguard has the armor training just as the fighter ability of the same name.
Trackless Step: The vanguard leaves no trail in wilderness settings.
Camouflage: The vanguard can use their surroundings to change their appearance. They gain a bonus to stealth rolls equal to their int modifier.
Unhindered Stride: Difficult terrain no longer impedes the vanguard unless the impediment to motion is magical.
Heightened Senses: +2 experience Bonus to skill checks for Perception and Search.
Seasoned Judgement: Reroll perception/ sense motive/ search once each per day
Elite Skirmisher: The vanguard gains the ability hide even while being observed per the ability Hide in Plain Sight and is able to move and perform a full attack action if not all of the vanguard’s movement is used before the attack action.