the other guy's page
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alright, everyone...
ive asked this of the sage, ive asked askwizards, and neither of them have bothered to answer this: what does the protective aura special ability of this prestige class do? it references an apparently non-existant protective aura spell. at this point, im just wondering what it does...
thanks all,
edit: mr. jacobs, mr. mona (and anyone else with a look inside), inside info on where this spell disappeared to would be a wonderful addition, too. - tog
ok, so a friend and i are having an argument, and we have gone our own ways to collect the information we are looking for. the soulknife gains greater weapon focus (mind blade), and under the mind blade description, the weapon specialization feat is mentioned. my friend says this means a soulknife can gain the feat tree of (normally) fighter only feats, defending his assertion with a) the fact that weapon specialization is mentioned specifically in the class description, and b) that the psychic warrior specifically states it cannot gain fighter only feats with its bonus feats. my argument is that the soulknife has no ability that lists it as equalling 1/x fighter levels (x = to a positive integer) with respect to feats requiring fighter levels.
this has no bearing on any characters currently being played in our campaign, its just a discussion of how clear the soulknifes mind blade class ability is written.
thanks for any responses,
i know this is paizo's website, but i, and i am sure others, have played rifts, or heroes unlimited, or robotech, or some other palladium game. they have gotten owned by internal betrayal that i cannot explain better than this site does: http://forums.palladium-megaverse.com/viewtopic.php?t=57048
take some time and check this out. 25 years of products could be gone if palladium fans dont help.
-link originally found at sjgames-

alright. i decided the improved toughness thread had been threadjacked enough on the races issue. here is a basic rundown of what is going on:
half-orcs are weak compared to the other races and a couple people said they granted toughness or improved toughness to them to compensate.
i say this... half-orcs and half-elves really get the short end of the stick, especially when compared to elves and dwarves. those to races get sooooo many bonuses that, for whatever reason, do not count towards level adjustment. yet players and dms are supposed to believe a +2 str adjustment vs. either a -2 int penalty or a -2 cha penalty (as opposed to both, which is the current state of affairs) is going to overbalance a half-orc? i can see the general mechanical reason for this, but come on, an elf rogue can wield a longsword, and gets bonuses to search and spot checks, and notices secret doors without even knowing it is there. a dwarf can carry basically any amount of stuff and not be slowed down, and is exceptionally stable, and has the ability to notice irregular stonework... i think that gets my point across. half-orcs, and half-elves, too, have nothing that powerful, and yet we are expected to treat them all as equal. i, personally, am not too sure about that.
lets see some discussion about what tweaks can be done to make the races a little more balanced, especially the ones that are supposed to be the basic pc races.
now, dont get me wrong, i love rp as much as most, but please, explain to me why a quick-thinking, smooth talking character should have to be played by a quick-thinking, smooth talking player? sometimes i am just not witty, which may come from real life concerns that have nothing to do with what is going on in a story.
i have been considering the massive damage rules. as written, they rarely play a part in any game until relatively high levels, or extremely lucky criticals. even then, it is primarily an "against the players" rule that players themselves, save spellcasters at the high-middle levels and above and relatively powerful rogues, get to use.
my idea, then, is this. reduce the massive damage minimum to 20 hp in a single hit, with a dc of 5. for every 3 hp of additional damage, the dc increases by 1. thus, 50 hp of damage in a single hit is a dc of 15. the difference is at 65 hp of damage, the dc is a 20, instead of 15. this, of course, makes massive damage a little more deadly, but in return the players actually get to see massive damage rule in their favor occasionally.
so, i guess the final question is this: am i missing something that would make this version of massive damage a player-killer?
the other guy
Nick_Royal has not participated in any online campaigns.