what we always did was not make the creation of these magical items so readily accessible. if he can't make it himself then it is up to you of when he can find someone who can. and if you feel so inclined you can say they are an exotic item which costs more, or even just bring it into the story if he really wants one. once an evil quest has been accomplished he can be rewarded with a profane bonus item. good quest with divine, etc. the only way he can kinda go around you as the dm is if he or someone in the party is creating them but then that takes time which you can attempt to limit. but beware, this doesn't only apply to ac bonus. they could also do the same thing to ability bonuses. they will run out of magical slots eventually but they put the equations in the back of the book so you could create your own magical items within reason.
huh. i didnt realize it wasnt written that way. i suppose i just interpreted it like that. i always have looked at it like power attack, which does say you have to declare before making the roll. you are correct though. twf says no such thing. i would assume RAI would be that you would declare before making any attack rolls so you couldnt roll once and see your result, then decide. but again, thats just my assumption. ![]()
Oliver McShade wrote:
like i said above, ki arrows and gravity bow might not work. i read it as the ki arrows affects the arrow when knotching it on and gravity bow affects it when hitting the target. enlarge person does stack with lead blades which then stacks with bows via ki arrows. plz read before spatting out info. ![]()
Name Violation wrote:
hmmmm... gravity bow doesnt work with ki arrows. i can see why you would say that but i will politely disagree. at the end of the day it is GM discretion of course. ![]()
Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
i agree completely. but if we had some time to prepare for a fight then it isnt a bad twink IMHO. and it only gets better the higher lvl monk you are. Cheapy wrote:
I could dip into cleric for a lvl to gain the growth subdomain. growing large as a swift. i lose a BAB for flurrying but monks robes makes up damage and ac. if i can convince a party ranger to cast blades or wizard for grav bow that is all 3 in 1 round. thoughts? ![]()
gravalpea wrote:
power attack adds on each of your attacks. in this instance, you are only making one so just the +6 on the damage roll. might i interest you in taking a Large Greatsword which you can use at a -2 to hit and it does 3D6 damage which would benifit from the vital strike more. just a thought. ![]()
i use the growth domain for the CMB capabilities. its is a +2 due to str and size. and o yeah, no attacks of opportunity because you have reach. so when i trip someone, they have to stand up, spending a move and provoking. now they cant 5 ft adjust and are still 5 ft away, so they can try to use a ranged weapon, which provokes(combat reflexes), or cast defensively, which might provoke, or move, which would provoke, assuming no acrobatics. and i use a sawtooth sabre in one hand, which goes to 2d6 when large, and a flail, also 2d6 with trip. and i have two levels of barbarian for a gore attack that does 2d6 when large. overall, just beating face. nonstop. ![]()
dreddwulf1 wrote:
thats the plan, just checking the rules. my fighter/ranger/cleric/barbarian is only lvl 6 and is a PFS character so it will be a while til lvl 11 anyway but wanted to check ahead of time. ![]()
Happler wrote:
to even attempt a trip you have to use a trip weapon so... im pretty sure a CMB attempt is an attack but is it considered a hit because as james said, it is against their CMD so can one "hit" someones CMD for rend? ![]()
if i successfully trip with my first attack and successfully hit with my second, do i get to rend the opponent it is worded as "if i hit" in two weapon rend so i didnt know if combat maneuvers counted as hitting the opponent. personally, i would think that combat maneuvers targeting the person ie grapple, trip or drag would count as a hit as opposed to disarm or sunder. would this be up to my dm or is there a ruling on it. ![]()
One example "build" i had using the ECB was a high dex low str elf tank who finessed it and used sheild of swings. it is half damage but with str 14 and power attack it wasnt doing too bad and the +4 shield bonus combined with chain shirt and 18 dex for an easy 22 AC in light armor at lvl 1. just my two cents for another reason to use it ![]()
nicklas, i see your point. that might be the RAI and i wouldnt fight an errata for that. "you must gain the benefit of 1 1/2 str bonus to gain the additional 50% due to power attack" or something like that. that would work with the natural attack section of it: or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. but as it stands, i agree with Rizzym ![]()
Mr. Damage wrote: You can flurry with a temple sword in both hands and get the 1 1/2 strength bonus Pretty sure no. as i said before you get 1x str bonus on your flurry attacks. originally, i think it was meant to effectively give you double slice with your flurrys but it inadvertently (unless done on purpose of course) takes out the possibility of 1&1/2 str bonus. the ability i have in question is does the power attack get the 50% increase for THing the sword because it also says a weapon held in two hands. which could be in reference to a double weapon but is left open. ![]()
Mojorat wrote: if you switch to an alignment Barbarians cant be they loose the ability to rage. there was an errata about it concerning monk/barbs. Joshua J. Frost wrote:
i could find no such errata for pfs. this is what joshua said but it is from february so an errata is quite a possibility. but could i still gain "levels of barbarian" for purposes of rage powers like superstitious which give a static modifier with no need of rage ![]()
can my lvl 1 NG oracle take 2 lvls of barbarian, switch alignments to, you guessed it, LG, take 3 lvls of pali and then go into rage prophet. specifically, do i gain: Savage Seer A rage prophet’s class level stacks with barbarian levels for determining the effect of his rage powers, oracle revelations, and his oracle’s curse. This does not grant additional abilities. I've looked around the forums a bit and the general consensus on ex-barbarians were that they can't take more levels of barbarian. does this seemingly twist around it? no additional abilities as listed above but could i still take extra rage? does it still stack? do i hear LG Barbarian legal? ![]()
BenignFacist wrote:
bump. just curious ![]()
from a dpr standpoint i believe the two handed fighter wins. the current champion i believe is a pure mounted barbarian who rides a tiger. charges with lance and the tiger pounces for loads of damage. i would say to maximize him even further, take 7 levels of mounted barbarian and 3 of two handed fighter to gain double str bonus on your charge att. but going back to your point, a two weapon fighter must achieve 15 dex and is feat starved unless you are a ranger allowing you to ignore the 15 dex but then you are feat starved. or you are a monk but then you have to be a monk. a two handed fighter is much better with the APG also. the fighter variant allowing them double str on their initial attack. you are at no point feat starved and all you need is str str and more str. you can take furious focus to get rid of your power attack minuses. cleave allows you "two weapon fight" on two opponents if they are adjacent at no penalty to hit, just your AC. you can also take other utility feats such as imp initiative, dodge, weapon focus, quick draw to charge at double your speed, etc. the real damage difference lies in power attack and doubling that str mod though. you could try to min max that further by taking a lvl of alchemist for the +4 mut bonus to str. or barbarian for the +4 mor bonus to str. cleric subdomain growth to grow large as a swift gaining reach, a 3D6 weapon and a +2 size bonus to str. you could take 3 lvls of ranger for the +4 enh bonus to str but you probably don't wanna use up 3 lvls and if you have any items that will be an enh bonus and won't stack. other not recommended ways to up your str would be to take lvls of druid to gain wild shape or domain powers. these are more long investments as opposed to the dipping listed above. ![]()
Rudimus wrote:
I would have to disagree with your dm here "A monk cannot use any weapon other than an unarmed strike or a special monk weapon as part of a flurry of blows." A temple sword is a monk weapon and thus legal. now if he says too bad then there is nothing you can do, but the rules definitely allow it. "A monk applies his full Strength bonus to his damage rolls for all successful attacks made with flurry of blows, whether the attacks are made with an off-hand or with a weapon wielded in both hands." I read this as when you wield that temple sword in two hands you get 1x str bonus but the full effect of power attack. "You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage." ![]()
Effortless Trickery
Prerequisite: Gnome. Benefit: You can maintain concentration on one spell of the illusion school as a swift action. This has no effect on spells of other schools or on illusion spells with durations that don’t depend on your active concentration. While you may only maintain one spell as a swift action, you may take your move and standard actions to maintain other spells normally, if you wish. Normal: Concentrating to maintain a spell is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. found in gnomes of golarion ![]()
there is nothing in the RAW that says two weapon fighting doesnt allow you to use two hands for weapons. now unless a pathfinder creator makes a ruling on this, which i was hoping for, it is up to the dm as you said. but IMO, twf would work because multiweapon fighting is for more than two weapon fighting where as twf is for two weapons. you obviously disagree and thats fine. ![]()
kyrt-ryder wrote: Maybe a shield (just for AC), a Falchion, and a free hand for whatever? eidolons cant wear armor of any kind Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms. again, this feat is illegal so not in the rules so doesnt matter anything about it i tried to repost to stop the talking about multiweapon fighting because the rules are irrelevant because they are illegal. ![]()
wtf? yes it will. please dont post "no it wont" with out any backing or explanation. the Two-Weapon Fighting feat lessens the primary hand penalty by 2, and the off-hand penalty by 6. Multiweapon fighting
i am only attacking with 2 weapons so two weapon fighting does everything i need. ![]()
the_hulk wrote: and yes i posted this in the eidolon thing but multiweapon fighting was brought up and its illegal in society. sorry for the double post but i just want more opinions on it i know that it is illegal in society. i dont want 4 attacks which is what multi weapon fighting gives you. twf will work. im just not sure what the to hit and damage would be. ![]()
DrDew wrote:
pathfinder society is kinda like a mmorpg via pathfinder. you make an account on this website and then you play in gaming sessions at your local gaming store or you can even buy them for 4$ a pop right here on the website and download it as a pdf. your dm reports that the session occured and you get whats called a chronicle sheet that records what you got as a reward for your gameplay. its pretty fun though. PS. your welcome paizo for the shameless advertising ![]()
i am making an eidolon and i want him to attack with two falchions,with 2 hands on each. wouldnt it be at a -4,-4 and 1and 1/2 str on primary, 3/4 str on secondary. with power attack affecting them as -1 +3 and -1 for a +2 and yes i posted this in the eidolon thing but multiweapon fighting was brought up and its illegal in society. sorry for the double post but i just want more opinions on it ![]()
YuenglingDragon wrote: With the feat it will be -4/-4. But since you can't select the feat in PFS it will be -6/-10 that cant be right. y even take the feat twf then? "If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. You suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your off hand when you fight this way. You can reduce these penalties in two ways. First, if your off-hand weapon is light, the penalties are reduced by 2 each. An unarmed strike is always considered light. Second, the Two-Weapon Fighting feat lessens the primary hand penalty by 2, and the off-hand penalty by 6." I am not attacking with any other weapon from any other hand, just using them to balance the heavy blade; therefore, i do reduce the off hand attack by 6. RAW shows that it would be -4,-4. my off hand weapon is not a light weapon so i dont reduce it there. i have twf, which states that i reduce my primary hand penalty by 2 and my off hand by 6. that is -4,-4. i am not weilding a two handed weapon in only 1 hand so i shouldnt incur the -2 penalty on that. ![]()
ill break it down into questions 1. what will my to hit be since im twf with two 2 handed weapons even though ill have four arms? 2. how will power attack work since im both holding them in two hands and attacking with a secondary attack? 3. how will my str mod be used to damage? 1 and 1/2 on first and only 1/2 on second? ![]()
i was looking at a summoner and got a few ideas in my head... i was wanting to make a bipedal eidolon with 4 arms and attack with two falchions. first feat would be mwp(falchion) next power attack. and then twf after i raised my dex enough. how would the damage be ruled since i will have 2 hands on each weapon? and with the power attacking? -1 for +3? |