Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal

the DZA's page

203 posts (265 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 aliases.

Okay Darren, let's try again! Let me know what kind of character you're thinking about.

Take two.

This is the discussion thread for my solo game set in Midgard.

My first attempt at an online game. Let's see how it goes!

Forgive me if this has been brought up before, but how intrinsic to the AP is the concept of Sin? I don't play in Golarion and so as I'm building up to run the hardcover when I get it I was hoping to adapt it to my homebrew world, specifically in a setting much like Open Game Design's Northlands.

I'm thinking of ending the game with the defeat of Mokmurian in Fortress of the Stone Giants, so I'm just not sure that the whole sin aspect needs to apply to my game. Any thoughts on how I could keep the Rune Magic but get rid of some of the emphasis on the sin? Thanks!


May I please have this order shipped to a different address? I'll be on vacation all of July and if it ships "early July" I would prefer it go to my address at zip code 88201. Thank you so much!


I'm sure I could ask this question on other messageboards, but I like the Paizo community a little more so I thought I'd ask you guys.

My Xbox has the red ring of death, and I'm wondering if I can just buy a new one and swap hard drives. Does it work like that? I hate to think that all of my info is just lost now, but I'm not really a hardcore (video) gamer so I don't know too much about it, and I'm not really comfortable trying to open up my current Xbox.

Can anybody help? Or at the very least point me to a website that might be helpful?


I seem to remember the Chrononauts expansion saying it might take longer to leave the warehouse than the others. Is there a way to send that separately so that the others might be sent sooner? Thanks!


I'm at work and don't have any of my reference materials in front of me and I was wondering: what areas of Greyhawk are most tieflings from?

I would think the remains of the Great Kingdom and the Empire of Iuz would be the most prominent, with possibly the city of Greyhawk having a few as well. Are there any others or am I totally wrong on my guesses?

Also, how would most Rhennee feel about tieflings?


the Dizz

Hey gang, the DZA here. My group and I are about to finish up Tides of Dread and I've been looking ahead to the LD and checking the boards to see what people thought. I've seen that some people had problems with this installment of the STAP and that some people recommend skipping it, or at least altering it in certain ways. I know the STAP is a little passe these days, but what are your opinions on this adventure? I'd really like to hear from the community.

Has anyone had enough experience with the OGL Witch that they could attempt a Pathfinder conversion? I'm interested in the class because it fits well with my homebrew world, but I haven't ever seen it in play and I'm not good at this kind of stuff anyway. Any help in my attempt would be appreciated.


Hey gang. We all know how RotJ ends, but I for one hate the freakin' Ewoks. An entire legion of the Empire's best troops can't defeat a bunch of primitive teddy bears? Come on. So, I'm trying to figure out a way to end the movie in such a way that characters in a campaign can take up the bulk of the responsibility for helping to defeat the Empire.

I like the idea of Han Solo dying in the battle. If the Empire defeats the Ewoks and Rebels on Endor then that would prevent the Rebel Fleet from destroying the good old Death Star, and most of the Fleet would be destroyed; potentially quelling the Rebellion.

Where I'm stuck is what to do with the Jedi/Sith. With his best friend dead, the Fleet being destroyed, and his sister potentially captured by the Empire, what would Luke do? Does he give in to his anger, kill Vader, and take his place by the Emperor's side? Does he help Vader kill the Emperor so they can rule the galaxy as father and son? Could that lead then, to Leia being the last hope of the Jedi?

I've read the Infinities comics, but they don't really help out here. I'm also not a fan of the majority of post-RotJ books and whatnot, so I don't care about affecting any of that stuff. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Help me Paizonians, you're my only hope.

Has anyone playing in the Realms reached this point of the STAP? I'm not there yet, but I'm trying to lay the groundwork early. How did you guys bring Iggwilv into the Realms? Page 140 of the PGtF says that the Shadow Plane connects Toril to other material worlds, Oerth included. Did anyone just bring her through a portal? Did anyone just have her be from Toril, and if so, where?

Also, I know this is in numerous other threads but can we expect any more conversion notes? Even if it was in the form of a post by Mr. Boyd that would be sweet.

My group finished SWW last night, and we ended with the Sea Wyvern smashing into the reef and it's passengers being pitched overboard...
except for the druid, who had wild shaped and jumped in the water to fight the masher.

After a couple of rounds of the fight I had the ship run aground of the reef, sending the masher down below the reef. The druid figured it was running away from him and his summoned monsters, but I was thinking it was just gonna go get it's homies so they could start gobbling up floating people. The druid then swam over to the wreck to try to start helping people.

With the rest of the party out cold and drifting in Umberlee's abyss waiting for me to deposit them ashore and start up HTBM, the druid is still swimming around. I can't figure out how to start up the next adventure with him not with the group. Anybody got any suggestions?

Nevermind, I guess. It says shipping.

Hey Cosmo (like the new 'do, by the way),

I know you're busy with a lot of requests with the sale stuff, but i was wondering if I could burden you with yet another.

Can I rearrange my order so that the available products ship out now instead of waiting for the other products to arrive? I don't mind the extra shipping fees and whatnots.

Also, can I change the address to ship to my Coronado PO Box? I was anticipating being in NM when I got them, but since they haven't shipped that's kind of moot.



Please cancel this order. Sorry for any inconveniences.

the DZA

Please cancel my Pathfinder Subscription. Thank you.

hey guys, just checked my subscriptions. i've still got an ongoing subscription for gamemastery modules...

should i have emailed or something? i looked for a way to cancel myself, but i couldn't find one.

With the plethora of 4E threads this may have been discussed already, but...

Before I got heavily into 3.0 I played a LOT of Star Wars d20. Shortly after the Revised Star Wars Rulebook came out 3.5 hit the shelves. I'm wondering if the Saga Edition is a preview of the "streamlined" system of play that 4E is supposed to deliver.

hello. i'm a 30 year old gamer with about 16 years experience looking for a mature, sophisticated game in So Cal. i haven't gamed in 6 months (i'm in the military) but would love to start. very knowledgeable (sp?) with 3.5 and i'm a spender with a ton of books and dragon and dungeon magazines (sniff, sniff...). please help!

ps- sebastian: you still looking for any players?

i have a player who is interested in the "sword of celestia" variant for the paladin, but we don't know how long it is supposed to last. does it function like the special mount and last for 2 hours per paladin level? we figured it must have a duration else there would be no reason for it to be available a number of times per day.

anyone have an idea, suggestion, or an answer?


i searched for this topic on the site but didn't see it, so i'm going to ask: does anyone else think that whisper gnomes should have an ecl?

when is someone gonna step up and write about the slaad lords? they seem to be conspicuously absent from 3.0/3.5. i know that in the next dragon there will be an article about the princes of elemental evil, but i think an update on our friends in limbo (think dragon #221) would be a lot cooler.