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Round 2 of the competition revealed my (current) inexperience with Pathfinder rules, but I have to say I really enjoyed the contest and I will wear the "Top 32" label with pride. A big thanks to the judges that put so much effort and expertise into this contest and to all the messageboard members for their insightful comments (especially those that generously contorted their own imagination to see success in my failed entry). I can honestly say I haven't ever been involved with a more dedicated group. Congratulations to the remaining 16, but keep on your toes. I for one will be vocal in my critiques from here on out, and I'll be hounding you next year! :D
Chronologist (Oracle) Through deep contemplation and a natural affinity, the chronologist possesses a consummate understanding of the ebb and flow of time. This unique perspective allows him to weave the parallel threads of past, present and future for his own purposes. A chronologist has the following class features. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Chronologists are proficient with all simple weapons as well as the scythe, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Speak In Riddles (Ex): A chronologist's phraseology mirrors his distinctive and complex view of the world, often making communication with him tiresome. A nonplayer character's initial attitude decreases by one step when first meeting the chronologist. At 5th level, the chronologist's ominous tone earns him a +3 competence bonus to Intimidate checks. At 10th level, the bonus increases to +6. At 15th level, having contemplated eternity, the chronologist gains immunity to the confused condition. This ability replaces oracle's curse. Mystery Bond: When selecting an oracle mystery, the chronologist must choose from one of the following: bones, heavens, life, lore or nature. The selection of oracle revelations at 1st, 7th and 15th level is replaced with the chronologist abilities listed below. Glimpse the Future (Su): The chronologist is difficult to surprise, granting him a +2 insight bonus to Perception checks against surprise attacks and traps. The bonus increases to +4 at 10th level. This ability replaces the 1st level oracle revelation. Manipulate Time (Sp): Once per day, the chronologist can break the temporal bonds and cast either haste or slow using his chronologist level as the caster level. This ability replaces the 7th level oracle revelation. Transcendent Consciousness (Sp): With great concentration a chronologist can examine a location and experience what recently transpired there just as if he were present during the time. For every minute the chronologist concentrates, he can observe one minute into the past, beginning with the moment he started concentrating and working backward. The chronologist may use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to 3 times his class level, but doing so is taxing, causing him to become fatigued immediately thereafter. A chronologist may not use this ability while fatigued or exhausted. Distractions while concentrating are handled as if casting an 8th level spell. This ability replaces the 15th level oracle revelation.
Help! Comparing the Archetype creation rules to some of the Classes, it seems that many are not well-suited for this contest. For example the Witch, having virtually no Abilities, has very few things you're actually allowed to change and those allowable things are minor in comparison (e.g. Skills, Proficiencies, etc.). The centerpieces of the Witch is her Hexes and her Patron, but they are off limits. This makes most changes superficial and probably boring. Clearly am I missing something. Anyone willing to set me straight?
MARTYR'S TEAR Aura moderate necromancy; CL 6th
Once per day, the gem's owner may spend a full-round action to transfer any number of his own hit points into the gem, causing the gem's color to deepen as hit points are absorbed. Using another full-round action, the hit points contained within the Tear can be transferred to another creature that touches the gem, returning the gem to its original hue. Hit points stored within the gem fade away at a rate of one hit point per minute until the gemstone is once again empty. CONSTRUCTION