silenttimo's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 652 posts (653 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.
I mailed to CS on the 29th of july :
- "(...) I also would like to cancel my AP subscriptions before 1st installment of the "Iron gods" AP, if you please. (...)"
After checking my account, it happens that all my suspended AP from "Mummy's mask" have been cancelled also.
That's why I mailed again yesterday (30th of july) :
- "(...) I guess I was misunderstood !
I would like my AP subscription cancelled from the 1st of august, meaning that "Mummy's mask AP" ' adventures are not concerned, and I am willing to pay for MM's s intallments 3 to 6.
My message was just to inform you that I would like my AP subscription cancelled at the end of MM, so before the "Iron gods AP" begins. (...)"
I know you must be busy with GenCon, however please let me know if my mails have been taken into account.
Thanks in advance.
being a KS PF-OL crowdforger guild member, I will already receive a PDF of adventure and maps.
Is there a way to get those at a slightly cheaper price since I'll get the PDFs ??
(I think I have seen a discussion about this elsewhere)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I am wondering why "enlarge" could appear so underpowered ?
The benefit from it is not that great compared to the drawbacks :
- +2 strength, larger size (reach inside !), larger weapons
- -2 dex, -1 AC & -1 attack due to larger size
Indeed, you receive, tax included :
Pros :
* reach
* let's say about +2 to +4 damage per attack (depending on weapon)
* +0 on attack rolls
* bonus on grapple checks
Cons :
* -1 ref saves
* -1 on some useful combat skills (escape, acrobatics, sometimes stealth)
* -2 on range attacks
* -2 AC
* -1 initiative
So, everytime I propose to enlarge a friend (I am a sorcerer with "enlarge" as a bonus spell), he just tells me he prefers not to be enlarged.
Is it me, or is that spell underpowered for a 2nd level spell ?
If there was not that -2 on dex and say a -4 on stealth checks (keeping the -1 on att. and CA), it would be really OK and not that powerful (no malus on ref saves, skills other than stealth, initiative and only -1 on AC and attacks including range attacks).
What do you think about that spell ?
Is there really a problem with that spell ?
just to let you know : I received the following order (S&S AP#56, deepmar & so on) last friday (25th of may), and still no news from my mid-april shipment...
silenttimo wrote: I know it MAY take a little longer, but I just wanted to let you know. Thanks Erik,
yes, I know about delivery time, as I wrote.
Just wanted to let you know, since all of the french subscribers I know have received the items shipped by mid-april included in that shipment.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
just to let you know order Order #2030103 shipped april the 17 has not arrived.
It contains :
• Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny (Skull & Shackles 1 of 6) - Print Edition
• Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles - Print Edition
• Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends - Print Edition
• Pathfinder Module: The Midnight Mirror - Print Edition
Every other french guy I know, who is also a subscriber, has received this shipment at least 2 weeks ago.
I know it MAY take a little longer, but I just wanted to let you know.
I was so eager to receive the "Skulls & Shackles volume 1".
I went to check at my post office : nothing.
Thanks in advance.
M Human bard 2nd / rogue 3nd / wizard 2nd / paladin 2nd
I'd just would like to know if the DM has converted "White plume mountain" on the fly, or does he have notes ?
If the DM has notes (word or PDF file), I'd be delighted to have them for having my friends play WPM (without making all the conversion work).
Thanks in advance.
My mail is silenttimo(at)yahoo(dot)fr
silenttimo wrote: Hi William,
I'd be glad to have a copy of your conversion of B2.
Couldn't it be possible to host conversions on a site like d20pfsrd, if possible ?
My mail is : silenttimo(at)yahoo(dot)fr
Thanks in advance, and happy new year !
Hi William,
not sure you read my message !
I'm in for a copy of your conversion !
Hi William,
I'd be glad to have a copy of your conversion of B2.
Couldn't it be possible to host conversions on a site like d20pfsrd, if possible ?
My mail is : silenttimo(at)yahoo(dot)fr
Thanks in advance, and happy new year !
We'll just have to wait for the Ustalav AP, and then the "japanese / chinese" AP (Tian Xi ??, can't remember).
I'm pretty sure Ustalav won't be a sandbox AP.
Regarding the "oriental" AP, let's wait, but it won't be 'til summer of 2011...
We play in french but use some english terms.
And Seldriss is right : the 1st translation for the core rulebook had lots of bugs, much more than the english version (I have it since I won it, but I only use the english version).
That should be corrected since the 2nd print will be available next week.
Well James, or Sean,
is there a way to submit a feat for this book ?
(I submitted it for Wayfinder #3, but after the deadline...)
Thanks in advance.
miph-not-melf wrote: Congratulations on the Dungeons & Dragons WikiProject too Could you give us a link please !?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks very much, Sara Marie and all at CS.
I'll wait 'til august or september and make a real plunder of some of you products !
Sara Marie wrote:
As for the package containing - One on One Adventures Compendium, Dungeon Issue #64, 66, we have not received that back. I will return those three to your account as store credit since you have not received them.
sara marie
I would like to have more information about this store credit, since it seems to me that I only got store credit for the "Dragon magazine" that was sold out.
Thanks in advance,
Sara Marie wrote: Cosmo wrote: silenttimo wrote: Hi,
my order #1404811 is still pending, since april the 15th.
I'd like to know when it'll ship.
Thanks in advance,
It looks like your order was being held up by one of the replacement Dragon Magazines, of which we have sold out. I have, therefore, canceled that replacement and will get your order shipped out as soon as possible. I have also refunded you for the magazine on the original order (via store credit).
I apologize for the delay.
cos http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizo/customerService/archives/orderSt illPending
As for the package containing - One on One Adventures Compendium, Dungeon Issue #64, 66, we have not received that back. I will return those three to your account as store credit since you have not received them.
sara marie Well,
thanks for all your answers !
I did not pay attention to the very last sentence of Cosmo's answer.
I hope I won't meet other problems due to the French Post Office services.
If you need a proof of (2nd) purchase for "1 on 1", I can provide it (order #50378, at Ludikbazar, french online RPG shop, and I also bought the books of december that were missing : "Mother of flies", "Andoran" and "classic horrors revisited").
Upping just to get an answer...
Quote: I just noticed that one of my missing shipment had been returned to you (in my order history, it says "returned" may 6).
This shipment included :
- Dragon Issue #287 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 05, 2010, 1 returned May 6, 2010
- Dragon Issue #288 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 5, 2010
- Dragon Issue #289 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 5, 2010
- Dragon Issue #292 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 5, 2010
- Dragon Issue #295 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 5, 2010
It's a real pity since I have never received any notification or anything else telling me a shipment was waiting for me (and I went several times to my Post Office just to be sure).
I would be grateful if you could confirm that those items were sent back to you.
Although, since you have replaced Dragon # 288, 289, 292 and 295, and since #287 was not replaced (it seems that I had ordered the very las one), do you think it could possible for you to ship this Dragon #287 with my next subscription items (after all, Dragon 287 was paid) ?
My last question is about the 6th of february shipment :
- One on One Adventures Compendium (PFRPG) Print Edition Shipped Feb 6, 2010
- Dungeon Issue #64 (in lieu of KQ11) Shipped Feb 6, 2010
- Dungeon Issue #66 Shipped Feb 6, 2010
Do you have any news about this particular shipment ?
(I had to buy "1 on 1" again in one of my french FGLS, but getting old Dungeon magazines in France is much more complicated, except through overseas companies)
Thanks in advance
Hi CS, Hi Sara Marie & CoSmo,
I just noticed that one of my missing shipment had been returned to you (in my order history, it says "returned" may 6).
This shipment included :
- Dragon Issue #287 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 05, 2010, 1 returned May 6, 2010
- Dragon Issue #288 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 5, 2010
- Dragon Issue #289 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 5, 2010
- Dragon Issue #292 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 5, 2010
- Dragon Issue #295 Printed Issue Shipped Feb 5, 2010
It's a real pity since I have never received any notification or anything else telling me a shipment was waiting for me (and I went several times to my Post Office just to be sure).
I would be grateful if you could confirm that those items were sent back to you.
Although, since you have replaced Dragon # 288, 289, 292 and 295, and since #287 was not replaced (it seems that I had ordered the very las one), do you think it could possible for you to ship this Dragon #287 with my next subscription items (after all, Dragon 287 was paid) ?
My last question is about the 6th of february shipment :
- One on One Adventures Compendium (PFRPG) Print Edition Shipped Feb 6, 2010
- Dungeon Issue #64 (in lieu of KQ11) Shipped Feb 6, 2010
- Dungeon Issue #66 Shipped Feb 6, 2010
Do you have any news about this particular shipment ?
(I had to buy "1 on 1" again in one of my french FGLS, but getting old Dungeon magazines in France is much more complicated, except through overseas companies)
Thanks in advance,
my order #1404811 is still pending, since april the 15th.
I'd like to know when it'll ship.
Thanks in advance,
Guillaume Godbout wrote: J'avais une campagne il y a un an et demi qui utilisait MapTools et Skype. Ça se passait bien, en général.
La campagne s'est effondrée lorsque mes joueurs se sont fait "nicker" par une bande de butraciens.
[hors sujet]
Hello Guillaume (nous avions eu quelques échanges mails il y a un moment),
fais-tu référence à la fin du 2e scénario d'un certain Adventure Path ?
Nous venons d'attaquer le 5e scénario de cette campagne, avec un mix 3.5/PF (notamment parce que nous avons converti des personnages créés en 3.5).
Cordialement à tous !
the very last Paizo's shipment was not "sent back / lost / stolen / ..." and when I got home yesterday night, I found Kingmaker #1, lots of NPCs and CoT maps !
(phew !!)
Sara Marie wrote: I've set up replacements for the Dragon magazines and the bonus bestiary to go out with your next subscription. If your packages shows up in the meantime, please let me know. If it comes back here, I will let you know right away.
sara marie
Thanks !
I know another french guy (living in the far suburb of Paris) has just received his shipments today (some were sent around mid-decembre), so I am still hoping they'll show up one day !!!
Thanks anyway, and I'll let you know if I were to receive my delayed (lost ?, stolen ?) shipments.
I sure wouldn't like to have to cancel my subscriptions just because I've had 3 shipments lost/stolen/delayed in less than 2 months after 5 years being a subscriber !!!
Hello everyone at CS,
have you had any news about my 3 missing shipments (were they sent back ?) ?
Unfortunately for me, I had to buy "again" most of the missing items (but I couldn't find the Dragon magazines nor the "bonus bestiary" print edition).
Any chance the "bonus bestiary PE" could be sent again with my next shipment ????
Aubrey the Malformed wrote: Well, we haven't entirely given up jingoism - we still hate the French, but it's mutual so that's alright. I've always liked your posts a lot, Aubrey !
Well, as a matter of fact, I do NOT hate the english. ;=)
I'be always figured this was more like a love/hate relationship than french relationship with Germany (where it's a kind of "love/distrust" relationship).
(the only exception "could" be on a rugby field when our team is meeting yours for the 6 nations);
Cheers !
Cosmo wrote: It is possible that some or all of the missing orders are lost, but it is much more likely that they are still in transit (and delayed) or being returned to us. Thanks Cosmo, yes, I do hope the 3 shipments will reappear !
It's a lot of products (and of money for me...).
Cosmo wrote: So that I can get a clear accounting of the missing orders, please let me know the exact order #'s of the orders which you have not yet received. Well, here are the 3 shipments I did not receive :
- order #1335108 (subscription, 3 items) including "Andoran", "PF AP #29" and "classic horrors" (shipped 25th of january) ;
- order #768508 (1st shipment, 5th of february ; 5 Dragon issues) : Dragon Issue #287 Printed Issue / Dragon Issue #288 Printed Issue / Dragon Issue #289 Printed Issue / Dragon Issue #292 Printed Issue / Dragon Issue #295 Printed Issue
- order #768508 (2nd shipment, 6th of february, 3 items) : Dungeon Issue #66 print ed. / One on One Adventures Compendium (PFRPG) Print Edition / "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary (OGL) Print Edition"
(there was a mistake, this last item is labelled "Kobold Quarterly 11 Print Edition" in the 2nd shipment's notice I received by mail, but I did receive "Kobold Quarterly 11 Print Edition" in the 3rd shipment, sent 8th of february, but not "PF RPG bonus bestiary").
Then, between the 10th and 18th of march, I did receive what was shipped the 8th of february (order #768508, 3rd shipment) and the 10 of february (subscription order, including "council of thieves, AP #30).
My real concern is that I have not experienced anything like this before with your shipments (a few higher delays, one shipment sent back about 2 years and a half ago, 1-2 damaged shipments) on a 5 years range.
And now, 3 shipments disappering (almost 9 weeks for the oldest one, 7 weeks for the latest one). In less than 3 weeks (shipments' dates).
I know you can not "fix" all Postal or Customs (US & french) services, but last time I met such a problem (with my subscription, only), a replacement item was sent.
Right now, I do cross my fingers hoping the last shipment ("Kingmaker part one & other items) will arrive safe at my home !
Steven Tindall wrote: I don't speak for ALL conservatives anymore than those freaking crista-nazi-asshats speak for all conservatives(ann and rush I mean you) but the main reason -I- oppose national health care is because it would raise my taxes even more than they already are. As a french (french health care system has lots of flaws, but works alright ; Michael Moore's movie about health care system depicted our system in a too optimistic way), I would say that is what I could think now, if I did not think although about my family and my elder days that would inevitably come one day.
It's not a matter of "paying now" but a matter of "paying now, benefiting if needed one day".
Yes, I am in a good health, now.
However, 2 years ago, my mom had a breast cancer.
My parents do (and did) have enough money to pay for the treatment (but it would have been very expensive for them anyway), but most part of it was taken care by the french health care system.
Do you have any idea what is the cost for curing a breast cancer (through chemical and x-rays) ?
IIRC, the whole process cost more than $15,000, in about 6 months. A large part of it was not paid by my parents.
I remember that one pill that my mother took once or twice a month (for 6 month) cost about $800 !!
What would you do if someone very close, an aunt or cousin had to go through this, and di not have enough money to pay ?
Ignore the problem ?
"After all, 'she' is only my aunt, my cousin !"
What about you, or your very close relatives (parents, bros ans sis, wife, children) ?
Noone is a 100% safe from cancer or a degenerative disease.
Think about it : you don't pay for "others", but you also pay for what COULD happen to your people.
Have you ever given your blood ?
I did it several times, each time thinking : "I am happy to give my blood, it'll be useful to someone, maybe it'll save a life.
And maybe, one day, I'll be happy that someone gave its blood for me..."
Here, instead of blood, it's money.
Steven Tindall wrote: Being told I have to buy health care or be fined is the most communist, anti-American thing I can imagine. Sure, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, for example are communist countries.
Beware, I am sure Norway has nuclear submarines close to US coastal cities...
Steven Tindall wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong but I don’t believe Australia has close to 15 to 20 million ILLEGAL money sucking, quasi-illiterate immigrants in it's borders, we do that’s what make OUR health care issue different from any other nation. I'm pretty sure they don't.
However, according to the last figures I've read, US population (legal) is around 308-310 million people, when it's only about 22 million people in Australia (no real comparison is possible ; moreover, Australia is an island, so, illegal immigration is even more difficult) , and illegal US population is more around 13-15 million than 20 !
Then, the rest of it is HIGHLY racist, full of prejudice : "quasi illiterate".
Just because some (maybe most) of them don't speak english ?
Why don't you speak spanish, and verify by yourself ?
And then check for other countries about illegal immigrant population.
All of the european countries do have a high rate of illegal immigration.
I do not approve illegal immigration, but it is a very complex problem.
Steven Tindall wrote: They [illegal immigrants] don’t pay taxes into our system because they have 19 kids to support back in Mexico or whatever south of the border drug infested cartel of a nation they come from and yet they want to receive the full benefits of living here. They want to get social security,... "19 kids" !
This is also outrageous and HIGHLY racist.
"They don't pay taxes" : VAT ?
As a matter of fact, the illegal immigration is much more complex than a "money suckers' problem".
And we do have such a problem in France.
First of all, lots (maybe most) of illegal people DO HAVE a work.
Why ?
Because they cost less.
GOOD and NICE and WHITE US companies (or french companies in France) do use illegal workers, or even US (or french) citizens for nursing or housecleaning.
They check quickly the papers (false ones) and hire those people : less organized (very few union workers), less expensive, more "stretchable", it's difficult to ignore that, for a company that is looking for the highest profits.
So, should we make the companies pay for hiring illegal workers ?
Or should we imprison or send back illegal workers ?
Who's to blame ?
Then, do not forget : your "money sucking" illegal worker has vital needs : house, food, clothes, some leisure.
And guess what ?
They spend that money IN the USA (It doesn't mean they don't send part of it in their countries).
Maybe they even buy stuff from the company you're working for !
Maybe they pay part of your salary !
Gosh, you should be ashamed...
Well, I don't know !
When I went to my post office, I was told that the form seems different, and the guy di not know if this particulat form (Paizo's form is a white sticker, about 5.5x7 inches) was scanned when the mail entered France (the green form should be scanned, if I did understand the man).
Still no news form Paizo, though...
just to let you know that 3 of my 5 last shipments are still missing (shipped 25th of january, and 5th & 6th of february).
I've asked for an inquiry at my local Post office, and they're beginning to investigate.
However, they do not know if the missing shipments were :
- stolen in the US postal service ;
- stolen in the french postal service ;
- held by the customs ;
- lost.
I gave them one of the former Paizo's envelope, and they told me that since the custom declaration paper is not the usual one (it is not the green custom declaration paper that I usually find on US' packages), it was not read on the record database system and they have no way to track your shipments from the day they arrived in France (if they arrived).
I am still hoping this was a serious multi-accident, otherwise I'll have to cancel my subscriptions if this happens again.
And I would be sorry to have to do that.
Although, I'd like to be advised if some of the packages were showing off back at Paizo (there could be a mistake ?!).
At last, I'd like to know what could be done about those shipments.
I do understand it's the kind of problem that can not be corrected easily : you shipped the items, I did not received them (and I am beginning to feel frustrated about it), but what now ?
Please, let me know what can be done.
Thanks in advance,
still no news of 3 of the last 5 shipments (25th of january - 10th of february / received the 8th and 10th of february shipment at least 8 days ago for the 2nd one).
And I checked at my local Post office (twice).
I had not experienced someting like this until now, and I have been a subscriber since spring 2005, IIRC.
I wish I had the time !
Do you think it would it be possible to have your conversion notes ?
Good games to all !
silenttimo wrote: Hello,
I am beginning to be worried about order #1335108 (subscription) including "Andoran", "PF AP #29" and "classic horrors".
It's been shipped more than 5 weeks ago and I have still not received it.
I've been also a little bit worried about order #768508, since I received the last of three shipments, and there has been a slight problem.
I received the items shipped on the 8th of february, and they are :
- Kobold Quarterly 10 Print Edition
- Kobold Quarterly 12 Print Edition
- Dungeon Issue #64
- (4x) Axis & Allies Miniatures—Base Set: Jeep
as well as "Kobold quarterly #11 print ed." instead of "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary (OGL) Print Edition" (this is the slight mistake).
However, I have not received (yet) neither the items shipped on the 5th of february :
- Dragon Issue #287 Printed Issue
- Dagon Issue #288 Printed Issue
- Dagon Issue #289 Printed Issue
- Dragon Issue #292 Printed Issue
- Dragon Issue #295 Printed Issue
Nor the items shipped on the 6th of february :
- Dungeon Issue #66 print ed.
- One on One Adventures Compendium (PFRPG) Print Edition
as well as "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary (OGL) Print Edition" instead of "Kobold Quarterly 11 Print Edition".
I am still worried since I received the very latest Paizo's shipment (PF #30, the last of "council of thieves" + fellnight queen) and I still have not received the products shipped on the 25th of january.
It's been 6 weeks now...
I did not receive the 5th & 6th of february shipments (but I received the 8th and 10th of february shipments).
I am beginning to be worried about order #1335108 (subscription) including "Andoran", "PF AP #29" and "classic horrors".
It's been shipped more than 5 weeks ago and I have still not received it.
I've been also a little bit worried about order #768508, since I received the last of three shipments, and there has been a slight problem.
I received the items shipped on the 8th of february, and they are :
- Kobold Quarterly 10 Print Edition
- Kobold Quarterly 12 Print Edition
- Dungeon Issue #64
- (4x) Axis & Allies Miniatures—Base Set: Jeep
as well as "Kobold quarterly #11 print ed." instead of "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary (OGL) Print Edition" (this is the slight mistake).
However, I have not received (yet) neither the items shipped on the 5th of february :
- Dragon Issue #287 Printed Issue
- Dagon Issue #288 Printed Issue
- Dagon Issue #289 Printed Issue
- Dragon Issue #292 Printed Issue
- Dragon Issue #295 Printed Issue
Nor the items shipped on the 6th of february :
- Dungeon Issue #66 print ed.
- One on One Adventures Compendium (PFRPG) Print Edition
as well as "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary (OGL) Print Edition" instead of "Kobold Quarterly 11 Print Edition".
I just wanted to let you know and wait for a few days more before being VERY worried.
Aka Silenttimo
Cosmo wrote: This item has been canceled. Thank you very much Cos',
Paizo's CS is still one of the most efficient I have ever seen (if not the most efficient) !
(message also sent at CS mail address)
the 31st of january, I ordered (order #768508) several items (also to benefit from my "holiday10" code), and by mistake, I ordered the "kobold quarterly #9" (still pending) that I had already bought at my FGLS.
Since it doesn't change very much my order (total order would still be over $100), would it be possible to have this item removed from order 768508 ?
Since it is still pending, I have not been charged yet.
Thanks in advance,
Silenttimo (M. Bossin)
I bought it.
The previous non-printed edition was translated in french and was available at Lulu.com.
It's a very simple and highly free-form RPG, with "heroism points" that can increase the results of your actions.
The previous book (this one should have additional content) consists of : rules, brief description of world & gods, examples of magic spells/rituals, 20-25 monsters, 5 pre-generated PCs, and 2 short adventures.
It's less than 100 pages IIRC.
It should take about 30-45 minutes (with only one book & one player having read the rules) to create 4-5 characters.
Someone used to those rules could create his PC in about 5 minutes.
You have 4 points to put in :
- strength, agility, intellect & aura (from -1 to 4) ;
- 4 careers (from 0 to 4), like guard, gladiator, rogue, assassin, sorcerer, alchemist...
- 4 fighting abilities (from 0 to 4) : melee, distance, brawling, defence.
You then choose one human race (you don't find gnomes, dwarves, and so on), take one advantage based on your race, another advantage, a default trait, and have some heroism points (you can have less if you choose to have another advantage).
Creating your PC gives ideas for your BG.
As an example :
I Rhunkodar, man of the frozen north, I was a promising youth (career : warrior 2 / strength 2, agility 1, melee 2) when I was abducted by slavers (career : slave 0, defence 1). They sold me to an arena manager who gave me gladiator training (career : gladiator 1, brawling 1), and since he found me not too smart (intellect 0) but gentle (aura 1), he decided, after a while, to give me my freedom back.
Since I wanted to leave that stinky harbour, Blackpearl, to become a famous pirate, I was hired by One-eye-One-leg Durgan, the famous high seas navigator. I then sold Durgan's ship to Scrappy Blood the dark, the pirate and became one of his crewmen (career : pirate 1), hopping to become first lieutnant one day...
I then have to choose advantages and default.
And I am ready to sail away...
Since it's a free form game, the rules are very simple also :
I roll 2 6-sided dice, 9+ is a success, 8- is a failure.
The DM can give +/- according to the situation.
I add the best suited characteristic's score (ex : climbing a tree -> agility, rolling a huge rock -> strength) AND the best suited career's score if it seems logical.
For example, with Rhundokar, his ship attacks another ship. The other ship's captain has a panther as a "familiar", and the panther attacks Rhundokar who did not have time to draw a sword.
- If Rhundokar tries to jump out of the panther's reach, the player will roll 2 6-sided dice, +1 (agility for avoiding the blows) +1 (career, gladiator : he is used to fight animals like this one).
- If Rhundokar tries to get a hold at the panther and then strangle the animal, he will roll his dice and add +2 (strength) +1 (brawling) -defence of the panther (IIRC).
- 2 is always a miss
- 12 is always a citical
- success +1 heroism point is a critical
- critical +1 heroism point is fantastic
However, one of the best things (IMHO) for this RPG, is the end of the adventure.
Everyone gets one "experience" point.
You may have another one if you describe precisely how you spend all the money you got from the previous adventure, also giving ideas to your DM for next adventures. You have to roleplay it.
It's not a game for "petty saver" who wants to save money to buy a castle, a new magical item and so on.
If you say : I give my money to the poor orphans of the city.
-> no XP bonus.
if you say : I go to the orphanage where I spent my youth. In the courtyard, I grab dozens of coins and throw them to the children.
"Be free to spend them as you wish, you poor children, become men and go to Miss Marietta's brothel, you'll fell better !"
However, I keep enough to buy at least 3 barrels of beer and mo' money to get two nights with Black Sonya : maybe she's no whore but the wife of the Scoundrels' guild Highest Assassin, but I do not care.
Rhundokar has always wanted to share Sonya's bed, even if he has to flee the city after that and always keep an eye over his shoulderafter that !
Hello everyone at Paizo's CS,
"Council of thieves #2" was shipped the 14th of september, 3 weeks and a half ago, and I have not received it.
In the past , I noticed it usually takes 12 to 20 days.
I'll check at my post office, but I wanted to let you know.
Although, I received your message regarding next order (#1270152) but I do not see "Council of thieves #3" in it.
Since I am overseas, I took the "one shipment" option, and if possible, I would prefer a one-week delay over twice the shipping cost.
Thanks in advance.
houstonderek wrote: Pax Veritas wrote: Ashkecker wrote: Much love for UK4!
I converted it to 3.5 and I think it was well received by my group. Holy bozorgs! You took the time to convert it to v.3.5? If you have this documented, may I please have a copy, I would love to run it in Pathfinder RPG!!! Me too!!! Yep, I am also interested.
If you typed the conversion, feel (very very) free to send it to me at : silenttimo@yahoo(dot)fr
Thanks again Callum !
I'll check if no other map is missing (indeed, I only have one cover, the "ouside" cover, with 2-4 maps on it, and missing others maps mentionned in the index & in the adventure : a few lairs, the "regional" map and so on).
FYI, I bought it from a french e-bay seller who had twice this adventure : he did not even notice that some maps were missing.
I think (& believe) he is not dishonest : he just did not check and alas, when I began to read the adventure, I went into maps referenced that I could not find and checked the index !
Hi everyone,
I didn't know where to post my message.
I recently bought the adventure UK4, and the inside folder (with the maps) is missing.
Could anyone scan me over the maps and send them to silenttimo(at)yahoo(dot)fr , I would be extremely grateful.
Thanks in advance,
Minsk wrote: The crew of the River Queen definitely makes a big difference in the encounters on the river in our game. The will o' wisp turned out to be nigh invulnerable to my players' attacks so two rounds in I had to spontaneously drop its AC a bit to give my mates a fighting chance. I can see your point of view.
However, I do not see Esteban or Hurg going out of the boat, Farukh dies during the course of the adventure, and the other three are not very efficient.
I also see the fell flotsam + will o' wisp as a very hard fight, as well as the fight at Whitebridge if I fully play the elven tactics as described.
I know there is plenty of time to replenish and recover, but gosh, how hard are those encounters (level +4 or +5 above a 4th level party).
And when I look at pirhanas swarms, I cross my fingers that they have don't swim while several swarms approach : they are as nearly invulnerable as the will o' wisp (except for fire or acid, but since they are in the water...).
Cpt_kirstov wrote: it depends on both the PCs and the players of the PCs. PCs running this as a one-shot have gear more geared to fighting in the terrain than ones running it as part of an adventure path. Well,
since we're playing "Savage tide" (in the Forgotten realms, Tashluta), we are already geared toward "aquatic" adventures, one of the PCs is used to be in warm and humid environment, and (besides the fact there is no real wizard/sorcerer), we have a good team :
- human duskblade lvl 5 (2-H sword with power attack and arcane channeling can be very powerful),
- human rogue lvl 5 (fighting with chains, he has a reach and better chances to stay away from trouble),
- human cleric lvl 5 (water god Istishia, so he knows how to swim and has a swim speed),
and the oddest PC (mine : I happen to be the DM for this only adventure) :
- aasimar cloistered cleric 1 of Tyr (war/knowledge +good devotion) /marshall 2 /paladin 2
[with my auras, I give +5 ref saves and +1 AC to my buddies, and as an immediate action, I give aligned [good] weapons + DR 2/evil].
It is a good fighting group, good on healing, but we had a harsh fight against the dragonnel, and some terrible things are ahead...
So, I was wondering if the encounters are not too difficult for a group of lvl 4 PCs, since at lvl 5, we have problems... ?
Other dumb questions about W2 :
I am DMing "River into darkness" as an aside adventure in our "Savage tide" campaign (between 2nd (BG) and 3rd adventures (SWW)).
The 4 PCs are 5th level already for a 4th level adventure (but no wizard).
So I gave here or there more HP, and/or +1 AC, and/or +1 to hit/dmg by improving strength (depending on the lvl/HD of the monster/character), and so on.
It seems to me that a lot of the encounters are VERY HIGH level compared to even a 5th level group : I almost killed the tank (5th lvl human duskblade) in the very first round of the 1st combat, the one with the dragonnel (from 41 to 2 HP in the 1st round) and damaged badly the rogue (about 20-25 damage) in the 2nd round.
When I read the encounters with the kech, the girallon +elves, the flotsam + will o' wisp, it seems to me that there are almost only CR 6 to 8-9 encounters in the 1st part of the adventure.
Don't you think that the encounters are too deadly for Lvl 4-5 groups of PCs ?
Hi everyone,
I am looking for a feat that could enlarge (permanently, if possible) my paladin aura (if possible, from 10 ft radius to 30 ft radius).
I think I saw something like this somewhere in a Dragon magazine or a book, but I can not remember where...
Thanks in advance,
Tarren Dei wrote: Katapesh HauteCouture
lundi 12 janvier 2009
Une des choses d'amusement de partir de Varisia et dans une nouvelle terrain pour l'Aventure Path est que les resultant PNJs avoir l'air différent. Pendant que produire des demandes d'art, je suspecte que nous ayons passé des jours recherche sur l'Internet pour de plus en plus l'habillement exotiques pour vêtir nos caractères dedans. Le prochain 'Dark Markets: A Guide to Katapesh' est est enrichi par ces heures de recherche sur l'Internet. Voici est trois de les portraits des PNJs qui apparaissent dans le livre. Chaque portrait représente un type différent du characteur de caractère que vous pourriez rencontrer pendant une aventure dans le région. Voici un négociant demi-orque hargneux, une guerrière gracieux mais mortel, ou même une jeune fille désespérée qui pourrait juste devenir une paladine iconique célèbre!
I just stumbled on this thread, and since I am (also) french, as one of the previous posters, let me try to help you :
Défilé de mode du Katapesh
Lundi 12 janvier 2009
L'un des aspects amusants en quittant la Varisie (or Varisia) pour de nouveaux territoires des "chemins de l'aventure" (I guess keeping Adventure path is no big deal here), se trouve dans les tenues complètement différentes que portent les personnages non-joueurs (PNJ, in french).
Avant de commander les illustrations, je nous soupçonne d'avoir passé des jours à surfer sur internet à la recherche de vêtements de plus en plus exotiques afin d'habiller nos personnages.
Le prochain "Marchés noirs : un guide de Katapesh" porte la marque de ces heures de recherche. Sont représentés ici 3 portraits de PNJ qui apparaissent dans ce livre, chacun reflétant le genre de personnage susceptible d'être rencontré au cours de l'aventure dans cette région, qu'il soit un négociant demi-orque bourru, une combattante gracieuse mais dangereuse, ou bien même une jeune fille désespérée qui puisse un jour devenir une célèbre paladine iconique !
(my thread was swallowed but I saved it just in time)
First of all, I do believe that the 2 minor changes I will propose in this thread do not unbalance the game at all.
We decided to use the PF rules about skills & favourite classes (in our STAP campaign) because they don't change too much the game we began with 3.5, and we are going to have a new game in a few month where we'll use the entire PF rules (I guess PFRPG will be out by then, but we began to create the PCs using the beta rules).
I really like what we have used and what we have read so far, but I have 2 minor changes to propose :
* Favourite PrC :
The bonus (+1 hp or +1 skill point) to a character class should exist with PrC.
However, to keep the spirit of that specific rule, I would propose the following changes :
- from 5th level, a player must choose a single favourite PrC for his PC, even if he has not taken a level in it ;
- the 1st level of a favourite PrC may not be taken before reaching 6th level (5th level class X / 1st level PrC Y) ;
- the player can not take a level in another PrC, or a brand new class, until he reaches at least 3 levels of his favourite PrC (for 5-levels PrC), 4 levels (for 7-levels PrC) or 5 levels (for 10-levels PrC) ;
- the player can not take levels in one of his previous character class before he reaches at least 2 levels of his favourite PrC (for 5-levels PrC), 3 levels (for 7-levels PrC) or 4 levels (for 10-levels PrC) ;
Optionnal (it needs lots of precisions, so this must be a DM's choice) :
- to be chosen as a favourite PrC, the PrC must be coherent with the first five levels the players has taken as character class levels.
(i.e. with divine spells, for example, for divune spellcasters...).
* Favourite class bonus :
First of all, I noticed that some classes will (almost) always take the 1 hp (a wizard with high int has lots of bonus skill points, so why bother with another bonus skill point ?), some classes will (almost) always take the 1 skill point (fighters tend to have high hp and lots of feats, so that they will easily take the fortitude feat), while other will constantly hesitate (sorcerer : they would like to have more skills but lack of an intelligence as high as wizards, so that they could although have little less hp.
Then, IMHO, I although think that 1 hp is slightly more powerful than one skill point. I would propose 1 hp OR 2 skill points with the following changes :
- when taking a level in his favourite class OR favourite prestige class, a player gain either 1 hp OR 2 skill points ;
- a bonus (1 hp or 2 skill points) may NEVER be chosen more than twice in a row (or thrice...).
Well, these are the 2 minor changes I spent hours to think about.
at last : the 2 missing adventures arrived on tuesday the 2nd of december (they were shipped on october the 24th).
I am glad this shipment did not get lost !
sorry Alison : I realized it was split when I looked again at the invoice !
However, it's been a full week (wed. nov. 19th) since I received the 1st shipment, and today, the 27th, still no sign of the 2 modules LB2 and D4.
I'm hopping while hoping...
Alison McKenzie wrote: silenttimo wrote: Hi,
I guess my previous message acted like a powerful spell : everything arrived today (SD companion, PF-SD 13-14-15, elves of Golarion, Gods & magic).
Great! However, when I looked at what should have been in the box, I realized that I am missing :
- Pathfinder Module LB2: Treasure of Chimera Cove (OGL) Print Edition
Shipped October 24, 2008
- Pathfinder Module D4: Hungry Are the Dead (OGL) Print Edition
Shipped October 24, 2008
Was this order split in two ?
Or is that an error ?
(this order contains 8 items, and there were only the 6 items previously mentionned in the box)
Could somebody point me out a thread to wish Mike McArtor all the best !?
I just received "elves of Golarion" and discovered he was to leave Paizo.