This has happened to me for about a week. It was working previously from the same browser/computer/ISP combination. I do not believe this has anything to do with personal settings and has everything to do with the signed in account.
The 500 Internal Service Error (ISE) occurs for me
1. When I attempt to sign in or have not cleared cookies from a previous attempt to sign in (but only on certain sections of the website)
2. From multiple networks (over VPN, from nearby wifi networks)
3. From multiple browsers in private/cleared cache modes (I have only tested firefox and chrome)
4. From multiple operating systems (macos and windows 10), including a brand new docker container image I spun up just for testing with no security settings and no blocking/filtering of any kind
I suspect something is wrong with paizo's user authentication data for specific users, but that is speculation. It is, however, very interesting that it works for forums but not for, e.g. my digital downloads.
The fact that it gets asked regularly, and that DMs dispute it is enough reason for a FAQ entry IMO.
Well, if either of those statements were actually true I'd likely agree with you, sure. Glancing around however I see no recent threads besides this one asking the question, nor any particularly heated debate in this topic itself on the issue and while it's likely happened I've certainly never heard of a GM insisting that bonuses to attack rolls don't apply to attack rolls.
Hell, of the three threads you linked only one of them actually mentioned the issue you're having and not only is it from 2009, but the question is a secondary one and resolved without incident. Where are you getting this idea that people all around the world are agonizing and arguing over this decision?
Maybe if you're lucky you'll get an FAQ. It'll likely say something to the effect of 'No, the rulebook is not lying to you' though and it will be a tremendous waste of resources in my opinion, so I sincerely hope not.
Aside from being insulting, your demeaning tone is also a waste of time. Please stop.
The fact that it hasn't been asked recently could be a sign of multiple things, including, say, frustration with previous answers that are not specific enough or self contradictory. For instance the post from Jacobs that states combat maneuvers are meant to be hard, which they are not since CMB doesn't include say, armor and shield bonuses.
The reason I ask is that it recently came up in a game, and the raw is vague enough to be worthy of dispute. Time also wasted for our group and anyone else.
"When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver."
Some form of this has been asked several times, but the specific about say, whether a weapon's enhancement bonus applies to a combat maneuver or the like hasn't really been officially answered.
Can we please officially clarify what falls under "other effects" in the context of a combat maneuver with a weapon?
The downside of the last post is that James Jacobs doesn't address explicitly the enhancement bonus question in his reply.
I found this update FAQ from Sean K. Reynolds:
"Note: This is a revision of this FAQ entry based on a Paizo blog about combat maneuvers with weapons. The previous version of this FAQ stated that using a trip weapon was the only way you could apply weapon enhancement bonuses, Weapon Focus bonuses, and other such bonuses to the trip combat maneuver roll. The clarification in that blog means any weapon used to trip applies these bonuses when making a trip combat maneuver, so this FAQ was updated to omit the "only trip weapons let you apply these bonuses" limitation.
—Sean K Reynolds, 03/15/11"
All of this seems to imply heavily that yes, enhancement bonuses and anything else that would apply to your attack bonus with a weapon would also apply to a combat maneuver with a weapon. I would just really like this to be a FAQ or at least official ruling somewhere.
So, Protection From Energy (the spell) explicitly *does not stack* with Resist Energy (the spell). Here's the spell description:
"Protection from energy overlaps (and does not stack with) resist energy. If a character is warded by protection from energy and resist energy, the protection spell absorbs damage until its power is exhausted."
So for the second example (Protection 30, Resistance 20, Vulnerability, 40 points taken) Protection from Energy would be used to reduce the damage by 30, Resistance would not come into play this round (though it would apply to subsequent attacks) and the subject would take 15 points of damage (10 + 1.5x vulnerability).
This is wrong. The resistance kicks in as soon as the protection is depleted. The protection doesn't "turn off" the resistance, it simply supercedes it. So, for the second example the victim subject to 40 points will have the first 30 negated by the protection, and the last 10 then negated by the resistance. Victim takes no damage.
I quoted the relevant text, it's fairly clear. Protection from Energy does *not* stack with Resist Energy meaning only one spell (the one of the highest level) applies in any given round. Resist Energy is suppressed until Protection from Energy wears out.
Here are the rules on stacking:
"Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths
In cases when two or more identical spells are operating in the same area or on the same target, but at different strengths, only the one with the highest strength applies.
Same Effect with Differing Results
The same spell can sometimes produce varying effects if applied to the same recipient more than once. Usually the last spell in the series trumps the others. None of the previous spells are actually removed or dispelled, but their effects become irrelevant while the final spell in the series lasts."
So having the resist energy apply in the same round the protection from energy ends is the same thing as stacking. It's not explicit, but it seems clear that there needs to be a 1 round delay between the end of the protection effect and the start of the resist energy effect.
Protection explicitly comes before resistance, so that part is easy.
Vulnerability is trickier. I'm not sure there's a written rule for that, though most gamers I know agree you actually have to take damage before vulnerability kicks in, so of the three it comes last.
Following this in your example:
Protection would eat the first 30 points of damage and is gone,
Resistance soaks up the last 10.
Vulnerability never comes into play.
So, Protection From Energy (the spell) explicitly *does not stack* with Resist Energy (the spell). Here's the spell description:
"Protection from energy overlaps (and does not stack with) resist energy. If a character is warded by protection from energy and resist energy, the protection spell absorbs damage until its power is exhausted."
So for the second example (Protection 30, Resistance 20, Vulnerability, 40 points taken) Protection from Energy would be used to reduce the damage by 30, Resistance would not come into play this round (though it would apply to subsequent attacks) and the subject would take 15 points of damage (10 + 1.5x vulnerability).
*To me, this is a cheesy weapon item masquerading as a wondrous item. It's meant for the power-gamer to be able to quickly discern a creature's DR weakness (at range) and then communicate that to his companions so they'll more easily win a battle.
Rough, but that's okay, I'm glad to get some feedback. Would this have been better received as, perhaps, some kind of dust or similar one use item that *only* helped to reveal the special material component of a creature's DR? (Some kind of fantastical allergen test, perhaps?) I originally wanted the item to just deal with special materials but I decided it wasn't useful enough so I added alignments while making it take up a relatively important slot.
Neil Spicer wrote:
*It's also basically a SAK of any DR-ignoring special material you need. I just don't find that compelling or innovative. It's not wise design with an eye towards game balance. It's more of an arms race kind of item.
While I know that the "rules" (design suggestions) originally posted for this contest clearly stated that the items already in books clearly break these rules, I find myself confused by this particular assessment. Considering you can get the Scabbard of vigor for twice the cost which, when used with a +3 bonus or +4 gives you more of the DR bypass capabilities AND +3 or +4 to hit and damage, I don't understand the argument. This item only allows you to bypass part of most creature's DR, so I don't understand how this specific ability of the item is unbalanced. Any chance of getting an elaboration here? I know (now) the judges didn't like the ability to recognize DR (especially at range) so I'm mulling that over separately.
Forgive me if the format doesn't exactly match my actual post. I did not realize I wouldn't get the actual submitted code back to review for this critique thread and, at the last minute, I realized the submission engine disabled bbcode for tables. The APG item whose core mechanic I used uses a table. (I hope that did not immediately disqualify me, at least.)
Bow Sheath of the Exotic Hunt:
Bow Sheath of the Exotic Hunt Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot shoulders; Price 900 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
Once per day, when drawing a bow from this sheath, the wearer can choose to imbue the bow with the ability to fire arrows as though made of a special material or aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The bow can fire arrows that overcome up to 5 points of a single specific type of creature’s damage reduction. When fired, the arrows provide visible clues to a creature’s damage reduction, the arrows appear to transform into the special material (or materials) required or become etched with the holy symbols of deities with the appropriate alignment. The duration of this power depends on the type of damage reduction to be overcome:
Special material such as cold iron: 10 rounds
Alignment based: 5 rounds
Multiple special materials: 3 rounds
Special material and alignment: 1 round
Should the bow or ammunition fired already possess one or more of the properties required to overcome an affected target’s damage reduction, then the duration is modified appropriately. To activate, either the type of creature must be visible to the wearer, or the creature’s type must be spoken aloud. The sheath’s power has no effect on creatures that do not have damage reduction, have damage reduction that cannot be overcome, or have damage reduction that is overcome by something other than special materials or alignment.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, locate weakness and align weapon; Cost 450 gp
I was just wondering if we get a confirmation email or something when we post our item? I mean, I got redirected to a page that says "thank you" but, I'd like something less ephemeral.
Also, at the end, if we don't make the cut, will we be able to see the judge's feedback on our submissions?