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![]() This is the thread for OOC discussion. Please check in, and start rounding yourselves out as a party. While combat will certainly be an important facet of this campaign, it is also important for you to mesh as a team outside of combat, so make sure you choose your skill ranks and languages wisely.
![]() This is the thread for OOC discussion. Please check in, and start rounding yourselves out as a party. While combat will certainly be an important facet of this campaign, it is also important for you to mesh as a team outside of combat, so make sure you choose your skill ranks and languages wisely.
![]() This is a recruitment for a new campaign in my homebrew world of Kassht. Adventure Premise:
The premise is that the player characters are all members of the Iron Mountain dwarf militia. The Iron Mountains are a cluster of mountains in the north central part of Kassht. The plain that surrounds the Mountains was once the Northern March of the Kingdom of Kassht, a predominately human kingdom. The Kingdom and the dwarves were staunch allies against the creatures of the Frozen Wastes to the north and the hated drow who lived on the other side of the mountains on the west side of the plain. Forty years ago, however, a horde led by the Taloth orc clan was able to force the humans to retreat to the other side of Arkhym's Teeth to the south. They tried to get the dwarves to come as well, but they were too stubborn and decided to fight for their ancestral home. To the humans' surprise, the dwarves have successfully defended the Iron Mountains, though they are unable to push the orcs and their subjugated races back. The Iron Mountain clans are effectively under embargo, however. The only trade that goes in or comes out is what the dwarves can smuggle out through secret exits and down the Alenka River to the Kingdom. Your first mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to escort a shipment of metal down to the Kingdom and bring supplies back. Character Generation:
Sources: No guns, but otherwise Paizo material that I can find on the PFSRD will probably be allowed. I'm willing to consider 3pp material if you can give me a link. Level: 2. The catch is that your first level has to be a level of monk. Your 2nd (and subsequent) levels can be in any class except barbarian and gunslinger. Alignment: LG, NG, LN, N. Normal alignment restrictions for classes are still in effect (which is the reason for no barbarians). Races:: Dwarf...just dwarf :). Stats: 25 pt. buy. Traits:: 2 (no drawbacks) Wealth:: 1,000 gp Campaign Bonus Feat: In my world, every race gets a bonus feat at 1st level. The dwarven one allows you to wear armor and still use your monk class abilities as long as the ACP of your armor is 0. This doesn't extend to shields. HP: Max for your monk level, max for your 2nd level, and subsequent levels will be .5*HD+1. Ideally, I'd like at least 1 post per day, but I understand that the ideal isn't always possible. Feel free to ask any other questions and/or read through the other campaign I'm running in this world to see how I run a game. ![]()
The five of you have been summoned to the Overlord's Palace for an audience. A majordomo meets each of you at the door and leads you to an antechamber just off the throne room where a circular table with five chairs--each with a place setting in front of it--occupies the middle portion of the chamber. Carafes with different drinks sit in the middle of the table. The majordomo seats each of you as you arrive and then returns to the front door to await the next guest. When you have all arrived, the majordomo says: "Please help yourselves; I will return for you when the Overlord is ready to meet with you." ![]()
Fair warning, this would be my first attempt to GM a PbP. Therefore, the technical aspects (maps, etc.) may be a little rough until I get the hang of it.
Adventure Premise:
The predominately human Kingdom of Kassht once controlled the majority of the continent for which it was named. Approximately forty years ago, however, the Taloth orcs poured down out of the Frozen Wastes in the far north and pushed the Kingdom's forces inexorably south until the Kasshites managed to plug the sole pass through the Arkhym's Teeth mountain range with a complex of fortifications they called the Nunshal Line, centered on Ft. Nunshal. The orcs reciprocated with their own fortifications, centered on a fortress called Shar Taloth. The battle lines have remained more or less immobile since, with neither side able to dislodge the other. However, Overlord Shem d'Allence, who rules the town of New Allence and serves as the Kingdom's Marshal of the Northern March, has received word that the orcish garrison that has been stationed in his ancestral keep north of the Teeth has been reassigned. This is the opportunity he has been waiting for. When Shem's father was forced to abandon the keep, he had to leave behind a magical artifact. Now that there isn't an army of orcs sitting on it, Shem wants to send a group of locals to reclaim the artifact. Character Generation:
Level: 1 Alignments: Any non-evil. Chaotic characters, however, would be unlikely to be natives of New Allence, so you would need to work with me on a backstory that explains why you are in New Allence. Clerics of chaotic deities, while allowed, would have to deal with a fair amount of prejudice. Stats: 25 pt. buy Sources: Any Paizo (but no firearms) Races: You must have the human sub-type. Elves are rare in New Allence, so half-elves will need to explain their origins more thoroughly. Traits: None by default. If you want traits, you may take the Additional Traits feat. Gold: 150 gp. HP: PFS-style (Max at level 1, .5*HD+1 afterward) Backgrounds:
Since the characters are level 1, I'm not expecting a whole lot here. The main thing I need is to understand your characters motivation for accepting the Overlord's mission. Feel free to give me more than that; I'm far more likely to OK an unusual concept if you do a good job justifying it in your background. I'm not sure how much information about the world I should put in this first post, so feel free to formulate your background in terms of Golarion, and I'll supply the alterations in proper names or let you know if something doesn't fit Kassht. Feel free to ask questions or for further details. |