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Organized Play Member. 451 posts (2,044 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 20 aliases.
Allence's Last Hope Tales of the Nalbrin (Table 1) Test Run Wivvy's ROTRL Campaign 1________DF__________1 (inactive) Arena of the Gods (inactive) Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (inactive) Beyond Fort Horizon (inactive) Crypt of the Everflame! (inactive) Devil We Know All Parts (Tier 3-4) (inactive) DM B's PbP Game Day 3: 6 - 10 The Wounded Wisp (1-2) (inactive) DM B's PFS PbP Game Day 3: S0-13 The Prince of Augustana (inactive) DM B's PFS PbP GameDay 3: The Dragon's Demand part 1 (1st-3rd) (inactive) Gameday 3: The Infernal Vault (inactive) Gladiators of Zirnakaynin PbP (inactive) The Glass River Rescue Table 1 (inactive) GM Crash's Godsmouth Heresy-Table Beta (inactive) Homebrew AP: Mercenaries (inactive) In Search of Adventure in Karmeikos B1-B9 -- Pathfinder Core--Group 2 (inactive) In Search of the Unknown B1-B9 Classic Sandbox Pathfinder Core only (inactive) Its "A" Dungeon, Too: The Second Chance (inactive) Master of the Fallen Fortress (Table 2) (inactive) Mists of Mwangi (inactive) Monster Mashup - Table 2 (inactive) Monster Mashup - Table 3 (inactive) Nostrus the DM's 6-01 Trial by Machine (inactive) The Other Confirmation (inactive) PFS Game Day #3: GM Viskous 3-01: The Frostfur Captives (Tier 1-2) Table 1 (inactive) PFS PbP Master of the Fallen Fortress (The Others) (inactive) Project Ingenue (inactive) Qwerty's PFS #01-43 Pallid Plague Low Tier (inactive) Reflections in the Eyes of the Beholders (inactive) Risen from the Sands PFS Tier 2-4 (inactive) The Strangler of the Shadow Moor (inactive) Tales of the Nalbrin (Table 2) (inactive) Tears at Bitter Manor - Team B - "Guardians" (inactive) We Be Goblins! (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday 3 - The Citadel of Flame (inactive)