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something that may have been missed if you think this is op.
a rogue casting a spell to sneak attack with magical trickster is only trained in spells untell lvl 12 and takes the appropriate feat to become expert. and there are very few spells that are melee touch strikes that do damage to qualify for the magical trickster. its severly hampered as is. as for a full caster being in melee and casting a spell to get flanking? well he must have a death wish for being in that position to take a posible reacionary attack and a possible full round of attacks.
i have this question also.
here is the situation,
1 i have an allie on on the opposite side of the target weilding a melee weapon and within range of that target.
2 i have a melee weapon in hand. in this case a mace. and on the opposite side of the target from my allie. there for full filling the requirments of flanking.
3 im a rogue with magical trickster. lets me sneak attack with spells that have a strike effect and deals damage.
4 on my turn i cast a ranged strike spell. (yes im open to oppertunity attacks)
the question is am i still flanking and get sneak attack on the spell attack?

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Jason Bulmahn wrote: Hey there all,
It is always interesting to me to see folks try to divine design intent based on output. In many ways, there are a number of valid points here that went into the decision to add level to proficiency (besides the obvious that most characters did this in 1st ed to specific parts of their stats, which helps maintain the same game feel).
While I am not going to specifically validate or invalidate any ideas posted here, I will go on to add the following..
It gives us design space on the monster side of the equation.
A ogre is a very serious, if not deadly challenge at 1st level, a common foe at 3rd/4th, and a chump minion at 7th. This is very useful to us from a narrative sense as it gives characters a better understanding of their journey in the world and as a marker of their accomplishments.
Like most of our design calls, there are mechanical reasons and narrative reasons. This one is all across the board and might serve as a good topic for one of our upcoming twitch streams.
Hope that helps shed a bit of light on the issue
I don't really understand what you are saying but this is my take on it.
1) +1 to all profencys is 3 things. Number blote and a reduced playability of the monster manual as characters level.
A) Numbers blote: it does nothing that I can see to change or modifies the chance of successes. +1 to hit and +1 to AC just cancel each othe. +1 to saves is cancelled by +1 to the save DC. +1 to skills is cancelled out by opposing skill or an increase in the DC. So the only thing that has any merit is the stat bonus and profency bonus (I really like this btw).
B) so as is now as characters lvl and that oger that was a threat 4 lvls ago now is of no longer available as a tool to the dm. Without tweaking and boosting. So as characters lvl less and less of the monster manual is available.
C) the character will feel like the are truly God's at lvl 20.
2) what really happens if we remove the +1/lvl.
A) no bloated numbers that have no berring on the situation. Everything cancelled it's self out by a +1 on the opposite side of the roll either it being AC or dc.
B) Now the whole of the monster manual is available for use for the entire character life.
1a) ya I know some are saying but a lvl 10 character shouldn't be threatened by a lowly kobald. And no he's not. Yes the kobald maybe able to hit the character but the charactes HP pool will make this a no threat situation. It will also let the dm use these lower lvl NPCs to work on the party's resorces. It will also make the party look at each situation and start thinking tactics not murder hobo.
C) it will make profency lvl extremely important and someone that is legendary in a skill will feel that way. What I'm trying to say is at lvl 20 your measly +3 over a -2 on a d20 roll with a +20 modifier gets lost in the math. So profency lvl is extremely important.
D) Feat selection will have a huge impact on what you try and don't try. This will put a separation between classes again. Rather than everyone is just as good as anyone else no matter how good they are supposed to be at it. Wizards won't tell the fighter "hold my beer I'm going to show you how to hit this thing. Or the fighter in plate laughs at the rogues feable attempt to sneak.
I could be wrong but it is what I see as is.
ya sorry meant brow gasher
and thanks for the help
so you only can take 1 immediate action a ROUND then
couple spells i need some clarification on.
1) Bleeding brow.
says save yes(harmless, object) does this mean that the target of the spell does not get a save to resist the bleeding effect?
2 Escaping Ward
does the movement use up your movement.
1) on creatures turn it misses me, is larger than me, and i have spell running. i move say 10 ft. lvl 5 caster. would this reduce my movement on my turn.
2) if while moving on my turn i provoke aoo and the creature is larger than me and misses. i as a immediate action move 10ft. does this use up my movement for the turn.
3) how many times a turn can this immediate action take place? example. again my turn i move and provoke 3 aoo and they all meet the requirments. can i move 30 ft (again lvl 5 caster) or does the immediate action supperseed the following aoo if i move out of range.
sorry escaping ward is confusing me with all the possibilitys. so i need some clarification on it.
ok i see it as the lvl 20 ability.
i did not see where a warpriest counts there level as there BAB was this errated out?
ya old post i know sorry just thought it would be a good place for clarification.

looking at warpriest sacred weapon it has this line that confuseses me.
At 4th level, the warpriest gains the ability to enhance one of his sacred weapons with divine power as a swift action. This ability grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 4 levels beyond 4th, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). If the warpriest has more than one sacred weapon, he can enhance another on the following round by using another swift action. The warpriest can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his warpriest level, but these rounds don't need to be consecutive.
so the war priest can enhance 1 or more of his weapons for a number of rounds equal to his lvl, does this include the first lvl of the ability?
At 1st level, weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of his faith. In addition to the favored weapon of his deity, the warpriest can designate a weapon as a sacred weapon by selecting that weapon with the Weapon Focus feat; if he has multiple Weapon Focus feats, this ability applies to all of them. Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. The damage for Medium warpriests is given on the table above; see the table below for Small and Large warpriests. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon's base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage—this decision must be declared before the attack roll is made. (If the weapon's base damage exceeds the sacred weapon damage, its damage is unchanged.) This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn't apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that deal only energy damage.
the weapon damage is the question. is the weapon damage a full time effect of sacred weapon and the enhanements are round dependent?
rabbedrabit wrote: when the empty handed monk attacks an unarmed apponent that target is flat footed. sorry correction. its not empty handed monk that gives this but improved improvisesed weapon. maybe lol i forget right now need to flush this out i guess.
thanks for the advice.
the build i think im going to use is take empty handed monk and rogue.
havent flushed it out yet but empty handed monk treats all weapons as blunt. take the feat that turns blunt weapons into non leathel damage.
when the empty handed monk attacks an unarmed apponent that target is flat footed.
so ill have to boost disarm and do it without a weapon at a -4 to "steal" there weapon and beat them with it.
yes i know its really nich but thats fine it will be fun when it works
MageHunter wrote: Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote: You can take Dazzling Display and Shatter Defenses, especially if you also have other ways to make people shaken. If you're using a sap anyways enforcer is a great feat for this. actually was thinking of taking the feat that turns blunt weapons into non leathel damage
so im thinking of building a non leathel rogue.
sap master states the target needs to be flat footed. not just denied its dex bonus like sneak attack.
besides not acting in the first round of combat are there any other ways to make a target flat footed?
ok so when you use you drift drive you travel vast amounts of space by traveling threw other planes of exestence. when arriving at your destination you exit that plane of exestence and reinter the drift. when this happens you pull a piece of the plane you left into the drift. this is reletive to the amount of time you spent in the other plane or the distance you traveled.
now when you turn off you drift drive you have to warm up your impulse engines and this takes 1 min per size catagory. when you pull a piece of that other plane there very well could be combat taking place when you are trying to warm up your impulse engines.
so yes i would like to know how long is this going to take. being stationary in space while being fired at is not a good thing for pc's or there ship.
Belafon wrote: The Starfinder FAQ already has an answer for this situation! ok i looked at that link and i do not see where it says how many "rounds/turns" it takes for the 1 min to expire to heat up the thrusters.
exactly how long does 1 ruond/turn take in a space battle. the 6 sec rule does not seem to be long enough to explain how an character can run across a large ship to repair a damaged module.
ok so yes poison is expensive and powerfull. but the question is how many needles can be shot out of a needle rifle with a clip of 12 darts before it needs to be reloaded.
if its 1 dart/dose then you are having to spend large amounts of money on poison and needing to reload the rifle with poison after each shot.
or is it 1 dose will be usable on 1 full clip

HaraldKlak wrote: MrBoJangles wrote:
So the bloody assault feat (APG) basically says, take a -5 to hit on all your attacks this round and do 1d4 bleed damage with your melee weapon in addition to your normal weapon damage.
My question is... does my target take 1d4 bleed damage per hit? or just once? Seems like a stiff penalty to only get 1d4 bleed, once a round. But if I hit three times in a round, then 3d4 bleed seems much more attractive.
The feat says it doesn't stack with itself so it seems like you only get the 1d4 bleed no matter how many times you hit. Doesn't seem like it's worth the -5 penalty.
I does apply to all attack you make until your next turn, so multiple bleed is a possibility.
But as you mention, the bleed does not stack with itself (and generelly don't), so you cannot bleed the enemy for 3d4. You do, however, get the highest amount of bleed from the attacks you have made (if a later attack rolls a 4 the it is applied instead of an earlier roll of 1, 2, or 3).
One way of getting more out of the feat is hitting several enemies.
I agree with you that -5 is a steep modifier, and I don't imagine that I am ever going to use this feat. i know this thread is old but i have a couple of other questions.
is the bleed 1d4 every round or is it 1d4 on the first round and the same amount on every following round.
also it says it does not stack with itself but will it stack with other bleeds like bleeding crit

rabbedrabit wrote: its not a character im currently playing it was one i was building and lvling to see what i can do with it and have an idea on how i want to build the character as it lvls.
these where just questions i had when building the character that would have come up during play that i wanted to get a handle on before play so as not to interupt play to solve if at all possible.
thanks all for the info it was very informative and helpfull.
just a fyi using just the apg the eidolon ended up being huge size only 3 attacks 2 bites and one tail smash. 20' reach on the bite. +45 cmb str,size and feats. pull on the bite attacks. and swallow hole on the bite attack any thing of huge size or smaller with enlarge person cast on the eidolon.
depends on the weapon the creature has. if its not a small light piercing/slashing they cant attack the inside and have to crawl back out to the mouth.
its not about being a dps character but more of a cc character. there is no restriction on the amount of npc's that can be swallowed howl and all you have to do is pay attention to there weapons otherwise you use reach with grab attacks to keep the npc's in one localized area.
its not a character im currently playing it was one i was building and lvling to see what i can do with it and have an idea on how i want to build the character as it lvls.
these where just questions i had when building the character that would have come up during play that i wanted to get a handle on before play so as not to interupt play to solve if at all possible.
thanks all for the info it was very informative and helpfull.
just a fyi using just the apg the eidolon ended up being huge size only 3 attacks 2 bites and one tail smash. 20' reach on the bite. +45 cmb str,size and feats. pull on the bite attacks. and swallow hole on the bite attack any thing of huge size or smaller with enlarge person cast on the eidolon.
Volkard Abendroth wrote: It can, CMB checks are attack rolls.
It's not relevant unless you are maintaining for damage. Constrict is not an attack roll.
no but bite is yes?
Alter Self and an Extend meta-magic rod. alter self good idea
sorry just thought of one more thing.
when rolling a cmb can you crit on a nat 20?
ok thanks all.
now i just have to figure out how im going to get a giant sized snake to be able to move threw town without drawing hate from the city guards and towns folks.
ps yes i took swallow howl and enlarge person so he will be eating giants cant wait.
and one more question.
greater grapple says you can make 2 grapple cmd checks. so i can get 2 bites and 2 constricts on the same target in the same round?

ok so the constrict in this case only works on the bite attack?
i cant release grapple then regrapple in the same round with the tail/body and still apply constrict damage?
Evolution: grab (bite) An eidolon becomes adept at grappling foes, gaining the grab ability. Pick bite, claw, pincers, slam, tail slap, or tentacle attacks. Whenever the eidolon makes a successful attack of the selected type, it can attempt a free combat maneuver check. If successful, the eidolon grapples the target. This ability only works on creatures of a size one category smaller than the eidolon or smaller. Eidolons with this evolution receive a +4 bonus on CMB checks made to grapple.
Evolution: constrict (bite) An eidolon gains powerful muscles that allow it to crush those it grapples. Whenever the eidolon successfully grapples a foe using the grab evolution, it deals additional damage equal to the amount of damage dealt by the attack used by the grab evolution. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the serpentine base form.
ok thanks.
about the rest am i reading it correctly?

ok so i am making a summoner with a serpentine eidolon.
at lvl 3 i got a new ability that is just confusing me.
so i have these evolutions on my eidolon.
1) bite x2 for 1.5 str damage
2) climb
3) constrict on the bite attack (confusing me)
4) grab on the bite attack
5) reach on the bite
6) tail
7) tail slap
ok so this is how i see it if im wrong please feel free to guide me in the right direction.
the eidolon attacks at range of 10 ft. with its bite. for arguments sake we say it hits. he makes a free grapple cmb check. again sucessful. now constrict hits for his bite damage.
end of round.
target lives does what ever but does not escape.
i make another cmb grapple check. if successfull i do constrict damage and bite damage. [then i can make a cmb to pull the targer 5' closer.] [was incorrect moves automatacly if space allows]
end of round.
target lives does what ever but does not escape.
i make a cmb grapple check to maintain grapple with bite. apply bite damage and constrict damage. make another cmb check to graple with body. when successfull release bite. future cmb grapple checks with body apply constrict damage.
does that sound correct?
Devilkiller wrote: If you're really into grappling you might give your eidolon Improved Grapple, and then you can grapple things at least up to your size, probably at least one size larger, and possibly of any size (the Pathfinder rules don't really say if there's a size limit on Grapple, so the groups I play with use the old 3.5 rule of up to one size larger) sorry i know this post is over a year old but im building my first Eidolon. well i made it snakish with bite, extended bite, grab bite and bite a second time for 1.5 str damage.
was looking at getting improved grapple but that improved unarmed strike seems to be a waist. seeing as the ability is tied to an attack that is not unarmed does the Eidolon need to take imporved unarmed strike to get improved grapple?
couple of questions on ring of force shield
1) say a duelist was using the ring. would he need to deactivate it to retain his abilities with no shield and only 1 weapon?
2) would shield feats work with this shield?
3) i know its a free action to activate/deactivate would you be able to deactivate for aoo and then reactivate at the end of the aoo? or would this be dm descretion also?
thanks for your time
Jeff Clem wrote: Either way you go 1 lvl fighter 2 lvl rogue or 3 lvl rogue you need 3 levels. I'd go 3 levels of rogue and get your 2nd sneak attack die. So second level power attack third level cleave and Surprise Follow-Through (Combat, Orc/Half-Orc) as per 3rd level general feat.(rogue talent/combat feat). i dont under stand how you are doing this in 3 lvls of rogue.
lvl 1 feat of choice do not have bab +1 so none will matter.
lvl 2 take surprise follow-through as your rogue talent.
lvl 3 power attack
lvl 4 cleave with rogue talent combat feat.
4 lvls of rogue this is the only way i can see getting it the fastest if you go all rogue.