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I figured it was too much to hope for.

If you expend a mythic charge to use a d20, does a blessing that adds a die to the check add a d20 or the original die?

That's what I thought but it seems to go against the concept of getting on your horse to fight a summoned monster and then getting off to fight the henchman. Thanks for all the help.

Does that also apply to characters like a henchman who summons a servitor demon before you can fight the henchman? Thanks for the quick response.

Once Donahan has been placed on your deck and you explore again, can he be used to help in the next combat check with his 1d8 and adv. Deck bonus?

One thing I like to do to make the game more interesting is to act like a Dungeon Master. When I look at the upcoming scenario, I put cards into the mix, a new weapon, an item that might help the adventurers. I have no idea which location these cards go into so there is still the issue that the card is never scene or that a character who cannot obtain the card encounters it. I know this is a house rule issue, but at least you have a chance to get past a difficult obstacle and enjoy some of the really cool cards that each Adventure brings to the game.

Tiqon wrote:
Thanks Dave :). It was a crazy situation really...

I think something was overlooked in that response that everything is ok. Why did Ezran move to the location? The damage has to be dealt before anyone else takes a turn. Kyra is supposed to take the damage at the end of Valros' turn, not when it is her turn to explore, meaning Ezran cannot take his turn until Kyra has been hurt. The Hill Giant hits Valeros so hard, Kyra feels the pain.

Other than that everything looks good.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Seoni's recharge power is that she succeeds at the recharge check for spells with the Arcane trait.

Seoni wrote:
You automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell ([] or item) with the Arcane trait.

When she discards a card for her "fireball" power, there is no recharge check for her to attempt, because she only gets to attempt a recharge check on a card if she plays that card.

Rulebook v3 p15 wrote:
Recharge: This explains circumstances under which you may recharge the card—put it on the bottom of your deck—after playing it; it usually appears on cards that you would otherwise be required to discard.

And playing a card means activating a power on that card.

Rulebook v3 p9 wrote:
Playing a card means activating that card’s power by revealing, displaying, discarding, recharging, burying, or banishing that card. Doing something with a card that does not activate that card’s power does not count as playing that card.
So, the card Seoni discards for her power, she has not played because she didn't not activate a power on the discarded card. And since she has not played it she cannot attempt the recharge check on it. And since she cannot attempt the recharge check, she cannot automatically succeed at it. All that is true no matter what the card is that she chooses to discard for her power.

Thanks Hawkmoon. I was thinking of the Arcane Items not realizing all of them had a Recharge check.

csouth154 wrote:
John Davis 2 wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:
Related to this, can I recharge the spell I've discarded to Seoni's power since it counts as playing a spell?
No, because you are not playing THAT spell. Seoni's power does not have a recharge ability.
Right; and remember that you can discard any type of card to pay for Seoni's power. It doesn't have to be a spell.

Does that also apply to cards that have the Arcane Trait? Seoni's power allows her to automatically recharge cards with the Arcane trait? Do you ignore the traits when you discard a card to act as a spell?

To add to what Hawkmoon stated, I have emailed Paizo about some problems I had with cards and they replaced them quickly. They also stated that since some of their cards had color issues like mine, they couldn't replace all the cards I had problems with but offered to replace them at a later date. In addition I had a problem with my subscription, one I caused, and when I called, they fixed it immediately. It is rare that customer service departments fix anything the first time and quickly these days. Not to mention, when you post on the forums, they answer quickly. I may be new to these types of games, but when the Executives are engaging in answering questions to the masses, you know you have a good company. Anyone ever talked to an Executive from another company when they had a problem with their product? Not me!

I think reading everything adds to the fun. My wife and I also add the RPG spin to make the action more interesting. It's more fun to explain why you encountered something and what you did to acquire it or defeat it than to simply pick up the dice and roll them.

I want to update my experience with Paizo. They handled everything very well. Not only did the send replacement cards, I received a personal email from their customer service department letting me know that the problem with the cards is wide spread. They were not able to replace all the cards as their supply also has printing issues but the stated that if these are not satisfactory they will fix the problem when they have a larger supply. Like some of you have stated, the cards are usable so I am fine with the replacements I did receive. Since the cards are not part of the everyday play of the game I will not attempt to get the others replaced. Long story short, Paizo is an excellent company to deal with and I look forward to purchasing future products from them.

Thanks to everyone who responded. I received the cards as part of the subscription and was just wondering if anyone had good things to say about customer service. about 8-10 of the cards are blurry and dark and I was just wondering if they had experience with this problem. It looks like Paizo is on the ball and hopefully I will have good things to say about my customer service experience. Love the game and was very happy to see the new deck arrive.

I just received my newest Adventure Deck and when I was looking at the cards I noticed there are some issues with the printing quality. Some of the cards have obvious flaws because you can compare them to an identical card with better printing. I contacted customer service a few days ago but have not heard anything yet. Has anyone else had this problem? Does Paizo have a history of replacing these cards?

Role Card: Tracker
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2
Intelligence: +1
Wisdom: +1
Power Feats: examine bottom card, recharge to add 1d4+2, recharge Allies with Animal trait
Card Feats: Ally 4
Weapons: Deathbane Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Frost Longbow +1, Venomous Dagger +2, Returning Throwing Axe +1
Armor: Arrow Catching
Items: Holy Candle, Belt of Dex, Master Toolworks
Ally: Crow, Jakardros, Monkey, Badger
Blessings: Norgorber, Lamashtu, Calistria, Erastil x2

Skill Feats: Dex +1, Intelligence +1, Charisma +2
Power Feats: Light Armor, Weapons, recharge to add 1d4+1 to a check attempted by another and YOU
Card Feats: Weapon 2, Spell 5, Item 3
Weapons: Allying Dart +1, Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Major Cure, Haste, Incendiary Cloud, Scrying, Swipe
Items: Sihedron Medallion, Ward of Enervation, Chime of Unlocking
Ally: Toad, Brodert Quink, Cat
Blessings: Calistria, Pharasma, Erastil, Shelyn, Norgorber

Skill: Strength +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1
Power: Hand size 7, Add 2 to recharge a card, Add 2 to aquire a spell
Card: Weapon 2, Spell 9, Ally 4
Weapon: Flaming Mace +1, Icy Longspear +1
Spell: Incendiary Cloud, Haste, Web, Scorching Ray, Frost Ray, Toxic Cloud, Augury, Swipe, Lightning Bolt
Item" Wand of Scorching Ray, Medusa Mask, Headband of Intelligence
Ally: Cat, Toad, Alden Foxglove, Sage

PACG is my first opportunity to play an RPG that is not electronic. I bought this game when I visited a local game store. They couldn't stop talking about how much fun it was and I love the co-operative play aspect. This game is by far the most fun and strategically challenging game I have encountered. As for learning the rules and terminology, I found it fun to learn and the instructions to be pretty good. Obviously I have had to look up things on this forum, but the overall game-play for a rookie like me is not too difficult to pick up. I think PACG is a great game for people like me who have not been endoctrinated into these awesome RPG's. I just finished Hook Mountain with Harsk, Lem and Ezren as my characters of choice while my wife has Valeros, Kyra and Merisiel. We can't wait for Stone Giants to get here in the mail to continue this awesome adventure. Thanks again guys for making a game that someone like me can get into without the need of a large group of friends who have experience with these games.

Ezren just acquired Incendiary cloud and has a question about the mechanics of using it when you encounter a bane. Does Incendiary Cloud count as a spell card for a check preventing Ezren from playing another spell card for the 2 checks needed to defeat the villain? Example: Ezren encounters Barl Breakstone and plays Incendiary Cloud. Do I still have the ability to play a spell for the combat checks? Also does the Incendiary Cloud effect the second check too?

I bought sleeves for my character decks at Wal-mart. They work great and since they are colored I can tell which decks are mine and which decks are my wife's. This can be helpful when you give cards to characters during the game too. I use cheap clear sleeves for the locations, scenarios, adventures, and character cards with powers and feats. The shuffling is easy as you just slide the cards together. The ONLY issue I have come across is when you have the opportunity to heal yourself. You sort of know which cards were part of your deck and which ones you have acquired.

Thanks for the help. I knew it was written somewhere but couldn't find it. Can't wait for the next Adventure to arrive in the mail!

I just finished Hook Mountain Massacre and have a question about Lem's power feats on the Virtuoso Role Card. The power where Lem helps other characters at his location has an option to recharge the card to help himself. Do I have to level up that power to a 1d4 +3 before I can choose the that box? I have read the information about starting with boxes to the left, but this one seems to be separate from the upgrading of the die.

Cheez wrote:

We had this happen today actually...

Harsk rolled a 4 on the monster but he defeated him in combat. The monster's card said if defeated, we could attempt to close the location.

Harsk successfully closed the location so we put the monster under the scenario card (and NOT at the bottom of the deck).

I feel like we did that all correctly. Can someone post a quick confirmation note?

I'm going off Hawkmoon's comments that scenario and location card trump monster card.


Ben and lil' Abby

To me it seems that rolling a 4 allows you to avoid increasing Mammy Graul....sort of a reward if you can immediately close the location. If you fail to close the location, then the henchman is waiting for you, again....