Churgri of Vapula

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I was thinking about how the game is going, I am loving the direction but do anyone else feel like this year was a bit much? 4 new classes seems like a lot and while I am really really excited for the Thamaturge but 2 a year seems like enough already. The new books filled with lore seem cool.(I still can't get their pdf due to the prohibitive dollar price and trying to support my local book publishers so I mostly saw the classes only on nethys and the lore in spoilers from reddit).
Pf2 is doing wonders supporting classes with new archetypes already(luchador and etc). And classes do get one or two feats pretty often.
Before I came here to type I was thinking we need more class feats for existing classes... But now that I wrote I don't think so, we already have enough I think, class arquetypes maybe? Support existing arquetypes with a few more feats? What do you feel like it needs to be expanded now that we seem to have enough/nearly enough classes? Or do you feel like more classes are the way to go?
Sorry if the thread is a bit off I just wanted to talk about it I guess.

Okay starting with the mandatory I loved both classes, the psychic seems playable out of the box outside of the unleash, most of the times you will only trigger it after quite a while and they all don't seem that interesting. The amps are insanely cool making for what I think is the best blaster in the game having pseudo infinite blasting spells as the buffed cantrips are quite strong.

The thamaturge can be a good ranged combatant and a capable melee one... But what he needs is well more abilities that work with magic, most of his class features dont trigger with magic items for a class that prizes itself on using trinkets. I would loved if trick magic item was an option outside of the current recall knowledge one. Something juryrigging magic items so that they can exploit opponent weaknesses.

To be an archer you can be anyone and take an archer archetype. To be able to use and have access to heavy weapons you can take Mauler.
But there's no "No ties attached" arquetypes for casters.
If I want to be an illusionist I need to be from Maganbya or be a multiclass arquetype guy. Should we get something like that? I just noticed it and now I really want those types of arquetypes. And they can be really simple, access to a few metamagics, spellcaster progression and a limited list by Scholl's instead of tradition(maybe limited so that there's no free buffet there) Maybe adding them to your regular list for a caster.

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I was thinking about a dualwielder gun and gun or gun and melee... And I noticed... You literally can't reload your gun without releasing the other weapon. Unless you are a level 6 drifter a feat. What pretty much sucks for everyone else. You can't adjust your grip on a one handed weapon and to reload you need a free hand. So basically you are stuck with one gun for the whole rest of the encounter. Or needing to reload and then pick up your weapons...
Did anyone else notice this problem? I am missing something?

So my first experience narrating for my group with an summoner in the party.

Let's start with what the group is:
Barbarian weapon improviser, ranger flurry using fans and the assassin archetype, edge ranger with an crossbow(Plans to go for the EA route later), sorcerer dragon arcane, eidolon dragon. All level 4.

The campaign is a homebrew thing but mostly stealing stuff from Irrisen and the Land of Linnorm kings. The party start at a bar, the people there have a few problems as the members are unusual races(2 kenku, 1 ratfolk, 1 shoony and a gnome) but they do manage to talk, the gnome summoner does unsummon the eidolon because most people seem well... Not particularly receptive of the dragon. They manage to talk to everyone then proceed to find a shady character inside the bar. Most skill checks went without a hitch and they avoided a fight even when the dog hid under a table and pissed on someone, they negotiated with the man and got a contract for 100 gold pieces and 1% of all the loot inside an ice cave that seem to be used by a cult before.
On the first optional puzzle(That they were supposed to just examine find an light arrow that was hidden deeper into the dungeon or have someone cast light on it... They decided to smash the reward instead and broke the loot) the fault was of the weapon improviser and the summoner almost solved the whole thing but they broke it before. The skill checks for finding traps were not hard and mostly solved by the summoner using level 1 summoning spells for the two fireball traps and the ranger flurry using perception to notice the icicles on the ceiling and then using a 10 foot pole to to trigger them.
There were two combats the first one was with 4 level 2 icicle snakes then later on 2 level 3 icicle snakes. The first one was easy for the summoner he picked an eidolon with fire breathing even with high ref saves the weakness made the summoner damage quite high. The flurry ranger had a hard time as he uses fans for his damage(He plans on a fun build using the new heavenseaker archetype not sure how it will play out) and his rolls were awful besides the fact there were no space for his backstabber to work properly, the ranger with the cross had heavy hits each time and the weapon improviser well... Improvised with high damage. The persistent damage destroyed the party taking the sorcerer to his last wits and 1 hp.
The second combat was awful for the party, the snakes were hiding in icicle form and no passed the perception check so they just ganged on the sorcerer and the summoner... The shared hp pool makes the summoner quite durable... But also is quite confusing as after he took damage he forgot that the eidolon shares the pool and then sent him to the frontlines to use the breath weapon while he retreated... That did not work well as the eidolon took damage and the summoner fainted while taking persistent damage. Luckly the precision crossbow ranger dealt a lot of damage again and the weapon improviser and the sorcerer finished them off but one escaped.
Finally the boss was an Blizzardborn in the last room, they ganged up on him and pretty good rolls made the fight quite easy. Except for when the blizzardborn started using walls to just well kick ass by slipping in and out.

My thoughs were that... Summoner seems decent, there's a few things rough around the edges (Act together 1 action limit that was discussed before with the fix seems fine.) his bonus being lower than a member by 1(Boost eidolon should probably give an circustance bonus... or maybe an status bonus) to the eidolon seems like a small fix.
The shared HP is... Weird to manage because when the hp is low your plan is to run but the eidolon wants to frontline so it's an awkward thing as you need to consider 1 pool of hp only. But that is better than two in my opnion as we can keep the eidolon in a better power level compared to separated ones.
Saves where not much of a problem almost never the summoner was close to the eidolon.
Not having access to an summon pool hinders the class a bit... The summoner had to prepare summon spells just because he wanted them when he maybe should get 1-3 a day for free that would get a lot to the class.
The spells were fine as he does not need to use them often and good cantrips do help the class in case he needs to get away from a fight with the eidolon.
All in all the class seems good, i will keep going with it to see how it goes.

Hey everyone. With the new announcement my table has a bit of both excitement and dismay. The magus is quite easy to be seen. Probably expert on weapons master on spells legendary on saves with buffs to make that work or something similar to that. There's several ways to make him well done and pretty good...
But the problem lies on the summoner... What makes him a summoner. How to make the eidolon well... Good(Companions are good but well they aren't really as strong as an PC for example).
Because summoner will probably be a 10th level caster so how will his pet/summon/companion/eidolon hold up? And clearly companions can't be as strong as they were in 1e. What do you guys think there must be in the summoner?
Are spells a must have or he can make it with focus spells only? Does the eidolon needs to hold his own better than a companion if so how much better than a companion it should be? What makes this class amazing and needs to be inside it?

So the second round of errata is on it's way probably in a few months by the way the devs were talking about it. So what do you guys think it's glaring and deserves an errata?

So if a doomed 2 character falls down to a crit even with the regenerate spell he dies. Do you guys think that was intended or it's just a mechanic not well implemented?

So this question appeared on my table, my problem is with this sentence.

"The first time you hit your hunted prey in a round, you also deal 1d8 additional precision damage."

When you hunt two preys it will be the first time you hit a hunted prey two times... Would that trigger twice? Or not... We reached a consensus of no because it the second time you hit a hunted prey but i just want to be sure.

So i was looking over the thread where they are currently talking about the spoiler #XXX, and i noticed there is the striking rune... But i also noticed that this one:
Spoiler #99
It's a +2, Greater striking, Greater frost. So that means the blades go up to +3 extra dies of damage and then go up to +6 using striking? Or +3 now it's only to hit? Anyone else noticed that?

So they mentioned a secret chapter in the PF2 core rulebook. What do you guys think will it be? Currently i am thinking it might be the 'relic'/'artifact' thing they mentioned, i really love the idea of weapons/items growing with the character...

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So goblins evolved in one year being able to integrate with humanoid societies and even being core races, that means mean they are quite a bit popular and common in the realm of Golarion. But now i need to know... What happened to kobolds, don't get me wrong i am not in the 'Kobolds suck now' camp or the 'I love their cute new faces' one. I am still conflicted about my favorite little dragon boys so i need to know, did something happen for the change? Is it just visual? Will there be new kobold abilities to show?

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Hello everyone,
I wanted to bring to everyone attention before it is too late (well it might be already) but i love powers. The ability to use the power at the highest level 4-10ish times everyday is awesome, powers themselves are mostly good. But the way you get them feels feels like i dont get enough milliage due yo versatility. I mean when i get powers i would rather get something that upgrades or give more options to my already existing ones or even give more powers...
I am not saying a good power for a feat isn't cool but i feel like weaker powers with more versatility could be coupled with a stronger one.
Like when getting FoB you could also get a power that gives you dig speed for a turn. Or give some of the paladin upgrades to lay on hands to wholeness of body.
Those are my two cents.

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I am not sure about this but when in a spell says a ranged/melee touch attack, or a ranged/melee attack during the duration of the spell. Like "polar ray", does that attack use the spell roll? Or it uses the melee unnarmed bonus(Str or dex)/ranged bonus(Dex) + spell proef?
I only found this and i am a bit confused... Because it seems to use the spellcasting bonus+proef in spellcasting but several other people are telling me otherwise...

Some spells require you to succeed at an attack roll to
affect the target. This is usually because they require you
to touch your target, precisely aim a ray, or otherwise
make an accurate attack. Any attack you make is part of
the spell’s Somatic Casting action.
Usually, such spells require a melee touch attack or
a ranged touch attack. In both cases, make an attack
roll and compare the result to the target’s TAC. Your
proficiency modifier for a spell’s attack roll is the same
as your proficiency modifier with spell rolls. Spell attacks
are unarmed, but they don’t apply any special benefits
from your weapons or unarmed attacks, nor do they deal
any damage outside of what’s listed in the spell. Melee
touch attacks have the finesse trait (see page 182). On a
successful attack, your spell affects the target, and on a
failure the spell is lost unless otherwise noted. Spells with
a range of “touch” always require a melee touch attack
when used against an unwilling target, but not when used
on a willing or unconscious target.
Some spells require a normal melee attack or ranged
attack instead of a touch attack. These work as described
above, but they target AC instead of TAC."