
neverminding's page

Goblin Squad Member. 64 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist.

Wishlists and Lists

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For more details about wishlists and lists, see this thread.

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My List

(18 items)

1.  Tiefling
Things you love about Golarion
Thread (123 posts),

What happened to Aroden?
Thread (258 posts),

3.  Sleeping Human
What about Golarion bugs you?
Thread (869 posts),

4.  Gibbering Mouther
10 things you love and hate about PF
Thread (134 posts),

5.  Demogorgon
How have you changed Golarion?
Thread (81 posts),

6.  Lini
Golarion planet size, distances and means of travel.
Thread (20 posts),

7.  Lini
Existence of Dallas/Fort Worth gaming?
Thread (6 posts),

8.  Tinkerer
Methodology of world/setting creation
Thread (8 posts),

9.  Aldern Foxglove
Collated Notes on Azlant and the Azlanti [Spoilers]
Thread (87 posts),

10.  Mephit
What should high-level non-casters be able to do?
Thread (250 posts),

11.  Droogami
Rogue as Fighter Alternate Class
Thread (27 posts),

12.  Cale the Calistrian
Seldriss's Houserules
Thread (8 posts),

13.  Lini
Re: The cult of the Maiden, Mother and Crone
Post, by neverminding

14.  Anubis
The cult of the Maiden, Mother and Crone
Thread (6 posts),

15.  Girrigz
Interest in Character Sheet for iOS Numbers (iPad, iPhone, Mac)?
Thread (7 posts),

Why play Pathfinder?
Thread (41 posts),

Hit Point Respawn
Thread (13 posts),

18.  Orcus
Can a paladin be an atheist in Golarion?
Thread (143 posts),