
neverminding's page

Goblin Squad Member. 64 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist.

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Matthew Trent wrote:

Really? I don't even see a singe point in real world history that is anlalogous to the world struggeling to recover from the death of God and the end of prophecy. ;)

Varisians = Gypsys/Eastern Europeans

Keleshites = Hollywood Arabs/Persians
Mwangi - Sub-Saharan Africans
Ulfen - Nords
Tians - "Asians"
Vudrani - Indians (they even have three spiritual books...)
Osirion - Egypt

And these are the obvious ones.

It's just like the Realms with all of the Earth analogs. Ever check out the Talislanta world books? The game itself was horrible, but the each nation/culture/race was original. I would like to see more of that instead of Golarian's derivative fantasy.

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I really like the level of detail for each race/region/continent without it becoming micromanaged by Paizo.

That being said, what bothers me the most is the inclusion of every single real world culture. Avistan and Garund alone contain 7 continents worth of Earth history co-existing within the same time period.

Oh and those *horrible* revolutionary war uniforms in Andoran.

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wraithstrike wrote:

The need idea assumes the DM does not pull punches. My last post was pointing in that direction.

I have never seen a game be better without them, and if it was I don't think they(the big six) were a factor.

The game I'm planning to run is going to be low-magic item. If I'm lucky enough to have it last into the levels where items like these will make a difference and it's true that the actual design of the system requires them (which I find highly dubious), then I'll just have to come up with a way to give the players the same effective bonuses via other means.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that by nature of encounter design, players are at a severe disadvantage without a plethora of specific magic items. Completely takes away the fascination of receiving something special when you're waiting to fill that missing "big six" slot every session.