
nategar05's page

Organized Play Member. 401 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

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It seems I really like sharing my opinion, but if I were you I'd seriously reconsider the class. Wizards aren't designed to be good at being the face. I'd go for a Cha based class like Bard, Sorcerer, or Oracle.

However, if you insist on an Enchanter:

Int > Dex > Con > Cha > Wis > Str

I'd go for Familiar unless you know that your DM would NEVER target your bonded item.

Cosmopolitan to get two class skills and two languages. Examples would be Bluff, Diplomacy, or Sense Motive.

I'd go for the Manipulator subschool. Dazing Touch just sucks, and this replaces it with a decent ability. You get to keep the bonuses to skills as well.

I'd focus on traits that make you a better face and/or get you a +2 to Initiative.

No prestige classes come to mind.


Sleep is awesome at first, but drops off quickly.
Charm Person works quite well.
Hideous Laughter is really good.
Confusion is amazing.
Dominate Person and Feeblemind are good.

Stay away from spells that require touch attacks or that fascinate.

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Cheapy wrote:
nategar05 wrote:
Note the Cha requirement though. Monks are MAD enough as it is.
Optimization is the first to die for awesomeness.

Certainly a fair point as long as the player is aware of the situation as far as optimization goes. IMO anyway. I'd hate for someone to do an awesome and flavorful build only to become disappointed about their lack of effectiveness later.

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Blue Star wrote:
Toilet paper/bathroom tissue/whatever you want to call it.

That's what Prestidigitation is for. :P

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therealthom wrote:
W E Ray wrote:

OMG, dude, Elves are great for LOTS of characters!

Want an effiminate PC?
. . . . Elf!

Want to play an arrogant, self-righteous, effete snob?
. . . . Elf is the answer.

How 'bout a PC who thinks that living to be a million years old and yet having a naturally weak CON score makes sense?
. . . . You know the Race to play.

All in all, Elves are a great choice for anyone who wants to play a member of a race full of whiney, good-for-nothing, think-they-created-magic, pretend they're better than everyone else cuz they remember Sauron when he was here last but were too pathetic to really stop him and now crying for humans and dwarves (Real races) to save their lame-ass selves and now, 1000 years later are begging for help again all the while being dicks cuz they remember from last time even though no one else gives a damn.

That's the Elf.

I'll bet you're a dwarf-lover.

I'd be surprised if anyone loves dwarves considering their penalty to Charisma. :P

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A Truly Horrible and Disappointing Movie wrote:
It's over Anakin!! I have the high ground!

Probably my favorite part of the entire thing. Definitely my favorite line. Also classic is "Only the Sith deals in absolutes." I couldn't help but notice that that was an absolute statement. : P

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If you want to save money and only charge people for looking at it there's Hallucinatory Terrain. I wouldn't recommend giving them a tour though. : P