
mln84's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 206 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

If a paladin successfully gets the Fire of Judgement onto a foe, and the foe casts an AOE spell, does this count as an attack for the purposes of Fire of Judgement? For 1d6, or a d6 for each creature in the AOE? Does it matter whether or not the paladin is in the AOE?


Fire of Judgement:
After casting this spell, the next creature you attack using your smite evil class ability is engulfed in flames of positive energy. At the start of its turn, the target takes 1d6 points of damage, and takes an additional 1d6 points of damage each time it attacks a creature other than you. If the creature is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature this damage increases to 1d10. With a successful saving throw, a creature is affected by this spell for only 1 round. This damage is divine in nature and bypasses any DR the creature possesses.

Thursday, May 14 or Friday, May 15?

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I don't have Perform: Dance. I don't have Perform: Sing....

Would it be possible to have Paizo listed at the top of my "My Downloads" and all the 3PPs listed after? Or maybe have separate tabs for Paizo vs 3PP?

This wasn't so much of an issue for me until after the Goblinworks kickstarter, but now I have a ton of companies other than Paizo and have to scroll quite a ways down to the Paizo sections- the main things I use.

And to answer some potential suggestions- I know I can sort by date, etc., but I don't like those outputs; I also know about the arrows next to each company that can hide its products- they don't stay hidden for me for very long (multiple computers, maybe, or removing cookies).

Yay! Congratulations!

Hey all,

The DC for Vorel's Phage is 11 if the PC's get it from the rat on p. 94 of the anniversary edition. If they get it in Vorel's lab, the DC is listed as 20 (p. 106), but then it sends you to p. 94 for info. So, for subsequent saves to cure an infection, is the DC 11? (I would suspect the 20 is higher just because the PC is more likely to be infected by actually touching the fungus than encountering an infected creature.)


Hey all,

I'm running RotRL-AE, and my party just finished Burnt Offerings. They interacted with Madam Mvashti in the last session about a subplot I have going and a couple of the players asked for a reading. We had it happen "off-camera" and I said I would give them details next week. So...

I have only read through Hook Mountain Massacre, so far, so I don't know all things I could cryptically foretell. For example, I'd like to use things like:

"The hunter will become the hunted"- referring to Foxglove

"The enemy of your enemy can be your ally"- referring to Iesha Foxglove fighting Aldern

"Little problems may become big problems"- goblin raids turn into giant raids for Sandpoint (further than I've read, but I'm also reading campaign journals here on the boards.)

Does anyone have any other suggestions, and a reference so I can check it out/fluff it up?


The Bestiary (and PRD) both list Mass Enlarge as a SLA for a Greater Barghest. I assume this means Mass Enlarge Person, as I can't find an Enlarge Monster. Would this affect the Barghest itself, or is it just for use on others? Thanks.

A lance does double damage on a charge, or triple with the Spirited Charge feat. Is this just the weapon dice (like the Vital Strike feat) or do the various bonuses also get doubled/tripled? (I would expect no doubling/tripling of precision damage or extras like from a flaming weapon, similar to a critical hit.)

And then speaking of a critical hit (x3 for the lance), does it go to x4 for a regular charge and x5 for Spirited Charge?

Hey all, just a few quick questions about these events. They say, for example, "For Levels 1-5". Is that character levels? I ask because I saw one that is 1-11. I don't see how you could run a game with that kind of spread. Second, if that is char levels, and I use a pregen, will it be at the minimum for that event? If I make a character, should it be at the minimum for the event?

If it's not obvious, I haven't yet read the Guide to Org Play. I was just hoping for quick answers from those with experience.


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At 3rd level, monk's use monk level in place of BAB for CMB. I'm wondering if this is supposed to apply to CMD, as well. I realize that it does not, RAW, but it is called "maneuver training" and CMD was added after the beta and this might just have been missed.

(Not looking for a house rule, etc., just hoping one of the J's would comment.)

I'm not quite understanding the Attack Bonus for Flurry of Blows. It says the monk attacks as if using TWF (so for unarmed attacks, -2/-2), and that BAB is monk level.

So for a first level monk (assuming no strength, etc, bonuses in my example):

Standard Action, single attack: Att Bonus = 0 (BAB = 0, nothing else)

Option 1:
Full Attack, FoB: Att Bonus = -1/-1 (as given in Monk Table), which comes from BAB = monk level = +1 with TWF = -2/-2, (so this is where the monk table listing comes from and the math is already done for you)

Option 2
Full Attack, FoB: Att Bonus = -2/-2, which comes from BAB = monk level = +1 with TWF = -2/-2 and another -1/-1 for the listing on the monk table.

Which is the correct way to calculate it?


Dothanda Synopea has not participated in any online campaigns.