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Goblin Squad Member. 111 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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I have had a few notable Sahaugin wearing them. I then had a crown worn by Krellort act as a focus which allowed messages to be sent between the wearer of the crown and the necklace wearers.

This really helped my party since they are on multiple ships. I ruled that it did not take their "neck" slot.

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We are getting so close! How about some spoilers!

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Necklaces of fireballs are completely awesome for the price as well! First off they do NOT take up your neck slot. They also make AWESOME ambushes.

You can place a necklace down in the middle of the ambush and when the targets are in range cast your own fireball/scorching ray/flaming sphere ect... It get's a saving throw +7 or the entire thing explodes!

The big necklace (8700gp or crafted for 4350) would explode for 58d6!

You could always put the necklace on a summoned creature or something as well for some fun shenanigans!

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Evil DM in question here!

Bloodwort really really loved this character! Imagine the General from Planet of the apes with an eye-patch and undead, it is awesome! and I had the wonderful idea of having him become Cursed. I believe I told him he figured out that he was cursed. He just has no idea how or why. The party has had some GREAT evil interactions with each other and bringing "Rex" back was priceless!

He came back During the most important fight in Skulls and Shackles book 1. One of the other pc's thought he was there to kill her! It was awesome!

I have been letting the pc's play at max hit points, and I have not been maxing the monsters hps. When all the players are playing evil or neutral they do not always work together and may inadvertently cause each other to have certain hardships resulting in encounters being MUCH MUCH harder than they should be.

I also told him that he cannot die(he forgot but I reminded him at lunch today) He regenerates 1 hp/min no matter what(barring disruption/disintegrate) So even if he goes down in combat he will not die. Part of the curse. It may suck for a while if he goes down early, but he normally kills/disables fast enough it won't matter.

Also with his great AC at this level he is near impossible to hit anyways.

Luckily I have thought of a way for him to get his old con score switched to his charisma score through some evil ritual they may or may not be found on some sort of treasure map. I don't just want to switch it for free as I see the ability to have some fun story/adventure with it. After all the Shackles would be an awesome place to be an immortal evil undead monk pirate.

I offered the same deal to another character that died at the same time but he was not interested. So I ha to change the curse to something that only affected Rex!

So far Skulls and Shackles has been an absolute blast to run and we are all thoroughly enjoying it!

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Not sure if this is carried over from 3.5 or not.

A rogue does not add sneak attack unless his regular attack makes it through all of the targets Damage Reduction.

It totally makes sense. Just learned that at pfs last week.

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I will be finishing CoGD next week with my players and I am going to run them through Beyond the Vault of souls

It is for level 9 characters, but I don't think it will be that much of a problem for me to adjust things. They will be near level 8 at the end of CoGD anyways.

This module looks like a complete blast and is going to scare the crap out of my players!

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Hey everyone quick question about the Oracles Awesome Display revelation.

I am getting ready to start a Serpents Skull campaign and I am planning on taking my first level as a sorcerer then a 1 level dip into Oracle of the heavens for awesome display. I will then be taking the rest in sorcerer.

Awesome Display (Su): Your phantasmagoric displays accurately model the mysteries of the night sky, dumbfounding all who behold them. Each creature affected by your illusion (pattern) spells is treated as if its total number of Hit Dice were equal to its number of Hit Dice minus your Charisma modifier (if positive).

I am in the middle of an argument with one of my DM's. He is telling me that this will not work with my Sorcerer spells. The way I read it is that it should work with ANY "pattern" spells.

What do you guys think?
