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Goblin Squad Member. 111 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

My friend and I whipped up a couple level 10 occult classes each to try out a couple combats. We picked random combats at CR10 and CR12. The CR10 was a young green dragon and a stone giant. The CR12 was 3 bulettes and 3 chimeras. We generally did very well in both combats. Only the breath weapons and the bulette pounces did much damage. Now for more specific thoughts and feedback per class.

Geokineticist: My friend built him to be a melee kineticist tank using kinetic blade/whip with weapon finesse (his interpretation was that the whip was finessable since it functions like blade which included light weapons). He also had the Pushing substance infusion, but the monsters we were up against were very hard to bull rush. He proved to be our highest damage dealer (other than save or sucks) and was VERY tanky with 7 dr/adamantine (2 burn for 2 extra dr). He also had the water defense for the shield to boost his ac even higher (he was sitting at 31). He would use Ride the Blast to get into melee then stay there using move actions to avoid the burn to pull out the whip. He had combat reflexes to make use of the whip AoO's (of which there was only one, but it landed!). The concentration checks to use melee blast options seems like a completely unnecessary penalty. Additionally, he thinks that when using the melee blast options, that kineticists should be able to make all of their iterative attacks when full-attacking (he was using move actions to avoid burn, so it was moot in these fights). His blasts were averaging around 25ish damage per round as long as he made his concentration checks. He did not have combat casting, but he did have a +2 to concentration trait.

Occultist: My friend built him with Abjuration (cloak), Conjuration (compass because there are no summon spells), Illusion (ring), Evocation (wand...of CLW, lol), and Transmutation (belt and weapon). He put 6 of his mental points in his belt for +4 dex, 3 into his weapon for the shocking property, 6 into his wand for blasts (ended up not using them), and 4 in his compass for heals and teleports (2 used on healing). He was built as an archer with some support spells and a few blast options through his implement. He functioned reasonably well as an archer and was able to keep up reasonably well with the Geo's dpr. Once things got a bit hairy in the second fight, he used Greater Invisibility and dropped into a healing role while the Geo tanked up the bulettes full attacks. My friend really liked how the occultist played, but he did not like that spending points from his implements reduced the resonant powers which made him very reluctant to spend them.

Mesmerist: I felt like the Mesmerist is pretty railroaded on options. The tricks were neat but need some work. I was able to use my Mirror image trick to good effect. If you are looking for single target control, this is where it is found. It does need the Stare ability to be greatly buffed. I feel like this should be more of a core feature of the class.

Psychic: I feel like the Psychic has great potential. With some expanded Disciplines and a little work on the amplifications they could be pretty cool. I think the Disciplines need a kick in the pants a bit. I played the Discipline of Abomination- This has great flavor. The few measly rounds per day that you can be your Dark Half was very cool, but the amount of time you can stay in that form needs to be greatly increased. I like some of the Psychic spells, although I feel that Psychic Crush is a bit over powered against low will targets. It is a complete save or suck spell that ruins fights at mid levels and up. I also feel like mind thrust is a good spell despite it's low damage potential compared to other spells. Also I do not see the need for all of the spells to have so many versions. Why not just have the base spell scale with level like most spells? Overly complicated in my opinion. With only a few single target blasts and some control spells I feel the spell list or Disciplines needs a lot of work here.

Hey everyone,

I will be playing in a Gestalt home-brew campaign soon and I would like to create the Ultimate Arcane blasting machine!

I was hoping for some advice/ideas. My thought process is that I can completely prepare all of my Sorcerer spells as Direct Damage and still have plenty of spells for utility from the Mage. I will have a lot of bonus feats to get metamagics early as well.

We will be starting with a 20 point buy.

I have a few ideas already.

A Crossblooded Draconic/Orc bloodline sorcer with the eldritch heritage feat: Primal / Admixture Wizard.
This would give me +3 dmg per die and I can change the element of my spells to suit the situation. Also being Gestalt would more than make up for the lost spells.

I am also considering a Sage bloodline Sorcerer / Divination Wizard. This would only rely on Intelligence and my initiative would rock.

I would LOVE to hear what everyone's ideas are!

Hey everyone,

If any DM's have or are going to run Skulls and Shackles I have a few questions for you!

My players are headed into Riptide cove tonight and I am planning on testing out Mythic a bit. I am going to be granting them all Tier 1 mythic temporarily. I will probably have them kill a Mythic creature(The eel from the Invernus wreck) before heading into the cove and absorb some of it's power until they leave the cove and it wheres off.

What I need from you guys.

Which creatures should I upgrade inside Riptide cove? Should I just add Mythic templates to The Whale, Queen and Devil fish? Should I add any templates to the normal grindylows? What about the Stirge nest at the entrance? Make them agile? Would that be too mean?

What templates should I add to The Whale, The Queen and the Devil fish?

What would be some appropriate Mythic feats to add to these creatures?

I am considering making the Eel in the Invernus' shipwreck the mythic creature that grants them their temporary Mythic power.
What template(s) would you add to it? Feats? ect...

Thanks in advance!

Would you get a reflex save vs. a fireball if you are pinned? Also if you and your opponent on on the edge of a create pit spell and the opponent has you pinned and makes his save to not fall in the pit, do you also have to make a save? Or are you not going to fall in just because your pinned?

Also, if the opponent pinning you fails their save would you both fall in?

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The Gnome favored class option for Oracle states:

Oracle: Treat the gnome’s level as +1/2 higher for the purpose of determining the effects of the oracle’s curse ability.

and for the Haunted curse:

Haunted: Malevolent spirits follow you wherever you go, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences (such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises). Retrieving any stored item from your gear requires a standard action, unless it would normally take longer. Any item you drop lands 10 feet away from you in a random direction. Add mage hand and ghost sound to your list of spells known. At 5th level, add levitate and minor image to your list of spells known. At 10th level, add telekinesis to your list of spells known. At 15th level, add reverse gravity to your list of spells known.

My question is does this combination allow you to cast levitate and minor image at 4th level, telekinesis at 7th level and reverse gravity at 10th?

If yes would I just cast Reverse Gravity as a 10th level caster?

What spell level would it be?

If this is not the case is it just pointless to take the alternate favored class option as a gnome for the Haunted curse?


7 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey everyone quick question about the Oracles Awesome Display revelation.

I am getting ready to start a Serpents Skull campaign and I am planning on taking my first level as a sorcerer then a 1 level dip into Oracle of the heavens for awesome display. I will then be taking the rest in sorcerer.

Awesome Display (Su): Your phantasmagoric displays accurately model the mysteries of the night sky, dumbfounding all who behold them. Each creature affected by your illusion (pattern) spells is treated as if its total number of Hit Dice were equal to its number of Hit Dice minus your Charisma modifier (if positive).

I am in the middle of an argument with one of my DM's. He is telling me that this will not work with my Sorcerer spells. The way I read it is that it should work with ANY "pattern" spells.

What do you guys think?
