Jamus Hainard

magikmaan's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts (79 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

I am playing a Kitsune in a campaign and his goal is to become a vampire. Becoming a vampire makes you an undead with the augmented subtype. Does this mean that I lose the ability to shape change?

What kind of favored enemy would a ranger have to take in order to get the bonus against eidolons? In the bestiary it just says an eidolon is outsider (extraplanar), does this mean that there is no way to get a bonus against it with favored enemy?

Looking at the table of wind effects it doesn't say anything about creatures smaller than tiny. I can't imagine that diminutive and fine creatures are affected the same as tiny creatures. Also does the DC of strength checks to avoid being checked increase as your size decreases and the wind increases?

So, in a campaign I am running one of the characters is a necromancer with a lot of undead in the party. Would the experience gained from fights be divided by the total number of allies including the undead or only the party members. Dividing it that much seems like a jerk move but by the rules you divide it by the allies so it would make sense. What should I do?

I was looking through the NPC Codex and I saw an npc called the Failed Disciple. Looking at his stats I saw that his unarmed strikes did a d8 damage. I was confused because he only had levels in fighter. After looking through his stat block for at least twenty minutes I couldn't find anything that would cause that increase in damage. Is there something I am missing or is this a possible mistake in the book?

I was wondering if a character were to wield a large weapon if it could use it at reach due to its massive size. Say a medium character were using a large greatsword, would he have 10ft reach with that or would he only be able to attack adjacent squares as if he had a normally sized weapon.

My question is pretty simple. If there is a character wielding a reach weapon it increases his reach by 5 feet. Now, say that character could throw that weapon accurately at a range increment of 20 feet. Would he be able to throw it twenty feet and then hit any target as if he had reach from the ending square?

I was wondering if there was a way to planar bind something with more than 18HD. I'm playing a 20th level summoner and wouldn't mind having a Balor for a little bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

So I took a feat that allowed me to increase my base attack by one. This brought it from 10/5 to 11/6. Would that give me a third attack since it is actually raising my base attack?

Okay, so quick question. The race my character is has a bite attack (obvious natural weapon) but I don't know if it should be counted as primary or a secondary attack since I also have my sword. By primary does it just mean main natural attack or main attack in general? And thanks and I will be very happy.

So, a combination of contingencies, grease and spark. How much damage would the person on fire be taking and how long would they be on fire if nobody went to put them out? Any help would be great.

Okay, so here is the story, in my campaign there is a very powerful Lich and he is basically the bad guy throughout the entire thing. I want to make him know Druid but no Druid would teach him. Could using a dominate person spell on the Druid to force it to teach him work? He doesn't care about the consequences and only wishes to increase his power. I have looked at the spell and it at looks good. I want to get feedback from all of you first though. Thanks everyone :D