
jsrose's page

17 posts (5,124 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 aliases.


female human

Soon. :-)

female human

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

<3 Mrs. Rose

I have a Samsung Galaxy S2. (running Android 2.3.6)

I also get a lot of use out of my Kindle Fire, and often read posts on Paizo with it.

female human


I'm not mad. I emailed you back. Will check in a bit cause I'm doing some work right now. I'm sorry we had a misunderstanding.

I played an awakened animal companion to a player in a party I was in a few years ago. It was a blast for roleplaying. I ended up advancing in barbarian, gaining class levels, over time, which was also cool as I rarely play combat heavy characters.

Before we started, I sat down with the player who's animal companion I was, and we came up with our background, history, and the like. We both really enjoyed the experience, with some planning ahead of time it was great, because when does a DM have the time to roleplay an animal companion? Now granted, I gained class lvls and that generally doesn't happen unless you're a PC. Although I think I would have still had plenty of fun even without the class levels,

Where was my point in this? Oh yes... animal companions are playable if you like to roleplay and get along with the person whose animal companion you are.

female human
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:


Air: Սա այն է, ինչ հնչում օդի պես.
Earth: זה מה שנשמע כמו כדור הארץ.
Fire: هذا ما يبدو وكأنه النار.
Water: இந்த தண்ணீர் போன்ற ஒலிகள் என்ன உள்ளது.

Ooooh pretty!

female human

Me too. Although I could post in German without translation assistance and call that Druidic.
On that note, Ry, What language should I post in if that ever comes up?


female human
Melinda Sorn wrote:
woot for flexible time. I vote for lunch now.

i just had lunch. inspired by last night's pizza, i made... pizza. but from scratch. sadly, not with pineapple, pepperoni, nor jalapenio. but i did put on extra sauce ;)

female human

on a side note, technically Sasha was a sorceress, with some fighting ability at her rapier, and with the music skills to make a bard jealous... but everyone seems to think she's a bard. not that it really matters... but just to clarify. ;)

also, yes, i'm friendly with Shalelu, sorry i didn't reply right away.

i think the flexible time thing is a great idea... sometimes two people might post at the same time, or close enough in time that they don't see each others posts until after they've posted... so that will be great with editing little things, and making sure we're all on the same page. :)

female human

location location location... rock in the pacific ocean, aka Hawaii.

female human
jsrose wrote:
Kyrademon wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Also, please add a section to your sheet labeled "Relationships" and add "Shalelu: 5" to it. This is unspoilered because I want to remind everyone to do this.

Once you have done the above, the Liothonae Cromvathar will be APPROVED (silent sound of the ghosts of dead orphans clapping) and you can post on the campaign thread.

The Mana tells me she is adding the stuff to the list as you requested.

** spoiler omitted **...

Ry: so I'm thinking Shalelu was impressed because Lio noticed her tracks and was able to find her camp in the first place...

female human
Kyrademon wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Also, please add a section to your sheet labeled "Relationships" and add "Shalelu: 5" to it. This is unspoilered because I want to remind everyone to do this.

Once you have done the above, the Liothonae Cromvathar will be APPROVED (silent sound of the ghosts of dead orphans clapping) and you can post on the campaign thread.

The Mana tells me she is adding the stuff to the list as you requested.

Ry How Lio met Shalelu::
When Lio had first been sent to the grove (or whatever the heck druid circles are called)near Sandpoint by her drewish brethren, she began to explore the forest. It was during one of her earliest explorations that she came across some foot prints in the mud. Curious, Lio followed, and found herself sneaking around on the outskirts of someone's camp site. A rabbit was cooking over the fire, and a woman was sitting on a tree stump, looking right at her. Lio turned several colors, not really noticeable under the layers of dirt, and ran off into the woods, falling over a root in her panic, she cut open her palms and a knee. Shalelu didn't laugh at Lio's plight, but rather helped her up, and after cleaning her wounds, offered her some roasted rabbit. And that's how they first met. Shalelu invited Lio to go hunting a few days later, and although Lio isn't nearly the hunter that Shalelu is, she's getting better at being outside in the woods.

Sometime later, Lio was sitting on a roof top, listening to the music coming out of the tavern without having to go inside, when a girl just happened to be looking up. It turns out this girl was Shalelu's little sister, and having heard about the elven girl from Shalelu, she was curious and climbed up on the roof to say hello. The overly cautious elf took a little while to warm up to (insert Gavin's character's name here). The sister and Lio have formed some bonds of friendship. Although Lio is very reluctant to talk about her life, she has learned quite a bit about the adopted sister.

female human

as per Ry's request, a little bit about Sasha Ilarion, NPC in Sandpoint:

People say many things about Sasha Ilarion.

They say she is beautiful. This is true. Her lustrously bright red hair, dancing green eyes, and flawless fair skin are the envy of royalty near and far, and has been for years. They say she is dangerous. This, too is true. She carries a rapier on her slender hip, and walks like she knows how to use it. She is quick as lightning, and people say she is more deadly. And they would be correct in that as well.

The folks of Sandpoint have long heard Sasha play upon her violin, and sometimes when the mood strikes her, she lends her honeyed voice to the tunes she plays. Her songs are haunted melodies, from a long forgotten time, and it is said she discovered these songs upon a grand adventure, an adventure far beyond anything the townsfolk can imagine.
She is sometimes seen in the presence of her sister in law, the half Ork Elena, and it is said that she keeps even more dangerous company. Some say she is married to a wayward elven Bard, and although they have been a couple off and on for the last 15 years, this isn’t precisely true, for he has never asked, and she has never said yes. They have two children, twins, and some say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

But there is one thing the people of Sandpoint dare not say about Sasha Ilarion. Confuse her with her identical twin sister Ana, and that dashing rapier may find its way into your belly. For Sasha Ilarion is completely and irrevocably insane. Of course, this is all Ana’s fault, but that too, is something better not said within Sasha’s hearing. Ana is the only one who has ever truly understood her.

If you ask Rana, the elven father of Sasha’s children, sometime enabler, and occasional honest man, you might get a little more information. You see Sasha wasn’t always insane. She was the bright young daughter of a Corvosan wizard. Her talents ran wild, towards music and joy, while her sister Ana’s talents were the mystical ones their father approved of. It was at the Academie that something horrendous happened to Ana, and it was this that drove Sasha off the edge. And that’s all that he will tell you, because it isn’t his story to tell.

You never see the twins together. Not once, ever, have they walked into the same room, or gone to the market, or had a drink at the tavern. But you know Ana, because she is scarred where Sasha is flawless. She is clear and concise, where Sasha is vague and lilting. And you know Sasha, because she thinks Goblins are cute, and she likes the fireworks, and she just doesn’t understand that her fiddle is really a violin. And it is very clear that the sisters care for each other, and spend nearly every waking moment together, in fact, they can even speak to each other’s minds.

Sasha is a loving, if somewhat absentminded mother. Her children learned at a very young age to be self reliant. She depends on her sister to remind her of things, because to Sasha, things don’t really exist. She probably wouldn’t eat, if it wasn’t for her sister’s regular interruptions into her chaotic mind. She lives to play her music, and to see beauty in the world, and sometimes, she lives to destroy. Her impatient temper is legendary, and so is her beauty. She doesn’t look a day over 20 years old.

Sasha Ilarion: Bard

female human
Kyrademon wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Never fear, I don't feel left out. The character sheet will be up after work today, the Mana is going to help me input it into the magic box, for she is a sorcerer, and as a druid, the only things i do with boxes is plant things in them. Or maybe use them as shelter. Or maybe...

I think I'd like to be the mentored of the outdoorsy chick (the one who hangs out in the woods and gives a bonus to survival).

female human

Ry, I'm running a little behind, probably not gonna get the character sheet up until later tonight or maybe tomorrow. In other news, Daryn has made an account and is on the board ;)

female human

See the link for my rather long character concept/background...
Actual character sheet in progress and will be submitted soon.

female human

hi Ry (et. al.)

i'd like to play an urban druid. elf.
