johhov's page

20 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.


BigNorseWolf wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
They do different things. Hard to say which one is better now. An unchained rogue can take major magic with Vanish and achieve much the same thing as a ninja with vanishing trick.

The ninjas vanish trick is a swift action, which allows for some pretty nasty combos like attacking and THEN going invisible that you can't pull off with just vanish.

The rogue could always take quicken spell like ability at level 11. Granted at that point the ninja gets greater invisibility but it is still something to consider.

thejeff wrote:
Psi51 wrote:
+5 is for Spellcraft check to create for spells not on alchemist list. And potions are use activated items not spell trigger items.
The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites.
While you're correct that they're not spell trigger items, you still can't bypass the requirement to actually have the spell. The +5 doesn't come into brewing potions at all, as far as I can see.

This combined with the fact that alchemists are 6th level "casters" and as such have more expensive potions past level 1 realy clashes with the theme of alchemists as "potion masters".

I'm confused. You want to make a bard with spellstrike but by your own admission there are very few spells on the bard spell list that can be used with spellstrike. So why then are you trying to make this work? What concept are you trying to achieve here? Would it possibly be better to be a magus that subclasses into bard?

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I generally allow anything published by Paizo for Pathfinder (excluding 3.5 stuff). I do however restrict the race choices, I'm getting rather tiered of adventuring parties consisting solely of outsiders with no backstory to explain it.

Lemmy wrote:
johhov wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
...still pays twice as much gold (and one item slot) for their enhancements, still has really bad AC at low levels...
With the new FoB mechanic I think my future monks will probably be using a two handed weapon and an amulet of natural armour to help mitigate this. Unarmed attacks will probably only be used for abilities that require them and the occasional aoo.
Well... You could already do that. Flurrying with a Temple Sword was pretty good. Cost of enhancement has always only been a problem to unarmes combat... You know... Monk's most iconic combat style.

From what I understand the monk now gains 1.5 str bonus when using a two handed weapon to flurry. (I don't have the book yet so feel free to correct me on this.) That combined with the removal of the attack penalty is going to make a high str power attacking monk be more interesting. At least to me.

Lemmy wrote:
...still pays twice as much gold (and one item slot) for their enhancements, still has really bad AC at low levels...

With the new FoB mechanic I think my future monks will probably be using a two handed weapon and an amulet of natural armour to help mitigate this. Unarmed attacks will probably only be used for abilities that require them and the occasional aoo.

Yes you could. However the Umbral Agents abilities scale with wis and effective class level for domains. If you want to enter as an arcane caster then the Empyrial sorcerer bloodline is probably your best bet even if it clashes a bit thematically.

B. A. Robards-Debardot wrote:
Scythia wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Scythia wrote:

Our out curiosity, how much Ki pool would be "enough"?

1/lv + Wis?
2/lv + Wis?
Full level +Wis would be sufficient, probably. Especially if Extra Ki were beefed up a bit (maybe changes it to double Wis mod?).

That sounds reasonable to me.

Although, would the as written amount be okay if there was a regen mechanic baked in, something like what Gunslinger or Swashbuckler has?

Well there is the Ki Mat I think it has kind of a low rate of recharge though. I'd prefer something built into the class and maybe a bit faster (1/10 minutes?).

I think the new Ki features will probably put the Ring of Ki Mastery up there with the (if not above) Monk's Robes for lots of people (if it wasn't there already).

Wyroot quarterstaff might be a more tempting now that you can add 1.5 strength with them in a FoB.

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Snowblind wrote:
First of all, FYI many people use cl1 paladin wands.

That is a very lenient of their GMs. The ones I play with assume all items are crafted by a wizard or cleric unless the group craft it themselves specifically to avoid that kind of thing.

I'd just go hierophant and use Inspired Spell in all its broken glory. Pick up mythic spell casting. Maybe take the Theologian archetype for the cleric levels. Get the Umbral Spell and Shadow Grasp metamagic feats for the cool factor.

LE Svirfneblin Cleric 7/Umbral Agent 5
Be the creature that reminds the drow that even they need to fear the dark. I know the loss of caster levels is generally frowned on but looking at the current group this is the perfect time.

I don't have the book yet but from what I am seeing in this discussion would standard summoner with the unchained spell list be an acceptable compromise?

At 6th level you get two uses of the ability, each of these uses lasts for 6 hours for a total of 12 hours.

I made a whip warpriest a while back for a discussion on reddit. Maybe It can give you some ideas. Dropbox

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I have been mulling over the idea of writing a guide on alchemical tools, weapons, poisons and related items, traits and feats. I was wondering if there is any interest in such a guide?

Rynjin wrote:
Do you know any Feat or item that increases your effective Cleric level for Channel?

No, sorry. But these traits might be interesting:

Blessed Touch
Exalted of the Society

Well if you go for a low strength build and focus on charisma you can use the sword one handed an pick up a shield. That way your non smiting fighting abilities are somewhat lacklustre and you can use smite and/or grab the sword with both hands when s&!$ hits the fan. When playing with new players I like to create characters that are powerful when they need to be but on par with the rest of the party most of the time.

I'd say go with angel blooded aasimar. Take oracle as your favoured class and begin with 2 levels of oracle with the life mystery. Select the life link revelation and boost it using your favoured class bonus. Take the lame curse. For your remaining levels take oathbound paladin with the oath of vengeance. Put at least a 13 stat in strength but make charisma your main stat. Keep your current feat progression and fill in the blanks with extra lay on hands.

Key items to get are:
Bracers of the Merciful Knight
Inheritor's Light

Use your abundance of LoH uses to lay waste to your enemies or heal at your leisure.

Edit: Actually it might be better to go paladin 1 -> oracle 2 -> paladin x.

wraithstrike wrote:

In case it has not been mention shurikens(throwing stars, ninja stars) suck.

10 foot throwing range, you can't reuse them, they cost a feat, and the damage sucks.

Shurikens are drawn as ammmunition. If you are a monk who just killed the goblin in front of you, but are too far away from the next to take a 5' step to close the gap, you can pull out some shurikens and finish your FoBs without taking the quick draw feat.