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What an awsome final chapter to the epic saga that is Kingmaker! I would have given it 5 stars but the final boss always felt a little "tacked on" and I feel the overall story would have been better had the king of Pitax been the BBEG at the end, but still WHAT A STORY!

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Fort Drelev


Havent quite finished the Armag encounter at the end of the book as I write this but so far book 4 is LAME. The battle for Fort Drelev which could have been awsome instead relies on this ridiculous points based system (think kingdom building but without the fun) that forces your party to kill enemy soldiers in a small fort (high alert anyone!) And then make friends with NPC's who do NOTHING to actually help or facilitate in ANYWAY (other then points) the taking of the fort, and if this all wasnt bad enough its all done on a "time clock" where you lose points everyday do to low moral amongst the villagers. This whole story basically leads to you storming the fort but without the excitment or immediacy that you want. Takes what should just be an amazing fight and military action on the part of your PC's and kingdom and drags it out into several sessions to stretch a very weak book 4. I recommend DM's just run a "homebrew" version and keep the Armag storyline.

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Is that a F'ing Lich!!!!


CLASSIC! Great story. Amazing npc's (possibly my DM's doing) great villians and what I final showdown! Lich + instant fortress= Classic! Personally my favorite of the first 4 books for sure.

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Build a Kingdom to rival Camelot!


Kingdom building was such an amazing added bonus and new level of fun and excitement! Great encounters and wonderful opportunities throughout the book for not only roll playing but true role playing as well.

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This is the AP Ive been waiting for. I played in it once before and HATED. It. What a difference a new gaming group makes! This game finally gives PC's the chance to not only rule a kingdom but build it from the ground up! My group had endless fun building our kingdom and protecting it from various villians.