
jeod's page

39 posts. Alias of jacetms87.


male half elf rouge/1

looks up ahead at the bottle neck None can get past you, there must be a way around via these tunnels I will gaurd them

will ready an attack action by the entrance to the tunnel.

male half elf rouge/1

I am coming everyone Hold on[b] as I squirm out of the opening I look in front of my seeing the bottle neck seeing how best to help. [b] There must be another way around they are trying to flank us. looks at the opening as I crouch next to it trying to conceal my self

[ooc] I ready my action, for if a goblin comes with in distance of me I will full attack it

stealth check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

male half elf rouge/1

Im trying to get there, hopefully you and unruly and hayman can hold them off till the rest of us can arrive, how awesome would sleep be right? Or color spray?

male half elf rouge/1

have not seen it as jeod quickly tries to squeeze through the hole back to where the comotion is.

male half elf rouge/1

ahh fair enough Jeod will make all speed untill that end Hey xiong I bet you cant hit one farther than last time

male half elf rouge/1

Do I need to make a perception check to hear thorfin? If not I will make it to them as fast as I can leaving him tied

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

I am really really starting to hate goblins

Runs, or double moves ( what ever is needed) to get to thorfin and and xiong

male half elf rouge/1

Turns back around acknologing felix pointing to the tied up mass in the corner Sorry I would have reported back by now but there is another chamber, and there is this to investigate.

male half elf rouge/1

hmm well friend stay right here as I see you are tied up at the moment while I investigate further

will move with the torch into the next chamber carefully and quietly

male half elf rouge/1

No they are not I, they are goblins you are in thier lair my friend, still a caster may be helpful as our last one just left. What do you say I free you and you help us clear out this den of the little blights?

begins lookign around for his spellbook and spell component pouch.

male half elf rouge/1

How much worse is that system for getting a critical? That would very seriously affect my chracter, I personally would rather just use the simple 1d20.

male half elf rouge/1

looks at the hog tied individual in front of home My my you never know what you will find, as I begin by takign the gag out of his mouth. They really are vile creatures arnt they? Now how did you get get here my friend?

male half elf rouge/1

You can put a text version in profile, or if you work it out with the gm email it directly to him.

male half elf rouge/1

opens all the doors taking stock of what may be in this room before pressing on, whispering to himself well what did those creatures take exactly?

male half elf rouge/1

goblins are such horrid creatures what is that foul stench, no I am sure I dont want to know

will light a torch perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

lights a torch taking a look around the room.

male half elf rouge/1

Im glad it wasnt serious.

male half elf rouge/1

No problems with fast here, and take the dotting as a kind of flattery it is obviously fun to read, I lurk some game play threads when bored.

male half elf rouge/1

Those things were horrid, now what to do about that looking into the hole [b]I will go inside and look about if no one has any objections im sure the fight will have alerted any mroe if there any any to alert, however I stand the best chance of getting in and out sight unseen[b] not really waiting for the others consent he makes his way through the hole trying his best to do it stealthily

stealth check:
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

male half elf rouge/1

Time to end your misrable life

full attack on goblin

first attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

damage1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 1 + (2) = 7

second attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

damage1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 1 + (1) = 6

male half elf rouge/1

I thought for sure I would get one lol oh well maybe this time

male half elf rouge/1

Fair enough, please just smash in that direction Points away from me

male half elf rouge/1


@ unruly Did you leave anything of that goblin or is it just a paste on the end of your tetsubo?

I would love to try out high level play, here are my ideas for some characters.


A half orc cross bloded draconic sorcerer, who has fully embraced both aspects of his strange blood line powers. This character would foucus on raw damage through the use of fireballs, and other fire spells, ( fire whip etc) But can, and will help out with other magics.


A dwarven Fighter using the two weapon warrior archetype, to use a large steel shield in the main hand and a kukri in the off, This character will be designed to hold the front line, all the live long day. While also bull-rushing enimies around the battlefield if need be.


Cleric of densa,

Dwarf Cleric Will focus on buffing allies and debuffing enemies and seeing to healing if need be for party

I am on CST, but posting will not be an issue.

male half elf rouge/1

Thanks felix im hoping I got one this round.

male half elf rouge/1

Die vile beast trying to slit another ones throat, and across the ribs

attack 1 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 damage 1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 1 + (3) = 8

attack 2 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 damage 1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 1 + (5) = 9

male half elf rouge/1

Dang goblins ducking under my blades.

male half elf rouge/1

Is it possible to move with a 5ft step to flank the goblin attacking Hayman? If not how many AoO would be involved?

You vile pathetic creatures and to think that most people are actually afraid of you. Hayman I will be claiming that wound of drinks my good friend and I am looking forward to it. Come here you filthy creature attack my comrad will you attempts to slip my blade between the goblins ribs.

I will do attack rolls assuming 5ft step to flank with hayman, if this is not possible I will attack the one in front of me, please apply/ dont apply sneak damage where applicable and the +2 from flanking

Attack one 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Attack two 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Attack one damage 1d4 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (4) = 8

Attack two damage 1d4 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 2 + (4) = 9

male half elf rouge/1

Sorry about that was typing from phone and it was hard to edit

male half elf rouge/1

jeod quickly and silently moves to the side of the first goblin thinking fools cant sneak past a couple of goblins , oh well im the fool for thinking we could if i can drop this first one maybe they can drop the others.

[Ooc ] hoping i can get a full attack if not please use the first attack roll[/ooc]

attack 1 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 confirm critical 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 damage 1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 1 + (6) = 9 if crit confirms 2d4 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 + (2) = 9

2nd attack [dice 1d20 +2] damage 1d4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 1 + (3) = 7

male half elf rouge/1

initiative check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Stealth check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Jeod spends so much time trying to be quiet and stealthy, he ends up not being very quick about getting inside.

male half elf rouge/1

No worries Thank you again for running the game and selecting me. I wil try and post at least late at night ( for me) so the game may progress.

male half elf rouge/1

My eyes grow wide as I stealthfully make my way back to the group whisperings There are at least 6 of them a good distance in. They have a fire inside with a decent amount of smoke with somthing roasting on a spit above it. It would seem they are having some sort of celebration. If we are going in then this is the time, as they are distracted. With thier meal. Gets behind thorfinn and unruly Well you get your wish lets go, lets at least try to keep th element of surprise for a little while Draws my twin kukris, and moves with the rest of the party

male half elf rouge/1

I am peeking inside, sorry about the wait but I think we are on oppisite time zones, but YEs I am peeking inside using the cave mouth as cover

motions for hayman to keep it down

male half elf rouge/1

waiting for the results of the perception check

male half elf rouge/1

Hmm good points felix, I will scout ahead and we can go in room by room, hopefully they have some light in there at least for me to see by. I really just wish there was a way I could communicate with the rest of you while im in the room and not have to risk leaving then coming back in with every one in tow, still it sounds like a solid plan to me. If there are no objections I will see if there is anything of intrest at this entrance Stares intently at the cave entrance seeing if there has been something over looked, moving cautiously to the side examining it. .

Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

male half elf rouge/1

Looking alarmed I like the sneak in plan for information so we DONT fall into a trap, as we are invading THEIR home turf, we could use our brains and not our fists, Its a cave right? Looks at felix Could we start a fire useing wood that smokes alot then fan in the smoke or block the entrance except for a small hole then simply slaughter them as they come out one by one? Looking hopeful for staying out of harms way, Or at least let me go in and get some information before we go in all half-cocked

male half elf rouge/1

Continuing to smile pleased at the arrival of the new fellow my name is jeod good sir an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance, think nothing of the drink my pleasure the ale is quite good. as i smile at the odd fellow say felix what great things are there to see here i have heard strange tales, whispers really but nothing of any substance I'm sure an individual such as your self has more specific information would you care to share I'm dieing to know thinking how much information can I garner from him.

male half elf rouge/1
Felix Romilly wrote:

Even with the gruff exchange between the rather large fighter and the much smaller bard, Felix doesn't seem to pay much attention to the argument. Instead his eyes remain focused on the map in the half-elf's hands.

Stepping away from where he had been leaning against the wall he moves across the room, stepping unconcerned between the two who seem to have switched from confrontation to ribald humor quite quickly, simply giving them a small nod as he passes.

Without warning, he draws out a quill and small pot of ink from his pouch, even in the clutter of of his bags he obviously knows just where that is at all times. Leaning over the rogue's shoulder, he brushes the point of the quill against his tongue and then dabs it into the ink, already moving to modify the map without waiting for permission, chattering cheerfully as he does.

"I think you'll find that there is a very useful copse of trees off the trail over here. I was walking down this way as I came into town and spotted some movement in the brush up here." He shifts to try and add this to the layout as well, working in tiny detail on the large scale map.

"With the sun like it was that was a pretty obvious place for an ambush and the trees gave great cover so I could keep an eye out. They were cottonwoods, the trees; not the bandits of course, and since those have a shallow root system you know that water won't be far beneath the soil if you need to find something to drink. Nor do I mention their shrub like low hanging leaves which provide such wonderful cover! All in all an excellent place to get out of sight and hunker down as long as you need to in order to keep an eye on the comings and goings of the road unseen."

As he says that he pauses for a moment and rubs his chin, considering. "Come to think of it, its probably lucky I didn't barrel straight into some bandits in that brush. It would have been a much better spot for them."

Shrugging his shoulders slightly he finally slows in his rapid lecturing and...

My hands drawing to my belt out of practiced habit as my map is being modified Hey what are you... oh I see my you are a useful fellow arnt you, what did you say your name was again Thinking that this fellow could be quite annoyingly useful as that would make the perfect ambush spot of even a long term forward tracking position. [Would you care to explain this to me in more detail? Perhaps a drink while we dicus the finer points of the surrounding area knowledge is power after all and perhaps our collaboration could be quite fruitful for the both of us[/b] Smiling motioning for another tankard to be brought over Dont worry about the drink it is on me

male half elf rouge/1

Gazes up slowly from examining a map I think the shop keep has plenty of ail for you my large and brutish friend my I suggest you inquire with him after I take a long drought of my tankard. Slilently laughing to myself as I myself purchased the last bit of ale, and I am enjoying it immensly.

male half elf rouge/1

Hello everyone, I am very excited to play. The tactics I have in mind for Jeod is to percive almost all threats/all threats ( +11 perception) and scout ahead of the party, for information, you know traditional rouge duites. I am excited to use the house rules as it will allow a duel kukri wielding rouge with +4 to hit and damage next level, hopefully making me a competant damage dealer.

Full Name

Aison Biros


Vital Stats:
Init +8; HP 17/17 AC 12/12/10; F +1, R +3, W +6


Bluff +9 Craft(alchemy) +5 Diplomacy +8 Nature +5 Planes +5 Religion +5 Perception +7 Sense Motive +5 Survival +7






Common, Varisian

Strength 11
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 14

About Aison Biros

Jared Stavros walked up the stairs quickly, his eyes scanning his surroundings. A shop in the Midlands district with an entrance on the second floor wasn't exactly like braving the Shingles, but it was closer than he'd like. He wouldn't be here if his friend hadn't given the place such a shining recommendation.

The store certainly looked the part. Dimly lit, the shelves were crowded with magical bric-a-brac that Jared couldn't recognize, but knew better than to touch. He instead occupied himself with trying to identify the incense suffusing the store, and examining one of the small paintings on the wall.

The painting was vivid, even fantastical. A knight in armor was confronting a loathsome beast. The creature floated in midair, it's enormous eye matched by its fearsome jaw. The most disturbing thing about it, though, were the tentacles surrounding its face, each topped with another eyeball. Jared was trying to decipher how what purpose such a thing could possibly serve when a voice broke him out of his reverie.

"An interesting selection."

Jared spun around, barely suppressing the urge to cry out. Before him was the man he had come here to see: tall and foreboding, with a knowing look in his eye. A fine tracery of scars started at his right temple and decorated much of the side of his face, contributing to his intimidating appearance. He seemed pleasant enough, for now, but Jared had a feeling he didn't want to be on his bad side.

"What is that thing?"

"Ah," the man said, stepping up to stand shoulder to shoulder with Jared and gaze companionably at the picture, "now that is something of a mystery. Some say it is a creature from the time before time, a beast that used to terrorize adventurers before Golarion was even conceived."

"Is that what you think?"

"I think it's more likely a painting by a very creative artist. I do enjoy collecting such things," the man said, before clapping Jared on the shoulder. "But enough chit-chat. You're here about a very important contract negotiation."

Jared gaped at the man for a moment, before the copper piece dropped. "Tavi told you about me."

The man smiled as though Jared had passed some sort of test. "Indeed he did. I can grant you good fortune, but good fortune is little good to a fool."

Jared wasn't quite sure how he felt about that, but held his peace as the man led him to a small table. They sat facing each other, and the man directed Jared to hold out his hands. Taking Jared's hands in his, the man began a low, sonorous chanting.

Moments after he began, the light in the shop dimmed noticeably. Jared shifted slightly in his chair, but held steady. A scuttling sound seemed to come from just outside of his sight. Jared startled back, but found his hands held in an iron grip. He looked up in shock to see that the man's eyes had rolled back into his head, leaving only the whites visible.

"The spirits are here! Focus on nothing but your goal!"

Jared did his best to obey the command, focusing his every thought on the importance of securing the best possible deal for his family. With any luck this could be the contract that moved them up to the Heights.

The man started chanting in the harsh syllables of a language Jared didn't understand. A moment later he stopped, and the light gradually returned to normal. He released Jared's hands with a sigh, then favored him with a friendly smile.

"It is done. The spirits have blessed your endeavor."

Jared didn't know quite what to say to that. He reached for his pouch, but the man held out a hand to stop him.

"No. Once your bargain is struck, pay me what you feel is right."


Aison chuckled to himself as the young noble hurried out of the shop at a pace that was only just short of a run. With any luck the lad would credit him with all of the success his venture enjoyed, even though Aison was providing him with only a little nudge in the right direction. That poor lad was just begging to be conned by somebody; Aison felt downright virtuous to be providing an actual service to go with the dog and pony show.

Of course, selling the whole act was a lot easier now that he had the power to back it up. He felt a twinge of an old sympathetic ache at the thought of the old days with Gaedren. A bump on his shins brought him back to the present, and reminded him of the partner who was the other reason things were better these days.

"Yes, yes, you've outwitted a Korvosan noble."

The scorpion standing by his boot stretched out, seeming to preen under his gaze. That done, it began capering from side to side until he laughed and tossed it a mealworm from the jar he kept by his desk.

"Don't act like you're the first familiar to ever pull that off," Aison said, shaking his head.

After years of scrimping and saving to afford the deposit on a storefront, and then more years of building up a reputation, he finally had an in with the nobility. Minor nobility, but still. If things went well, Aison could really start moving up in the world soon. Of course, moving up would be a lot easier without the anchor of Gaedren Lamm's continued existence dragging him down.

Aison spent his childhood as one of Gaedran's "Little Lamms." He didn't much care for the work, but Lamm certainly didn't care much about Aison's thoughts. Aison attempted to escape as a teenager, but Lamm soon tracked him down.

The ensuing beating changed Aison's life. He experienced a spiritual awakening as he neared death, forging a strong affinity with the spirit world. He also forged a bond with his spirit animal, a scorpion living in the refuse pile on top of which Lamm left him for dead.

Aison has spent his life since that day trying to use his abilities to help other people... while also doing well for himself, of course. He does have a special little place in his heart that would rejoice at the news of Lamm's death, though he does his best not to dwell on it.

Staff of Spells: Aison enjoys collecting magical knick knacks, even if they appear to be useless. One such item is a "magical staff" that a traveling peddler insisted used to belong to a powerful wizard. Aison bought it, but wasn't able to detect anything magical about it. Fortunately, the staff was the perfect size to replace his broken closet rod, so he has gotten some use out of it.

Once Aison gets trained in spellcraft I think it would be cool to have the GM do a daily spellcraft/perception roll to recognize the potential of the staff.

Shaman 2 (Unsworn Shaman)

STR 11
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 12
WIS 16
CHA 14

Racial traits: Silver Tongued
Traits: Tortured (campaign), Reactionary (combat), Convincing Liar (bluff, social)

1: Extra hex: Chant
2: Extra hex: Fortune

Floating hex(1): Soothsayer
Wandering spirit: Lore

Bluff 1 (8)
Diplomacy 1 (8)
Craft (Alchemy) 1 (5)
Knowledge (Nature) 1 (5)
Knowledge (Religion) 1 (5)
Knowledge (Plains) 1 (5)
Perception 2 (5)
Survival 1 (7)
Use Magic Device 1 (6)

MW Light Crossbow
20 Bolts
15 Cold Iron Bolts
mithril chain shirt

a bedroll,
a belt pouch,
candles (10),
a flint and steel,
an iron pot,
a mess kit,
a spell component pouch,
torches (10),
trail rations (5 days),
a waterskin, a
silverholy symbol.
a dozen "magical charms" reputed to do various things-one of them is actually a bead from a necklace of fireballs and deals 3d6. Though you don't know which one
Wand of CLW with 12 charges
Pathfinder Chronicle for Planes and Religion

Aison is usually accompanied by his greentail scorpion familiar. His name is a series of clicks and whistles that the human voice isn't really capable of repeating. Aison just calls him Happy. The day that the two met was the happiest of his life: despite the beating he suffered at the hands of Gaedran Lamm, it was on that day that he finally earned his freedom from Lamm and gained the power to make his own way in the world.

The name is also an accurate description of Happy's demeanor. The little scorpion always seems to display a carefree attitude no matter what challenges life may bring.

Hex-Spirit Association:
Ancestors: Wisdom of the ages

Battle: Battle Ward

Bone: Grave Sight

Fire: Gaze of Flames

Heaven's: Heaven's Leap

Life: Life Link

Lore: Arcane Enlightenment

Mammoth: Mammoth's Hide

Nature: Entangling Curse

Stone: Crystal Sight

Waves: Mist's Shroud

Wind: Sparking Aura

Wood: Nature's Gifts