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Good follow up to book 1


We very much enjoyed the first part of this book as a group and it was a different challenge to the previous challenges from book 1.

The dungeon crawl dragged a little and that was when our GM cut out a fight or two, but overall was flavourful when some fillers were removed.

Personally I would recommend playing books 1-3 of this AP and then taking portions of book 4 and 5 to finish it off.

Disappointing end to an AP


This book felt like it came out of nowhere - there was no hints dropped for the big bad at any point and the themes (eg proteans) just felt jarring compared to the rest of the AP.

All the players and GM ended up reading it because of a discussion we had and all decided not to play it and end our game at the book 5 boss which we thought was a much more appropriate battle.

At the start of the AP is says something about the book being a complete change of pace to the rest of the AP and that PCs might want to consider retraining. This is a massive red flag. When PCs have worked so hard through 5 other books to get where they are now, this is not the change of direction that is welcome. Especially with impending time limits in plot.

This book unfortunately did not intrigue any of the players to want to continue with our current characters.

Off piste


This book felt very off-piste compared to the promised themes and as a player was very frustrating as it forced my characters to make decisions they would not have made in any circumstance to get through it.

The ending of this book very much felt like it should be the end of the whole AP due to the previous foreshadowing.

The reason I have chosen to give it 3 stars not 4 is the well-written thematic dungeon towards the end (I would prefer not to play the first parts of the book).

Good start to a fine AP.


This is a well-written first book to get the players and characters interested in the promised themes of the adventure.

Our player group all really enjoyed the Dreaming Palace and the House of Planes which we made the most of. The name-dropping for later is also a nice addition.

Unfortunately, the Adventure Path starts going down hill in the later books which makes starting this as a long-term game not as attractive a recommendation as a GM or player.

Great story and writing - poor quality physical product


I really enjoy the pace and the writing. PCs had a constant need to keep them motivated and were well rewarded for their roleplaying.

Unfortunately, the physical product was very poor. The glue binding the pages was very weak and the pages fell out of their binding, just by being turned (I found this from a fair few paizo books from APs of this time)

A thematic start to an Osirion AP


So let's start with a full disclosure - I am a massive fan of Ancient Egyptian history and also the 1999 The Mummy film (which I know are only transcendentally linked). If you asked me what I wanted to be when I was around 10 years old, I would have said an Egyptologist.

This was the first AP I bought when it first came out many years ago having only planned/run my own games in the past. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to read and run this one! Reading through it was great fun (I've read through it at least 4 times in the last 6 years). The organisation is great, the gazetteer is fun and also useful; in my opinion the best gazetteer I've seen.

The game itself starts assuming all the PCs are already in a group signed up to the lottery, so it's important to get your players talking before you start.

Now a lot of people seem to say this first book is just dungeon crawling not roleplaying and they would technically be right. BUT there are so many opportunities for roleplay as there is no time-limit on this competition per see. I've GM'd it irl and the roleplay opportunities were second to none if you try to make the most of Wati. The right role-playing group will absolutely rise to the challenge.

Some of the encounters in this can be pretty deadly for a party of 4 but managed right work well. If you have a slightly larger party, they will do well.

Overall, this is one of my favourites and I absolutely recommend if you're looking for a good atmosphere.

Not very compelling and incredibly challenging


As a player, this was not a very compelling plot line. We ended up giving up (pbp) before the end. Our group were very invested in our bunch of characters and wanted to continue playing them, but had no drive to find out what happened next in the story.

This adventure has too many oozes in part one. Yes, they are thematic, but there were no alternatives provided for the party so many classes are a very bad pick in this AP.

There are too many dungeons and not much space for RP with the looming time limit in play.

We did not use the pre-gens, but looking at them, I have no idea how they would survive given the combats which are already overly challenging.

It had an interesting premise, and it was nice not being allowed to play humans but it didn't quite work.

I would not suggest this to another group of players.

A little silly fun with some deeper moments


This had a lovely feel and it was great to roleplay with the story-kin. I have just finished GMing it via pbp with a party of 3 who all took to the story well. It has a good variety of encounters and there are usually options to "win" an encounter without combat.
If you love storytelling and classic fairytales, then this is for you.

Not standing up to the test of time.


I am a big fan of Paizo APs (I have played/GM'd 7 including this one) and this has been my least favourite.

Book 1 is just one long rail road with little motivation apart from "the world is in danger" for a basic party. The plot hook just isn't developed enough for myself.

There are too many encounters that are unnecessary (out of the first 13 encounters, 11 are combat based. One of these is 1 encounter that combines 3).

The GM was advised in the book to put us under a compulsion spell to make sure we stayed on the path the adventure wanted us on. I do not think this is good AP planning to encourage good roleplay.

I do love Paizo APs but this one just doesnt stand up to some more recent APs whose quality are outstanding.