[4WFG] Exploding Aces Kickstarter

Other RPGs

4 Winds Fantasy Gaming has a Kickstarter up and running for their first original game system - CJ Ruby's Exploding Aces. Exploding Aces is a multi-genre RPG from 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, which features a unique mechanic using playing cards instead of dice. Check out the Kickstarter HERE.

So, we just made goal. Big, big props to Lee for grabbing the one and only Immortal level reward! With 27 days to go, let's shoot for that first stretch goal of $5000!

If we can reach $5000, all $25 level and up backers will receive a custom Player's Mat, while $10 level backers will receive a PDF of the Player's Mat. The Player's Mat lies on the table in front of each player, and has spots for their deck of cards, spots for flipped cards, and quick reference info for some of the rules.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/4wfg/exploding-aces-a-new-rpg-by-4-wind s-fantasy-gaming/posts

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