Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() My luck is either super good or super bad, never seems to even out. I seem to always have a broken limb or something but then I'll get a bursary out of the blue that I didn't apply for as a kind of karmic recompense thing. Kind of a pain but does make for an interesting life. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() I killed my computer and only just got it fixed. This has been fun. Had it out from under my desk to clean the dust out but turned it back on to check something online. Turned around and managed to knock a glass of water straight off my desk and mostly through the fan hole in the top of the case.
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Yeah, we're allowed to use maple and mathematica and things like that for most of the nasty stuff and then when we have to do horrible integrals and so on in exams they'll provide standard integrals to make it a bit easier. I generally do a few nasty example calculations for each thing though just to make sure I've got the hang of whatever it is. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Oh but this isn't technically maths! It is applied maths! In this case applied to angular momentum calculations for 3 extended bodies which all interact. It is rather good as long as you are allowed a computer to do the nasty bits for you and less so if you have to do them yourself. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() No idea of actual marks yet but they seemed to go well.
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Nah don't do that. If the the party gets too overloaded with people Corvax can wander off to the nearest tavern (provided he can get off the island) and disappear into a haze of alcohol. Only fair really, I'm the one who vanished and had to be replaced after all. And curses on the heart of pulp falling over thing, it was rather slow but I did enjoy it. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Hello. I disappeared. This disappearance has an explanation. The explanation is my innate power of procrastination and 6 exams in a 2 week period. This is the first time I have been on the paizo forums for about a month. Installed one of those programs that limits your internet use to a few pages (in this case wolfram alpha and my course websites) and then got my house mate to change the password to unlock it and not tell me. They only gave me the password yesterday. It has been a fun month. If I've been replaced in all the games I disappeared from I totally understand, I feel really bad about up and vanishing. Came back to explain where I went really. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Hello again, I appear to not have missed a huge amount? Good timing I guess. Anyway, best Christmas/New Year ever, my grandma apparently won a load of money on the premium bonds. Only told her daughters and between them they organised a surprise ski/snowboard family holiday for the week after Christmas. First everyone else knew about it was plane tickets in christmas cards.
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Followed up my weekend concussion with the most evil of University surprises, the surprise week long group research project. I've spent four days learning how to program in Python and then staying up until 3am writing simulations. So many errors, so much coffee, more hours in the library than I spent there the entirety of last year. Just left the Uni library 2 hours ago and have finished writing up my part of the project. Hardest week of University so far by a long way. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Guess what I did over the weekend! Gave myself concussion! Yay weekends.
Went to a meal/party at a friend's house on Friday. Went upstairs to use the bathroom, coming back down the stairs I jumped the last 4 or 5 steps because things like that are fun. Their stairs have a big wooden bannister and I managed to hit my elbow (or more accurately the nerve in my elbow) on a protuding bit of wood. Entire arm went numb, and I don't remember anything from that point to about a minute later. Apparently I walked into the room next door, stood there for a few seconds and then just keeled over and headbutted a coffee table super hard. Woke up with my face covered in blood, a load of people crowded around me and a pounding headache. Went to A&E to get the cut glued back together and I was still all woozy so they kept me overnight for observation. Got home Saturday morning after spending the whole night awake because of headaches and spent the day asleep. Sunday I sat around not doing much because I wasn't allowed to skate with a concussion and reading or looking at a computer screen brought the headache back. Feeling a bit better today and the headache is gone so yeah. Odd weekend that. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Hello! I am back from the maddest few days I've had in a while.
Then on Sunday everything gets even better when the guy giving me a lift home managed to land pretty much back of his head first on the road (wearing a helmet) and gave himself a pretty hardcore concussion. Blacked out, blurred vision, vomiting, all that good stuff. Got myself temporarily insured on his car and drove him to the hospital, stayed there until 4 in the morning. Drove him and myself home and got back to Southampton 6am. Skated home, ate some food and then had to go to Uni for the entire day.
Today I only just got back from University and it has been the first time in the last few days that I got a chance to actually use the internet. So yeah, that is where I've been for the last few days. Not dead, not dropping out or anything, just very very tired and a bit battered. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Sable, just looked at Mobo and when you did the stats you did 4d6 but didn't take away the lowest roll. Potential Character Rolls
Total: 84 ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Holy crapping hell Batman! So we have uber cleric and hulk ogre now pretty much destroying anything and everything in their path, the Pathfinder equivalent of a medic and heavy team up in TF2, but on steroids. Also, Shifty wins with a 55 point buy, bumping the average up to 37 and the range to 33. Madness ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() I was just going to be a Human Alchemist but with such a freakshow party forming I may as well join in. First thought after reading about Shadow Absalom is to create a Fetchling Ninja but depending on what kind of rogue Feytharn creates that might be stepping on some toes a bit.
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Oh and rolls 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 5) = 9 = 8
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 5) = 16 = 14
Might give an Alchemist a go, pretty much as far as my thinking character wise has gone so far. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Hello! I am back from my extended weekend of exhausting activities. A short description of said weekend:
Then drove to another bit of Wales and spent a day climbing the walls of a gorge and swimming the rapids at the bottom of it. Again camped in the rain and got very wet, dirty and slightly battered. On the last day we left Wales, drove back to the south coast and went to Portland (near Weymouth if that helps) and did some sport climbing and bouldering. Also skated down another steep and remarkably narrow road that leads up to a prison built in an old WWII fortress. Topped it all off with a night swim on Weymouth beach and just arrived home. My entire body aches and my hands are blistered and cut from all the rock climbing but I think it was one of the best weekends of my summer. And now I'll go catch up on all the posts I missed before collapsing and sleeping for about a day. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Sorry for disappearing for another day. Was my birthday so I spent a lot of it doing fun things and generally not being near a computer. I'm also not going to be able to post from Tomorrow until either the evening on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Going to Wales for a downhill race and then spending two days driving around to various nice rock climbing places and doing a bit of climbing. ![]()
Male dwarven kineticist 3
![]() Forgive the random changes of tense, kind of wrote this all out pretty quickly. I am going to be on a plane tomorrow so any questions might not get answered until thursday.
Concept/History gubbins: Righty ho then, concept in a nutshell is a Carunsil ex-maezulin from the Autumn maudre who has an deep connection to the woods after a run in with the fabled green man of the Mosswood.
I imagine the green man to be something similar to the swamp thing from the DC universe, a nature/plant elemental protector of the forest. With the orcs slowly burning and cutting their way into the great trees he saw a reason to heal a mortally injured elf and in the process set him on the path of becoming another elemental protector of the woods to help him in his task. So yeah, Arandion (name subject to change) gets healed by the green man, instructed in his duties to protect the forest and then unceremoniously dumped on the outskirts of the Mosswood (green man is known for liking his solitude). Goes back to work as a ambusher, scout and what have you for the Autumn eretha and does well. Sometimes hears whispers in the rustle of leaves and creak of tree branches and learns to listen as they unerringly direct him to the location of orcish scouts and raiders.
When the his erethor is assigned closer to the fields of ash and blood, the pain increases tenfold and the whispers become roars of pain, anger and anguish. Very quickly Arandion is unable to sleep, unable to think, unable to function. His squadmates dragging or carrying him as he screamed and whimpered at the shared pain. After no more than a fortnight of this it was decided by the erethor commanders that Arandion should return to Caradul for reassignment. As he moved away from the ravaged forest the pain and noise faded but not quite to the level it had been before. He still found it difficult to sleep or to concentrate on any task. He sought out the green man, hoping that he would have some way to help him, but after weeks in the Mosswood he found no sign of him and eventually had to give up.
Arandion travelled to the Veradeen a few years ago and has grown used to the coldest wood. Leaving the trees of the caraheen had finally silenced the cries and pain that filled his head and the trees of the Veradeen were mostly quiet, not wasting their precious energy on speaking to an elf not even born of their wood.