
goodcouch's page

* Starfinder Society GM. 23 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.

Dark Archive

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I think a to-scale Starfinder Society badge/enamel pin would be super cool!

Dark Archive

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I was curious if BNW's original questions might be addressed by the dev team anytime soon. I noticed there's been a smattering of recent TR errata, so perhaps Weapon Orbit might get some additional clarification as well? Thanks for your time, folks.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This is the Starfinder AP of my dreams. Having an absolute BLAST with this adventure.

Dark Archive

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Congratulations, Betsy! Thank you for frequently making me sweat in my seat as you bring my PCs perilously close to death—no one's died yet, but we'll see how Monday's game goes!

Dark Archive

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Thanks for writing this. It was beautiful and affecting.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I got the chance to talk to Amanda at Gen Con last year, and it only cemented what I already knew: that she's a super friendly person with boundless creativity and a penchant for fantastically bananas ideas! She's my gaming hero, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I got pretty misty-eyed while reading this. Thank you for sharing your stories, folks.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Beyond the Pool of Stars is one of my favorite books, period. It's a pulpy, crackerjack adventure with compelling heroes and a rollicking story that rockets right out of the starting gate. I don't often reread books, but I've read this one three times!

(Also, I agree—I, too, would love more Pathfinder Tales!)

Dark Archive

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It's here! I breathlessly expressed my adoration for Daimalko to Amanda Hamon at Gen Con, and I've been buzzing with excitement ever since they teased the scenario on the blog last month.

Do folks think there might be a Damai boon tied to this one? How COOL would that be, huh? Either way, huzzah!