Barl Breakbones

gig-gilf's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


JM wrote:

Will this book have the Gods Illustrated?

(for their Avatars, etc.)
....and just because Illustrations of Gods are cool!


Paizo is strangely silent on this...

I really hope the gods will be illustrated/depicted – Gods have been depicted (in drawings, paintings, carvings, sculptures, etc.) throughout time.

So hey guys (Paizo crew) what do-ya-say? - should we expect the gods to be illustrated?

mortellan wrote:
I'm not sure the donkey eared elves will go away. Is it my imagination or do I recall in a chat reading that the authors wanted their elves to be different like that?

Unfortunately, I think you’re right (I read somewhere the same thing) - it’s a shame- I love everything about the Iconics except the horrible elf donkey ears.

Oh well…

I agree - too much Manga style art.
The elf donkey ears need to go - they're horendous

I say More art from Eva Widermann-

SneaksyDragon wrote:
I feel that the Fighter,Rogue,wizard should not be shown up by the Beguiler, Warlock, and Dragon shaman...

I feel the same way - I love the core classes.

I like how the P-RPG listed the different XP progression... maybe they could do something like that for character advancement in the core book.
Like; Low-Powered character advancement, Mid-Powered character advancement and High-Powered character advancement? - don't know, just an idea-

SneaksyDragon wrote:
....and where in the world do you go to complain on a message board...

It's not a complaint.

It's my opinion.... just like you have yours.

I'm giving my feed-back.

SneaksyDragon wrote:

well unfortunately there is more thing to power down than to power up. it just about compatability. we can fix the fighter,bard,rogue or we can fix the cleric,druid,beguiler,dragonshaman,warblade,savant,etc

Well, no one said creating a new RGP was going to be easy.

It's very evident from these boards that: some people want more power, and some people want less power.

We can have BOTH: Start with your vanilla (low-powered basic) "Core" book.... and then add all the cherry, hot fudge, butterscotch (high powered - options) through "supplements" you want to customize your fun.

But don't make high-powered standard issue - once the hot fudge is on... it's a b!+@# to get it off.

....and the kids *ain't* gonna like seeing all that hot fudge just scrapped right off :)

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

1) Jason has never played WoW. Seriously, he gets offended when someone asks him to (*cough cough* like me *cough cough*).

He doesn't know what he's missing -- it's a blast to play! :)

2) You're aware that this is an Alpha and, as such, we're doing a great deal of flinging ideas at the wall to see what'll stick, right? The 1.1 document shows that we're moving away from some of the more radical ideas. Pathfinder RPG will be no more a "power gamers" game than 3.5 was/is.

Well, this is what I was hoping, but it still (even with 1.1) seams very slanted to powergaming and min-maxing.

There's a real slant towards... well the Fighter/Wizard/whatever is not powerful enough when compared to the Cleric/Druid/whatever..... so let's *power-up* the Fighter/Wizard/whatever -

How about we fling ideas at the wall to power **down** the Cleric/Druid/whatever. (or whatever was overpowered in 3.5 – which there are lots)

It really seams like the P-RPG is powering things *up* to be equal across the board --- how about powering things **down** to be equal across the board?

DMs get much less hassle when they can house rule power *into* the game, rather than house rule power away.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I thought Pathfinder was going to be a role-players dream – it turns out, I was wrong.

OK, it’s now very clear/obvious that the P-RPG will be catering to Powergamers, Minmaxers, Rules Lawyers, and WoW fanatics.

hell, I play WoW too- (So my problem is not with WoW - I love the game!)

But WoW is not D&D – it’s a video game.

D&D is a role-playing game.

Stop trying to mix the two –

If I want to play WoW, I can turn on my computer, and have a blast powering-up and destroying everything in my field of view.

If I want to play D&D, I’ll invite some friends over to hang out, have fun, laugh, and *role-play* (not see who can build the most powerful character, min-max everything, or argue over rules).

I’m all for over-powering through *supplemental* books, but when you make the *core* book overpowered you give the DM no choice but to run a power focused game.
Any player (whether a powergamer or not) in his right mind is not going to like all those pretty little power-ups, just house ruled away from him.

When the power ups are in *supplemental* form, you can just not allow that book --- “core book only” – The DM will get *much* less flack.

Erik Mona wrote:

Can you guys be a little more specific about what is underwhelming you about the line? We still have a little time to change the mix of cards for the Essentials box, and I'd love to hear your suggestions for the product.


Hey Eric-

Here’s my two cents:

On the Essentials box:
Paizo has indicated that the Essentials box will *not* contain a *complete* set (as it were).
From the Item Description of the Essentials box:
“NOTE: GameMastery Item Cards: Essentials does not contain every card from Item Pack One and Hero’s Hoard.”

I think people want to see *complete* sets of *both* Hero's Hoard and Relics of War.
Now, I’m not sure how many cards are in each complete series (complete series of Hero's Hoard and Relics of War) – but for arguments sake let’s say there are 137 cards in the complete series of Hero's Hoard and 110 cards in the Relics of War series.
I think folks would like to see:
Complete Hero's Hoard set (with all 137 cards)
Complete Relics of War set (with all 110 cards)

On the New Beginnings set:
Orbs and Racial equipment sounds great! (I can’t wait!)
...But do we really need more wands & staves – There are already TONS of wands & staves in Item Card line (WAY over-represented already in my opinion).

On the Adventure Gear 2:
I think the customer base here on the boards have given some incredibly brilliant ideas on some VERY cool item cards and item card sets (in my business, I’d have to pay a professional consultant $200/hr to get top-notch ideas like those).

I think (I may very well be wrong), the vast majority of ideas are not being capitalized on.
Some of those item cards and item card set that have been mentioned on these boards are just fantastic! – But unfortunately probably will never see the light of day (again...I may very well be wrong).

With so many great/new products that Paizo is putting out (especially in the last 6 months) – it just feels like the Item Card line is the “the red-headed stepchild” of the bunch. To me, it doesn’t seam like it gets the quality attention it deserves – like the other lines do.

And Eric… Thanks for asking the community – hope I didn’t offend/step on toes or insult.

Just my honest opinion.

Amaril wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I'm surprised no one has responded to this yet.

.....well just like my Momma told me as a lad - if you don't have anything good to say.... (well you know the rest)-

But, in light of giving my *honest* opinion, and *constructive* criticism, here goes:

I agree with the posters just above:
- underwhelmed
- Supposing someone wanted a complete collection of item cards, how exactly does this offer help?
- It's something at least
(I don't agree here)... I'm of the opinion; If it's good enough to do, It's good enough to do *right* (ie release *full* sets of the Hero's Hoard and Relics of War)

I've actually purchased 14 sets of the booster displays for Hero's Hoard and Relics of War, so *I* already have complete sets.
I was just hoping for complete sets, so that others after me (who enjoy the Item Card line) would not need to purchase 14 booster display sets to get a *complete* set, like I had to do.

Paizo is great and their products are top of the line!
... But in my most sincere opinion, they *really* dropped the ball on this one, and the Item Card line in general :-(

So... You asked for a response, there it is (even if it hurts) just trying to offer my opinion and hopefully some constructive criticism.

tap-tap-tap...... is this thing on?

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
We've had a small set back with our Item Cards printer and, as such, this news is being indefinitely delayed. I hope to know more by the end of the month and will post once I can spill the beans.

hey Josh -

is it bean-spillin' time yet?

Hey Paizo crew, (art director?)
Any how-
Will this artist that drew for the Hangmans Noose, be drawign for other up comin modules , or adventure paths??


Thanks Jeff

So I see this got pushed out to March
any chance this set is going to be a 110 card deck?

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
We've had a small set back with our Item Cards printer and, as such, this news is being indefinitely delayed. I hope to know more by the end of the month and will post once I can spill the beans.

Thanks Joshua.

So, does this mean the release of the Adventure Gear 2 Deck (scheduled for release in Feb) will get pushed back?

Any announcement yet on the Item Card News??

Are we going to see more Male character iconics?
To me the ratio is still WAY-WAY off.

I know the whole general magazine marketing drill - women on the cover of magazines sell more than men on the cover of magazines, yatta,yatta,yatta.
Putting hot chicks on the cover of magazines to sell more magazines is a marketing strategy and I don’t really (in general) have a problem with that.
If that’s why the skewed representation (4 women/3 men) - just let me know and I can deal with that.

If not;
I would just like a “realistic” representation of an adventuring party and a proper representation of pre-generated characters (the icons are used as pre-gen characters for all GameMastery modules).

D&D groups (D&D players in whole) are at best - 80% male and 20% female.
I would imagine if “D&D adventuring” were real; the ratio of adventures would also be at best 80% male and 20% female.

Please… I am just asking the folks at Paizo (or the powers-that-be, who decided on the 4 women/3 men distribution of iconics) on this one.
I’m really not interested in other posters using this post to flame/troll/debate how adventuring parties should/could/would exist with 90% women ----- This one is just common sense

BTW Paizo - the way the current women iconics are portrayed in the artwork so far is great!! (real adventuring clothes & gear- no chainmail bikinis).

I’d just like a proper representation/ratio.

Thanks for listening,


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Watcher! wrote:
Stay tuned. About this time next week we'll be announcing future plans for the Item Cards line.
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
One step left to go before the news. Looks like that news will be next week, though. Sorry, folks. :-/

Has the news on the item cards hit the boards/blog yet- couldn't find anything.

Am I missing it somewhere?

MetalMaiden wrote:
The item cards often help me to remember what gear my character is actually carrying. I usually don't forget what kinds of magic items I'm carrying. But, I often forget that I'm carrying 5 pieces of chalk, a small steel mirror, etc.
Varl wrote:
As for items that have typically high volume counts, such as arrows, caltrops, food units, etc, why not have a box on those cards to record how many you have of each bulk item?

Two VERY good points above:

The 1st point (from MetalMaiden): Players... players are the ones who will truly benefit and are the ones who appreciate the Item Cards most of all.
DMs that are still unsure of using Item Cards- buy some cards, issue them to your players and there will be NO turning back! Your players will be thrilled, and will truly appreciate the newfound ease of tracking equipment.

The 2nd point (from Varl): A checkbox on the back of consumable/high-volume Item cards – Brilliant!
Paizo could (very easily) put a series of checkboxes on the back of consumable/high-volume Item cards to track the quantities easily and quickly.
A DM could issue a “Rations” or “Arrow”, etc. card with ten checkmarks on the back = ten days of rations, ten arrows or whatever. Players could erase a checkmark each time a unit (ration, arrow, etc.) is used.
Paizo- time to get the design team in on a meeting (:

At first, I was a believer in the handout cards for magic items only routine too
But then I saw the light!
I purchased 8 sets of the Adventure Gear, and now I hand out ALL treasure received in a small brown craft envelope. (the good, the bad, the ugly, the magic and the mundane) plus this way the players don’t really know right off what’s magic and what’s not (detect magic is not 100% accurate in my campaign – sometimes gives false readings)

Now with using the Adventure Gear cards, our group doesn’t even write down our equipment on the character sheets
If you need 3 ropes tied together to climb down the chasm... you besta got those 3 rope cards handy. Or the old... no torch card huh... Wellll it’s dark... real dark... you can’t see- notta! (you’d be surprised how excited players get the next time they find or buy a “mundane” torch card)

There’s no more of this: Well, uh, I thought I wrote it down... (we have ALL been there)
Also, if I don’t have an actual Paizo card to represent a specific item (like a specific holy symbol or whatever), I just use a blank 3”x5” card that I cut in half, and write what the item is on the card, and put it in the loot pile.

And it’s not really the “picturing” of a flask or what ever- it’s more of; the players gets to “own/possess” the “actual” (so-to-speak) item, not just write it down (or more likely- forget to write it down) on paper.

The players get all warm & fuzzy when they get these envelopes just STUFFED with “actual” loot.

So- my vote is Hella ya!! I’d be interested in more of the standard equipment stuff.
The best would be if they could increase that Adventure gear 2 to the larger 110 card deck – I was elated when they did that with the dragon treasure deck!!