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Just want to get peoples thoughts.
1. Critical hits System - is it just me , but most encounters the monster we encounter their 1st hit Crits a PC 75% of the time.. Where our PC's maybe Crit 25% of the time..
Do you think this is by design?
Monster have 3-4 More AC & +3-4 more to hit if not more..
Also is it Just me PE2 - Magic item system is soo boring..
So Basicly from whatever one is saying is the Two-handed Fighter build has been written out of the game..
Duoble Slice/Parry etc. - Two Weapon
Sword + Shield - tones of feats
Two-weapon fighter - Just go a Barb, is why I am looking more and more to 5E.
oh well off subject cheers all..
Counting Damage Dice
Effects based on a weapon’s number of damage dice include only the weapon’s damage die plus any extra dice from a striking rune. They don’t count extra dice from abilities, critical specialization effects, property runes, weapon traits, or the like.
I think you would get the extra dice.. pg 279 Counting dice..
Don't agree , after reading Page 279 core rules
Counting Damage Dice
Effects based on a weapon’s number of damage dice include only the weapon’s damage die plus any extra dice from a striking rune. They don’t count extra dice from abilities, critical specialization effects, property runes, weapon traits, or the like.
Effect being Power Attack..
So , +1 Striking Greatsword at 1st level would do 4D12..
Which seems fare since you took 2 Actions to attack and MAP is -10 on your second swing
Darksol the Painbringer wrote: Flagged to move to Rules Questions, as this is a Rules Question.
But otherwise, yes, and it counts as a 2nd level spell in this case.
The rules state that for Prepared Spellcasters, they can prepare spells of a lower level heightened to a higher level for the day, but can't prepare lower than the spell's minimum level. For Spontaneous Spellcasters, however, they can only heighten Signature Spells (or other spells that count as Signature Spells, depending on what feats or abilities let you bypass the normal restrictions).
Opps, sorry about the wrong section..
Do you know which Book and Page it says this in 2E Rules, so I can show my GM
ie Memorise a 1st Bless with a 2nd SLot?
Megistone wrote: For me, it's a no. The claw you get is like a weapon: you can use it, but in that case you are not using the tiger claw attack. Only thinking they will work together, because the Claws in wild morph
are unarmed attacks.. "These claws are an unarmed attack you’re
trained in and deal 1d6 slashing damage each"
tiger Stance is also an unarmed attack.
Looking at a Monk / Druid.
- Using Tiger Stance & Wild Morph (12th Level)
Would I still do 1d8 per Claw + 2d6 Bleed Damage , since Wild Morph does 1d6.
Watery Soup wrote: 1. You should talk about this with your GM.
However ...
2. There may be another side to this besides "he favors his brother and that's not fair."
Maybe the GM's brother is a reluctant player and needs special treatment or will drop the game. Maybe the GM is a reluctant GM for his brother and just takes the path of least resistance. Maybe the GM is making up for something else that happened between them in the past.
As with all interpersonal relationships, things may be complicated. If they are (and you won't know unless you have a conversation), give a little space to your GM who may be juggling multiple priorities.
TP is At Will , Nothing in PF2 that can do that.. and we are 7th..lol
All Good, going to be hard to kill the Mage..
vagrant-poet wrote: If you and other players are feeling like the DM is making you secondary characters to his brother, you need to talk to him about it.
Nothing that boards say about the balance of homebrew will change the fact that it's the people are your table that are causing you concern. Even if they objectively proved that the item is unbalanced, it really doesn't matter, and it won't be a useful contribution to the discussion you need to have with your DM.
Good Suggestion, all good.. I think the only OP power is the 1 Action Teleport.. But hey is the Mage of the Party not the a Rogue, so guess he wont nerf it too soon..
Our DM over the year very creative with items and some home brews..
Only play in a small group, and usually tests out the new power / item giving to his brother.. well 90% over the years..
Playing 2E with items are sooo boring..
Added Relic Tattoo.. that have the following powers..
(Thoughts on which everyone think OP)
1. Shadow Bolt Cantrip 2D6+Int +1 Height +d6 per Spell level
2. Shadow Creation - Create Normal items for a minute.
3. Shadow Bag of holding, holds 2 Bulk , cant be dispelled etc..
4. Shadow Teleport - 1 Action Teleport 30 in bright light, 60ft in Dim..
5. Creates Good Berry
This is from the one set of Tattoo's acts as free Class Feats, ie PC goes up a level
and are given, new powers.
Feeling that could unbalance the balance of the party..
need peoples thoughts.
1. A Monster Grabs or Swollowes a PC and the rest of the Party shoots the the Monster.
Q: Does the PC that has been grabbed take damage to? I can't see a rule on this, and our DM is always "If in doubt ", so yes you hit the creature with electic arc , frost ray the PC takes danage.
How did everyone go with the Last bash..
Was Fun, until we meet to Cleric/Mage . Well we are 5th level, but this guy hit my Ranger with 2 hits.. 80+ Damage, got healed then Stay down another 80+ Damage.. DM says he upped the adventure to for 5th level charatcer...
All good, survived.. JUST
Funny if you needed to be your PRey , you think it would say that in the Requirements. DM always mentioned to us , don't read too much in the Spell/Ability description.. Guess that's just for players
Which Errata do they even mention this?
not in Errata #1

fedana wrote: Nocte ex Mortis wrote: Yes and no. You get a roll every turn at the end of your turn to end the damage, but it’s not a ‘condition’ condition. Persistent Damage is a CONDITION, just like BLIND etc..
It just happens to cause Damage, the Persistent Damage was caused
by the Attack .. You are hit , and then the After effect is
the Persistent Damage...
Just like if someone strike your eyes, which in turn causes you
to go blind (Condition)
Like.. Hit u with a Flame Sword.. you take damage from the sword, and because it hits you , you start burning..
Being a condition , there is no different if u where hit by a critical or normal hit.. you are still burning..
Just Read Page 451 Core Rules
Persistent Damage
Persistent damage is a condition that causes damage to recur
beyond the original effect. Unlike with normal damage,
when you are subject to persistent damage, you don’t take
it right away. Instead, you take the specified damage at the
end of your turns, after which you attempt a DC 15 flat
check to see if you recover from the persistent damage.
See the Conditions Appendix on pages 618–623 for the
complete rules regarding the persistent damage condition
orphias wrote: Is persistent damage considered a CONDITION ? Persistent Damage
Persistent damage is a condition that causes damage to recur
beyond the original effect. Unlike with normal damage,
when you are subject to persistent damage, you don’t take
it right away. Instead, you take the specified damage at the
end of your turns, after which you attempt a DC 15 flat
check to see if you recover from the persistent damage.
See the Conditions Appendix on pages 618–623 for the
complete rules regarding the persistent damage condition
PAge 451
Another Spell Example..
Traditions arcane, primal
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range touch; Targets 1 creature
You shroud your hands in a crackling field of lightning. Make
a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 2d12
electricity damage. If the target is wearing metal armor or
is made of metal, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your
attack roll with shocking grasp, and the target also takes 1d4
persistent electricity damage on a hit. On a critical hit, double
the initial damage, but not the persistent damage.
Most importantly , is below..
Persistent Damage
Persistent damage is a condition that causes damage to recur
beyond the original effect.
The important Word here is Beyond , it is the Condition caused by the originak
Also , the Game wasn't designed for PC's to take Critical Damage Every Round.. Is Why Acid Arrows Persistent Damage doesnt Critical
Nocte ex Mortis wrote: Yes and no. You get a roll every turn at the end of your turn to end the damage, but it’s not a ‘condition’ condition. Persistent Damage is a CONDITION, just like BLIND etc..
It just happens to cause Damage, the Persistent Damage was caused
by the Attack .. You are hit , and then the After effect is
the Persistent Damage...
Just like if someone strike your eyes, which in turn causes you
to go blind (Condition)
Like.. Hit u with a Flame Sword.. you take damage from the sword, and because it hits you , you start burning..
Being a condition , there is no different if u where hit by a critical or normal hit.. you are still burning..
orphias wrote: So, on a crit the acid flask would do 2d6 persistent dmg per round then until the DC 15 flat check was made? But the Critical is on the Attack , ie I throw the Bomb using Strike Feature.. the On going Damaging of PErsistant Damage has nothing to do with the Stick .. You are on Fire or melting from Acid..
Ie Just like Acid Arrow works , the Persistent Damage is not Crit.
And being hard to hit , BS.. Bomber hardly ever missed.
DM put him behind a fence of bars which the Bomber could throw through, and we needs AC 27 to hit him..
Also if Persistent damage crits .. ALOT More TPK's since our DM got rid of Hero Points.