etien's page

16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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very sad news, this is by far one of my favourite solo game

No announcements at gen con this looks like the end. Sad

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Mike Selinker wrote:
While I can't yet say anything about how our discussions are going here, I would like to say that we all appreciate these comments and are taking all of them to heart.

Nice to know.

I tend to think that mixing the old and new set is possible but not very satisfactory ( bit of an eye sore ).

Personnaly a plain vanilla new extension similar to Curse of the Crimson Throne would be the best, as I play solo.

Yes go for curse then core.
If you still in needs do the last 2 pre core, I find skull the hardest to get into as the boat rule set never made it to me.

Vic Wertz wrote:
There are currently no plans to reprint any products for this line. (Doesn't mean it can't happen—but it's not on the immediate horizon.)

Hmm, does this means that the reboot isnt selling? that would be disheartening as I am reallt looking forward the next box of adventures

redeux wrote:

If you haven't received them, I would follow-up in that same post asking about it.

First I noticed that I was missing the curse wounded card and I received it from CS ( thanks to them )

Then I realised I also missed the promo card, wrote a direct email to them, still waiting for an answer, no rush it s just a ( very nice ) card game

zeroth_hour2 and Longshot wrote:

Here is the playtest Iconic Heroes set, which has Fumbus:

Thanks for that just ordered it


1) in my set the cards are definitly too dark ( locations ) I wouls buy another one if I was sure to get something clearer

2) never got the promo cards with my subscription, tried CS but with little luck so far

Luv the game anyway, and yes the new rules are better than the old ones.

can we have figurines of the new peeps?

Got a message from customer support that the card is in the mail. Thanks for that and sorry for having been a bit anoyed this morning. Etienne

Hello, I am a bit surprised by the lack of any feedback from paizo customer support in a week.

I have been a faithful customer for years, buying 1,000's of $ of products without any complains through multiple subscriptions, and for once I notice that I miss a card and noone seems to care? This is poor service.


It was Order 7839104 if that helps.

I found the scourge effect text of the card, so I can still play, but I tend to be a bit nerdy with my game ( I play with figurines, mats, sleeved cards and so on ) so it feels incompleete without this one

Hello, I received my PAGC core set via my subscription, thanks for that, but I miss a card ( scourge wounded ) my sending a replacement?

Hello, I like the changes and the fact they avoid overkill. Unclear to me how a big group will manage with that, also some bad ass of the previous boxes may be very hard to kill now. Still really don’t like the new graphics, for me the picture helps projecting into the game, who on hell decided to limit then in a top corner box should be sent to the goblins. ( hopefully I will get used to )

Hi, happy to see there is still life in this good old game.
So far I like what I am seeing.
Only caviat: I like the picture for immersion, and I am affraid that you are reducing too much the card "graphic real estate" for some kind of cute but boring enliminure ( like from 50% in the old game to 30% now ) texts and numbers dont make me dream, dont forget the graphics :). Sorry for my english, I am not native.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Parody wrote:
Iconics may still get Owner cards, but in other ways.
You can change "may" to "will." The Iconic Heroes VII and VIII minis sets include the six occult iconics plus the vigilante and the shifter. The Owner cards for the occult iconics are in the Occult Adventures Character Decks, and the Owner cards for the vigilante and the shifter will be in the Ultimate Intrigue deck and the Ultimate Wilderness deck, respectively.

Ah ok, as I am a subscriber I guess I will eventually get all of them then. Still a bummer.

Just received the hunter deck and the latest figurines iconics box, was very disapointed not to find the usual unique beskope pacg card for the heroes in the box. Also there is only 5 instead of the usual 6 figurines.
Is this normal? Etienne

Very happy with the app here