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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The loss of the digital copy means the subscription is no longer worth the money for me. I never read the physical copy, I loan them to friends then donate them to my local library. If there's a chance of a digital only subscription, I'd sign up for it in a second, I just can't afford to buy both if I'm only going to use the ePub.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
My Subscriptions page show's that I have two shipments scheduled for July, but the first one is just a single comic? Any chance that first one can be merged with the second to save me a few bucks? Normally, I wouldn't care, but I'd rather not pay double cover price for a single comic. Thanks in advance!
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The d8 in my Carrion Crown set chipped, a huge chunk broke right off. Is there anyway to get a replacement? I'd rather not buy a new set, but if possible, I'd like to buy a replacement so I can continue to use the set. I contacted Q-Workshop about it as well, but figured I'd check here as well considering I bought them here.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
According to the tracking number, my package has been sitting in Connecticut for 5 days now with no action. It was supposed to be delivered yesterday, according to the estimated dates, was received in the facility on the 26th, is marked as ready for post office entry, and has apparently just sat there since then. I don't know if you guys can do anything on your end, and obviously this isn't Paizo's fault at all, just hoping you guys can get some more info than I can. Tracking number is 01952PZO00000498895. Thanks for any help you can give :)
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hey all,
Thanks in advance :)
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
And just before such a satisfying ending, too. Party consists of Schneider - Human Undead Scourge Paladin/Holy Vindicator, Kaleb - Halfling Fighter/Rogue, Will - Human Mindchemist Alchemist/Gunslinger, and Paul - Human Inquisitor/Flowing Monk, all level 14. In the fight against the Urgathoan fly,I managed to drop not one, not two, but three different party members. First to go was Will, taken out by a channel. Cecil managed to get him back up with a breath of life, so he at least survived. Then Paul decides its a good idea to move adjacent to the fire, where one of the clerics had already cast slay living, but not actually connected with the touch. The cleric connects, the damage is enough to send Paul into negatives. At the top of the round (on his turn, when he takes the fire damage), Paul dies, with Cecil nearby ready to heal. Too bad the enemy goes first, and takes Cecil out with a channel. Overall an absolutely brutal encounter, and the party ran in almost completely unprepared. They now have a long shot idea to use the Cecil's scroll of planar ally to call up a petitioner cleric who has access to raise dead and hoping death didn't purge too many spells/slots from the two who actually got all the way dead. Further complicating things, they are led to believe that the Count is being moved that night, and while they may have a chance to rescue him as he is being transported to Adorak, the chances are slim, at best. So, do I actively do anything to attempt to salvage this? Obviously I'm going to see what they come up with, but I'd like to have some ideas (beyond my own idea of statting up the Tyrant reborn and hoping for the best) waiting in the wings for next session.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I noticed someone mentioning fudging rolls in another thread, prompting a response that if you fudge too often your players will hate you. So, my question to the board at large is how do you handle fudging rolls? How often is it appropriate, which encounters is it appropriate in, which is it not appropriate in? I look at it like this: for every roll I fudge in the enemies favor, I should then, at some point preferably in the same session, fudge one in the parties favor. I also REFUSE to fudge a roll against the players for a big first in their advancement, meaning that, no matter what the encounter, the first time someone in a campaign hits for massive damage, the dice are falling where they may, and it could be that my BBEG is going down to a vital strike round 1. I try not to fudge rolls too often, either, and NEVER to counter a well laid plan by the party. But, by the same token, the drama of a game is ruined if, as in one of my campaigns, no one can hit the tank except on a 20, so maybe for a few encounters a few guys get really lucky, and "roll" a few well placed 20's. However, even in those situations, you can be sure that there are going to be a few "failed" saves coming up, or that the nat 20 one of the bad guys rolls while hitting the wizard is going to have a confirm roll of "nat 1" regardless of what the dice show me. Anyway, that's my basic philosophy, interested in seeing some others.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I've tried to track this package several times, and keep getting this message: "Tracking information for this piece is unavailable at this time. Tracking may take 24-48 hours after your mail piece has shipped. Please check back at a later time for additional information. If tracking is unavailable after 3 days, please contact your shipper." So I am doing just that. Any idea what's up or if this is even something to worry about? The tracking number that I have is 01952PZO00000444464. I get the same result whether I am tracking via the link on My Orders or the UPS Mail Innovations website. Thanks in advance.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
So, my players have decided not to kill all the vampires in the Underground, deciding to save resources for the task at hand rather than letting the paladins hatred of undead sidetrack them. I was a little surprised to hand out xp at the end of the investigation and see them hit a level. Mid level, and they gained 2 levels in 3 sessions...crazy. Anyway, I'm wondering if I'll need to throw out any extra treasure in the upcoming parts to make up for what they could have gotten killing all the vampires. Does the AP make up for that, or should I generate a few random hoards to throw out at the tailors shop and abbey?
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Basically, the question is, if you never plan on using say a bastard sword one handed, or using weapon finesse with an aldori dueling sword, or, with either weapon, if you took heirloom weapon to be proficient with that specific weapon, do you need the exotic weapon proficiency to qualify for weapon specific feats like weapon focus. Would martial weapon proficiency work as the prerequisite?
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I am currently running a game where the current plot line has the players attempting to reach Orv to rescue an ally. They are currently traveling through the Candlestone caverns, heading for the Court of Ether and the miles long drop beneath it to the Midnight Mountains. They will all be using rings of feather falling to make the drop, by my math it will take them 8 minutes to land in the mountain peaks below, so I am tasked with running 80 rounds of combat (we're all planning on taking an entire Saturday to do this in one shot). I'm not a complete sadist, so I don't actually plan on having 80 straight rounds of combat, and am assuming that they will possibly look for a cave midway down to break and possibly rest. The party has a half-orc gunslinger, a human conjurer, an asimar cleric of Desna, and a tiefling rogue, they should all be 11th or 12th level by this point. There will be plenty of buffs to go around, and both casters have extend spell. In addition, 20 point buy, and close to double wealth for their level (as a reward for me beating the tar out of them on a regular basis, I killed the gunslinger twice last session...OK, maybe I am a bit of a sadist...;)). Basically, I'm just wondering, mechanically, how to handle the combat, and especially movement. Under the effects of feather fall they'll be dropping at a steady 60ft/round, but how to handle lateral movement? Also bears mentioning that I do not intend for this to be particularly deadly, more cinematic and fun. So, all that being said, any advice on the best way to run this while keeping it fun, but still somewhat risky, would be appreciated.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The card I normally have my subscriptions charged to has been reissued. The only thing that has changed is the expiration date and I can't seem to find a way to update it. The new expiration is 1/16. Just wanted to make sure everything goes through OK.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I just received shipment on this order today and there were two problems with it, both with the same item, the Cyngar Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team. First, when I ordered this item, it was apparently on sale at $12.99, and I used the holiday promotional code to get 10% off. The item was out of stock, so it was delayed from my January shipment, and the price went up to $14.44. I posted about it when it was initially moved from one order to the next, and was assured that the item had been updated in your system to reflect the pricing that I should have received had it shipped when intended. Looking at my invoice, not only was the promotional discount no applied, but the new price of $14.44 was the price that I was charged. All of that I would have been able to live with (I mean, $3 isn't that big a deal), however, when I actually pulled the item out of the box today, I didn't even get the right item. What I was actually sent was this. A much more expensive item (which I was not charged for, at least, but I feel like I'm stealing $15 if I keep it), and not at all the minis that I wanted. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Im assuming my february subscription shipment is being delayed by the mini that I added to it last week. Is it possible to have that marked as shipped so that I at least have access to my pdf's (obviously that would charge my card, as well). Also, if either of the nonsubscription items on that order are going to delay actual shipping beyond the end of this week, I would rather they be taken off the order and just shipped seperately. Thanks alot.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
So, I understand that weather is out of peoples control, and the current shipping delays are directly a result of that. However, the two bricks of Battles mini's on my January order were meant to be Christmas presents. I ordered them back when the release was planned for December. Obviously that release date was scrapped, and it was moved to January. I was initially fine with that. Now, though, I've been waiting since then, many people who pre-ordered have already received their product, and it looks like mine won't ship any time this week. To make it worse, every game store in the area has product in stock, and many of them are offering better deals on bulk than you guys (Jetpack comics in Dover, NH, is offering bricks at $50, no sales tax, no shipping, for example). Now, the order is pending, which, to my understanding means I am powerless to change it. I was just wondering if there was anything at all that could be done to help me out here.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
So, what with the snow delaying my shipment yesterday, I decided to stop in at my LGS this morning and get a little plastic crack fix. I noticed upon getting back to the car that all three little boxes were unsealed, seemingly from the manufacturer. This seems to me to be a bad idea for a set of minis that are: A) supposedly blind, B) released with a tiered rarity and C) already fetching premium prices in the secondary market. It just seems to be an invitation for unscrupulous shop owners to go through, pull all the "good" minis, and just sell "blind" commons, saving back the ones that they can sell openly at more than 10 times the profit. I understand that having each miniature in a poly bag inside the box, they way many of the Japanese blind box toys come, is probably too expensive at the current price point. At the very least, though, maybe some tape over the flaps?
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I had ordered a Cygnar: Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team earlier this month using the holiday coupon code. It was recently moved to my February shipment rather than January, and the discount was removed. Is there any way to get that reapplied, or am I out of luck because they won't ship this month?
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Just wanted to inform you guys that I have not received this order. I'm cool with waiting another week or so to see if it will show, just wanted to put this out there and start the ball rolling. Thanks in advance.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
title pretty much says it all. Getting used to a new tablet, sorry. It was in the "what you love about golarion" thread. I have not flagged a post (ever, I think), so disregard anything there for my account. Thanks, and sorry again.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Any chance we'll see a mobile version of the site anytime soon? I do a lot of my surfing and posting here from my Droid while I'm at work. Having a mobile version to cut down on load times would be great. I will admit, I'm a techie, but not a web design guy, so I have no idea how much work something like that would take, but given the prevailence of smartphones these days, and the ever expanding tablet market, it seems like it would be a smart idea.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
So, I've been running Kingmaker for a party of 6 (9 if you count animal companions, and as of last night 11 for animal companions and cohorts). That part is broken, but I'm ok with it for now. What I'm more concerned about is the potential brokenness of the kingdom economy, which seems to be a common idea on these boards. ATM the kingdom of Spellstitch has a set of saves of Econ. +99, Loyalty +72, Stability +72. They are at a size of 28, and I'm debating whether I want them to go to the full 50-60 as suggested in the Varnhold Vanishing, or cut them short. They are currently generating around 175 BP per month. Now, that seems to be the common story across these boards, however, where this is different is that they have withdrawn, in the now 3 years a grand total of 1 BP for personal use. EVERYTHING has gone back into the kingdom. So, I am presented with a problem or two. First, I'm wondering if the kingdom is incredibly over powered, or if, when mass combat comes around their at a point where they can weather the storm without too much worry (kind of what I'm hoping). Second, they are starting to think of building armies. Should I allow them, or will that mess things up when Tatzleford is attacked later?
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I signed up for my subscriptions last month, opted to have this months volumes be my first shipment, so I have yet to receive anything.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I just signed up for a fiction subscription, and, on a whim, decided to add the five epub short stories as well. All of them have downloaded perfectly, except for "The Lost Pathfinder". I click the link, the page reloads, and then nothing. It doesn't have the standard "Click here if the download doesn't start" blurb at the top of the page either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. |