Black Dragon

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Any suggestions for what the 5th person should play for a Kingmaker game? We are open to anything that is not centered around summons/pets

current group:
witch-healing patron (likes it and flavor)
ranger-we rolled stats and got lucky with good/decent stats for str/dex/con, so does a little bit of both with a 2h sword and archery feats
magus-str based

I am going to go with the Summoner. Background, raised in the poor parts of town kidnapping was a frequent occurance, his little sister was taken one night and his world has never been the same. Now he hates kidnappers and does whatever he can to help the victims, or avenge the families.

I am down to either Wizard, Bard, or Summoner, just not sure. I do not know a whole lot about the campaign setting, I think someone said it does have alot of city stuff in it.

I have 4 that i am kicking around and would be happy on any of them. Cleric, Summoner, Wizard, Bard.

Sure would love too (Splurg's brother). I am afraid i do not know much about the Shattered Star, but I am up for anything.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I always wonder why they call it a BLT. I do not see any M in there for the nasty Mayo they put all over it. Shouldn't it be a BLTM so you can warn a person about that stuff.

btw i get raise dead ritual for free, so no need to buy it

the thrall concept sounds great, my druid is a mix of melee and ranged, but mostly medium distance

Np Kevaras, my druid is shaping up nicely.

All of the strikers and controllers i want to make probably would not get along with the Paladin, having fiendish/undead/shadowy pets doesnt make for a good companion. So Fabes i will play a leader druid (sentinel) if you want to go with a striker or controller

had just noticed that and edited :)

sounds good to me

so we have 2 healers (cleric and artificer) and 1 controller (invoker) and 1 tank (paladin)?

Any suggestions on the other 4? At least 2 strikers for sure.

The ones I have been looking at are hexblade, warlock, necromancer, nethromancer, and druid-strikers and controllers.

I want to continue, but may look at another character, i have been having a thing for the shadow classes, could never tell from my image that i like the darker stuff, or my assassin :P Lynore

Just like to point out Gygax was writing about monks in his Gord the Rogue books, they were in Greyhawk.

Red wizard from forgotten realms maybe?

"I Damaramu will regret this."

I was drug into it by my wife.

Cale Noor wrote:

So Amy and I and Davi and Detritus are all taking the Swift Jaguar feat, yes? And Pat and Xabulba are taking the guild feat grasping magpies to boost Kel's thievery, yes?

Only if all four of us take that feat do we get the full +5 to initative. Otherwise, it is less.

Yes I will be taking it.

I have played a wizard and love them, but I have been dying to play both of the other two. So I am quite happy with the roll fate has given.

I will go with the only way to end a tie in my head the good old fashioned way.

1=swordmage, 2=warden, 3=wizard
1d3 ⇒ 2

Warden it is :)

A bouncy heavy armored female dwarf, why do I keep thinking of a female version of Pwent from the Dark Elf books.

A Female Dwarf *tear*, if we all decide to go with that huge init feat, it would make a controller even more useful for getting the controls in place earlier.

Pat o' the Ninth Power wrote:


Kelgan is the defender, not Kel. Can't imagine how you could mix those two!

My opinion is that either controller or striker would be fine. I'd be the last to deny that controllers have their uses, but striker-heavy parties are a lot of fun, too -- especially in terms of speeding things up in a pbp.

Forgot there was Kelgan and Kel :)

Davi gets first choice especially since Kel is a defender. Do you all want a controller after the defender we obviously need, or is another striker good? Just looking for opinions from everyone for the last two slot make up.

Xabulba is looking at a striker.
Cale=Cleric at least that is what was listed on the prior post
Detritus is open.
Davi is open.
Pat=striker looking at melee ranger

Does that look right so far?

Thanks guys :) I am open to play whatever you need me to play, it is shame about Amael I hope everything is ok.

Still following if you ever need me to step in :), you have a nice group going right now, it has a good balance.

My brother and I are looking for a 4th edition PBP to get into. Any new starting up soon, or any in need of replacements? He is a newbie and is dying to get into one since our group never gets together anymore. So if there was a single spot he would be more than greatful to get in. He likes everything but defenders, and I like everything. So we are easy to fit in. :)

A base class magic using rogue, I do not like using prestige classes If I do not have too. Yes I know that is lazy. :)

Mine is almost completely done, I just have to total up the skills and do the magic items.

Paul Worthen wrote:
I'd play a Koalan before I'd play a Goliath.

Give me the Drop Bear.

I think the only tedious part is going to come into the equipment and background. The feats and class info are mostly concentrated in just two books for me.

Can we use any forgotten realms feats? I really like the elven gods from there.

Another leader and another defender or striker would be awesome. :)

that would bring us to

2 leaders
2 controllers
3 strikers
1 defender


2 leaders
2 controllers
2 strikers
2 defenders

I will start working on mine tonight. Unfortunately my computer got fried this weekend and I no longer have the builder, and I canceled my wizard account awhile back, so I cannot get it back. I will do it by hand. *shudder* The character creator spoiled me.

Amael wrote:

Count me in :)

Thanks for holding a spot Xabulba.
I'll work on my character tonight,
ill probably be a defender of some
type like a paladin (my favorite class),
but if detritus is going to be one too,
maybe i can go for a striker or striker
paladin...I'll update you on it soon.

Paladin is all yours if you want it, I am going to go cleric.

Well to get the ball rolling then, and to possibly get some more people in here I will choose the Cleric.

So we have:

Cleric (leader)
Avenger (striker)
Wizard (controller)
Druid (controller)

Thanks Rosey. :)

I am thinking either Paladin/Demonslayer/Demigod or Cleric/Astral Savant/Demigod

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Well, I decided to go with the Druid/Spiral Wind's Ally/Primal Avatar.

How many PCs are there going to be, I want in, but I am trying to decide between a leader or a defender, and how fast do you want us to decide.

Whimsy Chris wrote:
How's the quality of the printing? Is it on decent paper? I ask because this is the first paperback thing they've done.

It is just like the preview stuff.

Mauril wrote:

Well, if you play a normal animal (that is one that has not been awakened) you are stuck with INT 1 or 2, which means that you cannot take normal feats (only those in the bestiary or listed in monster stat blocks) and cannot advance by class levels. Also, you likely can't speak and will have a hard time interacting with a non-ranger/druid.

If you were to get awakened, those restrictions go away, as you would have INT 3d6. However, you might still have problems with opening doors, using certain items and being accepted in towns. Those are "consult your GM" issues though.

A mage hand magic item or a invisible servant magic item will get rid of some of the problems. You could work alot of classes in, and equipment can be tailored to fit a wolf.

Turin the Mad wrote:
northbrb wrote:
Are there any rules or any guidelines for playing a character with an animal as a base race? I have an idea of playing as a wolf and wanted some opinions.

You would apply the awaken spell to a wolf for the start. The complete lack of manipulative appendages (and thus, loss of armor and weapon proficiencies) is quite difficult for the wolf, so it is likely that the 'trade off' is worth while as a "0 ECL" arrangement.

Another option is to examine the worg.

Animal monk, or wizard with eschew materials may be in order.

I have this book now, and so far I really like it. It has alot of fluff, with some decent crunch. Nice examples of how to roleplay and motivations for a dragonbron. I recommend it for anyone who likes the race.

Rev Rosey wrote:

Ah, thank you for that. I'll make sure he notes his surge total now he's back in circulation.

As things stand a present they're rather low on available healing, but they're running out of enemies at about the right time as well.

No problem, and to answer Erik's question he used a majestic word and an inspring word before (from his feat). So that majestic word was still available that you just used.

On a side note are these monsters you made up, or did they come from the Faerun setting, because this battle is awesome.

Paul Worthen wrote:
detritus wrote:
I am waiting patiently for my necromancer and shadow knight/death knight/duskblade/blackguard (however you want to name it).
Didn't they call it a spellsword?

Swordmage is the one you are thinking of. I am looking for a more shadowy bend to it. A shadow power version of it would be great. The spiritsworn in Scythe and Shroud is just about right. I would just like to see something offical.

Paul Worthen wrote:

You know, I'm not sure how many more races and classes I'm even interested in seeing. There's probably a bit more out there already than I'm ever going to need or want to see in a campaign. I was looking at the Wildren on the Character Builder last night, and I thought to myself, "Am I ever really going to want to play a plant-guy?" Now, I'm sure there are some people out there who will, but from what I've seen, the vast majority of gamers want to play humans, elves, dwarves and hobbi... er, halflings. By PHB2, there were already a bunch of races I could tell right away that I had no interest in. Deva? Whatever. Goliath? Lame. Shifter? Sure, in my Eberron game. PHB3 is going to have minotaurs, a plant guy, and a psychic alien. Can't say I'm excited about any of that.

The same thing goes for classes, with the added caveat that when you add classes, you start seeing a lot of 'role overlap.' The best example of this is the Fighter compared to the Warden. Both of them mark people and lock them down. The Warden is a little more tanky, the fighter is a little more hitty. Is the psychic warrior (or whatever the psionic defender is) going to be that much different? From what I've heard, the Seeker sounds a lot like ranger, especially the archery themed ranger. I don't know if I can get into any of the stuff in this book.

I agree completely on the races, not much left out there. However with that being said, I am waiting patiently for my necromancer and shadow knight/death knight/duskblade/blackguard (however you want to name it).

I am only saying something because Brujo may need the extra one. The cure light wounds ability of the cleric doesnt take a healing surge, it just lets them get the benefit as if they had used it.

Paul Worthen wrote:
Your characters are attacking the wrong defenses, then. Almost every monster has at least one defense that's 2-3 points lower than its AC. Brutes and Artillery are the exceptions, AC is their low defense. Soldiers have an AC that's considerably higher than any of their defenses.

Quite possibly, I am not arguing that fact. Just stating that it does happen. Also could be builds of the characters.

Example of characters, and I am not saying builds are equal either. On one pbp that I follow these are the following to hits for some of the characters. These may not be accurate, only as accurate as the players who input them. Just using them as an example.

Fighter +14 ac
Sorc +10 vs ref/fort (implement)
Assasin +11 vs ac, +9 vs fort/will (mainly using implement attacks)
Swordmage +10 vs ac/fort (mainly using implement attacks)
Ranger +12 vs ac
Warlord +12 vs fort/ac
Wizard +8 vs fort/ref (implement)
Bard +12 vs ac

The average for characters using weapons as primary is rounded down to 12
The average for implement characters is rounded down to 9

Not the biggest difference, but unless you are always hitting the right fort/will/ref it can be a disadvantage, but you are correct it is to benefit of the character to know exactly what defense to attack on every monster they face.

Paul Worthen wrote:
Matthew Koelbl wrote:
PHB3 will also have Superior Implements (originally rumored to show up in AV2). Not sure of the specifics of how they will work, but should help slightly with the imbalance between weapon-based classes and implement-based classes.
Is there an imbalance between weapon-based classes and implement-based classes? I haven't noticed one in play. In fact, if I had to guess, I'd say that implement-based classes often seem to have the upper hand, because their attacks usually allow them to choose which of the enemy's defenses they'd like to attack. For example, a fighter typically has to attack AC with any power he chooses, but a wizard can mix it up and take a few powers that attack each defense. Then he can choose to attack where the enemy is weakest.

In play I had noticed that the implement based characters were missing alot more on monsters that are equal to them or greater in level. This is mainly due to the extra +2-3 to hit from the weapons. When the will/fort/ref is not always 2-3 lower than the AC. This is not always the case though.

I am out :( I do not have the books. Thanks for considering me though. My brother sold them.

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