Attic Whisperer

deClench's page

294 posts. Alias of Scott Gable (Zombie Sky Press).


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Personally, I think the "enjoyment" is understood in this case and prefer just "The flesh pits of Callendria!"

Because, really, who DOESN'T enjoy those flesh pits. ;P

Sebastian wrote:

Thanks! These posts are very helpful and just what I was looking for.

Am I missing anything else? The PCs will be less effective due to not having magic weapons or proficiency bonuses and their ACs will likely be terrible, so I'm leaning towards making the guards skirmishers or brutes and having them be lower level. Does that sound about right?

You could give the guards substandard equipment (eg. those running the prison may not have the resources or inclination to equip the guards well). Also, you could make the first 1 or 2 combats quite easy to judge the new power level of the de-geared characters and add more combatants to later fights (even in later rounds of same fight) based on that.

You can use all weapon keyword powers with an unarmed attack (unless it specifically requires a certain type of weapon: the rogue would not get sneak attack damage for instance). It is treated as any other weapon except you gain no proficiency bonus with it; it does 1d4 damage. Opportunity attacks are identical to that with other weapons: so if you made a close attack unarmed you'd could provoke but no special cases just for being unarmed.

Hope that helps!

Not to worry, much, on the "lack" of weapons part because unarmed attacks are already considered weapons (though improvised in this case), so those powers requiring them can still be used.

But, either in place of or in addition to that, I would always recommend a skill challenge. I think they're always fun. Perhaps a series of skill challenges: making makeshift tools from debris in cell, snagging keys from sleeping guard, navigating through unfamiliar and maze-like corridors, bluffing way past patrols, stuff like that.

Last call for votes! You can't complain about your new overlord if you don't vote!

Kobold Quarterly's King of the Monsters Poll

Last call for votes! You can't complain about your new overlord if you don't vote!

Kobold Quarterly's King of the Monsters Poll

Last call for votes! You can't complain about your new overlord if you don't vote!

Kobold Quarterly's King of the Monsters Poll

But as an option to streamline the game, you could give each of these feats as an automatic bonus feat when a character would have otherwise received a new iterative attack. They're not limited to fighter, only BAB. I might just mention that to my own group and see what they think.

Check out the Vital Strike feats in the Pf Core Rulebook. They let you make just one attack for extra damage. Might alleviate some of the issues.

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Maybe I need to add some traps to the submission process? :)

But then only rogues and barbarians will get through!

Ack! I throw myself upon the broken, rusty, makeshift sword. I am but a lowly kobold, after all. Smoke too many of the goofballs, and look what happens. (Take this as a warning to all you would-be goofball smokers out there.)

The post has been fixed! (Huzzah!) There is now a disclaimer, lest someone get hurt using unfamiliar mechanics, and a more appropriate image. Alas, however, this will be the last of the 3.5E version of the column for the foreseeable future. (Ahh...)

But wait! The first of a hopefully long line of the Pathfinder version of "Ask the Kobold" is coming soon. (Ooh, ooh! When? WHEN?) OK, tomorrow. It'll be up tomorrow. (Unless I hear the call of the goofballs, again.)

Come back tomorrow, I say, and prepare your questions for the mighty Skip Williams, for there might be a kobold treat in store for a lucky reader. (I leave it to your nightmares to decide what a "kobold treat" might be. ;P)

Of course, that is, if I can get this sword out of my gut. Nurse!

Sorry, Adam.

This would be so great! Can't wait.


The deadline is now less than 2 days away. Don't forget to send in your monster! You want to see it crush everything that stands in your way, right?

The deadline is now less than 2 days away. Don't forget to send in your monster! You want to see it crush everything that stands in your way, right?

Way to go, Rob!

I've always loved druids. Probably my favorite class. Wild shape's always been fun.

BUT, I have to say, the shapeshift variant made my game experience with druids so much better. Nothing derails me faster these days than endless bookkeeping, so that absolutely is a feature of shapeshift. AND, really, even if weaker or less versatile by the numbers, being able to change at will an unlimited number of times per day. Brilliant!

How about a variant wild shape for the druid similar to that in the PHB 2. I found it to work really well for me in play with less bookkeeping, book searching, and general downtime at the table dealing with too many choices. Lots of fun.

Much luck to Scott in his new endeavors. It's a loss for WotC, for sure.

James Jacobs wrote:
James said some cool stuff.

This is awesome James!

When it comes down to it (for me), the greatest part of psionics is the flavor. I enjoy 3.5E psionics, but if you can bring us new psionics material and even make so it becomes more acceptable to a wider audience, I am totally on board. (Besides, the 3.5E rules will always be there and others are workings to mod them.)

Some of us want psionics no matter which path the mechanics go.

Gavgoyle wrote:

The post-banquet game of Werewolf with Lou Agresta, Tim, Matt, Ellen, Liz, Cosmo "Mr. Pokerface", Brandon "the Candyman", Scott "the Pissboy", Josh "the Assistant Pissboy", and all the others. My god, that was a hoot and a holler!

Ha! That game was so fun! If I'm ever the werewolf in another game that you're in, I'm eating you first. ;D

So much fun. Best con ever!

Two quick questions:

1) Is the intention to allow copying of statblock format or is that considered Paizo trade dress?

2) In light of section 4, paragraph 3, disallowing the use of the "Pathfinder" name in the title, would specifically saying "Pathfinder Edition" be a problem? Such as with Title X: Pathfinder Edition? If this is a problem, is there another suggested fair distinguisher rather than just the logo when multiple editions are intended?


Scott Gable

Sweet. You rock!

Unity Knots

Aura faint divination; CL 3rd
Slot see text; Price 10,800 gp (for a pair); Weight

These continuous loops of intricately woven silk operate only in matched pairs. Possessing no beginning and no end, they symbolize the strongest of bonds and tie two individuals together in spirit and empathy, enabling emotional support and inspiration between those linked.

While on the same plane, these loops allow wearers to use the aid another ability from a distance to assist one another on any skill check. While within 1 mile of each other, wearers can use the aid another ability from a distance to assist one another both during combat, without the need to threaten the opponent, and in response to the effects of some spells, such as when waking a person from sleep. For each use of aid another, the individual providing the bonus must use a standard action and must be conscious.

The loops magically conform to the wearers as necklaces, headbands, bracelets, or belts; however, both individuals must wear them in the same fashion.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, status; Cost 5,400 gp

Unity Knots

Aura faint divination; CL 3rd
Slot see text; Price 10,800 gp (for a pair); Weight

These continuous loops of intricately woven silk operate only in matched pairs. Possessing no beginning and no end, they symbolize the strongest of bonds and tie two individuals together in spirit and empathy, enabling emotional support and inspiration between those linked.

While on the same plane, these loops allow wearers to use the aid another ability from a distance to assist one another on any skill check. While within 1 mile of each other, wearers can use the aid another ability from a distance to assist one another both during combat, without the need to threaten the opponent, and in response to the effects of some spells, such as when waking a person from sleep. For each use of aid another, the individual providing the bonus must use a standard action and must be conscious.

The loops magically conform to the wearers as necklaces, headbands, bracelets, or belts; however, both individuals must wear them in the same fashion.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, status; Cost 5,400 gp

terraleon wrote:

This is a great issue...and the ecology really is fantastic.

Thank you! Somebody had to do SOMETHING with the phantom fungus. I mean, there they were sitting in the Monster Manual looking all forlorn saying, "why won't anyone play with me," right? Now, they're, like, "whatever, I'm just gonna eat you now." ;D


Darrin Drader wrote:

Yes, Reign of Discordia is my space opera setting built exclusively for the True20 rules.

My preference is Pathfinder for my fantasy stuff and True20 for my modern and future stuff. I've been running True20 games for the past six months, but I'm about to switch over to Pathfinder for Rise of the Runelords.

Print versions of RoD (Black and white and color both available) can be purchased here:

The PDF version can be bought right here at Paizo.

Also, the RoD line is getting support, so you don't have to worry about this being a fire and forget product.

Alright, this concludes shameless self promotion time.

Ooh, Darrin, I just listened to your interview at Atomic Array, and I must say that Reign of Discordia sounds SWEET! I've been jonesing for some space action for a while, and I'll be picking this up shortly. Now, if only I can meld the unholy space adventures from Sinister Adventures with this. Mwahahaha! >:D

Kobold Quarterly pulled me off the streets and cured my lumbago AND my baldness.

The magazine rocks! It's constantly expanding and evolving and you should check it out right now-- In fact, if you see Wolfgang on the street, you should immediately throw some of your money at him.

Take it from me. I'm not just a subscriber; I'm also Assistant Editor.

-Scott ;D

Heathansson wrote:
deClench wrote:

I don't understand. Why is an interesting or complicated iconic "political axe-grinding," but if it's a quiet little snippet in the background, it's OK? Why are contentious issues suddenly forbidden? I think a story on "militant vegans," for example, is a great idea--a meaty subject even (couldn't resist). Maybe you agree, I can't tell, but why shouldn't that story be allowed for an iconic? Must all iconics be milquetoast?

Conflict is story. When the stories get boring and predictable, what's the point? It's all fair game or none of it is.

Sorry, but I think you missed this part.

Sebastian wrote:

....if you've got a story to tell and it involves those issues, I'll listen, but I can do without the pithy political soundbite and attempts to beat people with an unwelcome ideology, regardless of whether its my ideology or not.

Thanks for keeping me honest, Heathansson, but my comment stands for the entirety of the post. The part you quote ESPECIALLY reads as an accusation of pandering--as if anything that gets attached to an iconic must meet some other, "higher" criteria. Perhaps, I missed Paizo's admittance of pandering, but I certainly don't recall one. Sebastian seems especially vehement and negative here, and I'm not sure that it's fair, so I was seeking clarification. To each their own, I guess.

sysane wrote:


But the thing is Mind Thrust isn't a 7th-level power. If a manifester wishes to deal damage equal to 7th-level spells perhaps they should use a 7th-level power in order to achieve that result and not a 1st.

I understand a manifester would pay powers points equal to a 7th-level power, but that hardly seems to be a balancing factor. I'm sure any arcane caster would love the ability to sacrifice a higher level spell in order to exceed the damage cap of a lower level spell. Yes, there is the argument that divine and arcane casters auto scale with level but they do max out based on the level of the spell per the DMG's (don't remember the pg # but its under the creating new spells section) base line damage for spells.

You're right, it isn't a 7th-level power. Don't forget though, it's still just a 1st-level power. They can be augmented but will forever have the saves of a lower-level power (unless you spend more points in some powers) and are blocked by anything that blocks a 1st-level spell (i.e. spell immunity) no matter how many points you throw into it. Additionally, psions do max-out on the amount of power points they can use based on level.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote:

I'd prefer my rpg's to be free of political axe-grinding, no matter the flavor. The Crimson Throne relationships are good stories and don't stick out like a sore thumb. "Let's make a gay paladin and good doctor that provides abortions" and "one or more of the iconics is gay" strikes me as intentionally sticking the same sore thumb in the collective eye of people who are bothered by those ideas. Does Paizo really need to take a stand on these issue? What's next? Militant vegan iconics? Anti-union iconics? Does one iconic support the closing of the Chilexian border?


I don't understand. Why is an interesting or complicated iconic "political axe-grinding," but if it's a quiet little snippet in the background, it's OK? Why are contentious issues suddenly forbidden? I think a story on "militant vegans," for example, is a great idea--a meaty subject even (couldn't resist). Maybe you agree, I can't tell, but why shouldn't that story be allowed for an iconic? Must all iconics be milquetoast?

Conflict is story. When the stories get boring and predictable, what's the point? It's all fair game or none of it is.

I also played in it at Paizocon as Merisiel and, along with Chris's Lem, was forced to witness the undeath of Harsk. Poor poor dwarf.


The adventure was very cool, and it would be great to see it fully done as a module! Everyone start begging James now.

It was a dark mystery and had a very Lovecraftian feel (right down to the undying monstrosity at the end).

Ravenmoor seemed an old, relatively isolated village with ties to dark, ancient, and mysterious rituals and entities. Good times!

It was truly rockin! I met a lot of great people and had a lot of fun. Time for another one. :)

Heathansson wrote:
Just no NC-40; my mommy won't let me read that stuff.

No ultraporn for you then.

Lilith wrote:

The Open Game License for 3.5 is irrevocable.

...systematic, hydromatic, ultramatic! ^_^

I like it a lot!*

It'd be like expanding the idea of racial paragons without forcing the player to take a level from a different class.

*Of course, I also like psionics and ninjas. :P

Watcher wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

Heyas Watcher!

The campaign setting hardcover is currently slated to have an entire spread dedicated to psionics.

If you can't wait that long, I could be convinced to drop hints for a certain price. ;)

Psionics: No, I can wait...

Well I CAN'T wait!

So, Mike, I got some vegan doughnuts and a chaser of Jameson here. Am I about there or do I need to sweeten the pot? :D

Sajan rocks! Now I NEED to know more about Vudra.

Mike McArtor wrote:

Just the guides, and to a lesser extent the gazetteer. We're in the business of game design, and one needs rules mechanics in designing for games.

Music to my ears! :D

Mike McArtor wrote:

Call the guides experiments. We're trying out rules-light supplements. The whole "will we switch or won't we?" question is only a part of why we're trying this. Another reason is, we wanted to try a product with almost no game mechanics in it. We're hoping that it appeals not only to players of the world's most popular roleplaying game, but also to players of any other fantasy game. As it is now, you can use the guides with any game system and you only lose about 3 pages of content in doing so. Also, we wanted to make something that players can read through. All but about 12 pages of the 64-page book are spoiler free and designed for players and GMs. So if you're the GM, and you plan on running a game in Korvosa, you could hand a copy of the guide to your players and say "you can read any of this except chapter 5 and the appendix."

I'm curious to see the guides. I must confess though, I actually like "crunch"--new classes, subsystems, whatever. Is this approach just an experiment for the "guides," or is it intended to stretch through all products? Could we potentially get a product of more "crunch"? (You could market it like peanut butter: there's "creamy" and there's "crunchy." So, I guess your guide is "creamy"? XD )

I hope to love the guides like this but hope I don't have to give up rules nearly entirely from the other products.

I love this place. I can't remember why I came in the first place (other than being D&D related). The mags actually spurred my interest to return to writing and D&D in general.

The community has been great, but I must admit that while I still check in every day, I've slowed in my posting largely due to the sentiment expressed by GregH.

GregH wrote:

However, the rancor and downright nastiness I've been seeing over in the 4e discussions has seriously started turning me off. I'm curious about 4e, so I like to hear what's happening and what people think, but lately, it's almost getting too sad to follow.

But, that surely can't keep me away for long (try as you might). XD

Here's to continued good times!

Lord Alarik The Fool wrote:

One my players plays a Sea Kin druid. Last session she summoned an enormous water elemental around her and then shape shifted into an equal size aquatic creature (a giant squid.) I was pretty stunned and it was during a minor encounter so I let it slide since it was a cool effect but let them know I would come up with a final ruling later. The squid reach was very useful.

What do you guy think?
I came up with:
-She cannot summon it around her, it must be next to her, then she can use a move action to dive into it (not a 5 foot step) or it can move onto her (not a five foot step unless she is medium size).
-She cannot fit inside the elemental unless she is one size category smaller.

Not sure about:
-Anyone making attacks on them can attack either one with no penalty (How can you miss the big tentacles sticking out. :)
-or the druid can choose use the creature for 50% cover but any attack that misses automatically hit the elemental (It is throwing itself in the way)
-Reach is halved for an aquatic creature out of water? (no buoyancy... hmm this one sounds weak)

Kudos to you for not slapping her down for being creative! Your first couple restrictions sound reasonable. (Though I think it sounds nifty to be able to summon it around oneself.) Your last restrictions don't sound unreasonable, but I would avoid making it overly complicated. Perhaps, you could let her by with relatively few restrictions by requiring the summons spell to simply be cast as one level higher or have a longer casting time or something similar.

I may have to steal that idea myself! :D

Psionics! That would be so best!!

How about a "P" designation for GameMastery modules? Perhaps, in a "J" they could look for the "P". Now, that would be an "E" to remember. :D

Psionics! Need more.

Awesome, I love it!

I certainly would have liked to see more on Abzirael, but the opening poem *is* quite nice.

I love psionics, so that was fine with me.

My biggest criticism is simply that he has too much: personally, I would probably lose the rogue levels and the half-fiend template. I like me some good "crunch," but this seems a bit overdone.

I love me some fiends, but I'm really starting to hate the half-fiend template. It's like saying that a creature can't be a total bastard without having an evil outsider for a parent. I hate the tendency to throw this template on villains. For me, it's richer for a djinn (or nymph or whatever) to be evil all on their own despite a lack of evil heritage. It too often seems like a scapegoat to me.

However, that's a personal issue I'm getting therapy for, and I won't hold it against you. ;D

In truth, it doesn't seem overly abused here, and I think you handle it well.

Great job! I think Abzirael's my favorite, and you most definitely have my vote.

I love it!

(Now, I've only glanced at the other comments, so some of these may have been covered already.)

The topic doesn't scare me away: good horror is good horror. However (and it looks like others have already gone here so I won't beat it to death), different language would help: you used very specific language to situate your villain, but I think your intention would survive without the specific use of phrases like "suicide bombings" and the idea that paradise is the final reward and the like.

If anything, I think you should have gone a little farther. :) It seems an awful lot of effort on Durgal's part simply for food. I imagine that the arcane energies spilling out of a scene of ritual mass murder triggered by a suicide is INCREDIBLE. Perhaps Durgal is using these energies in some way. Perhaps his eating of the flesh is a focus for some immense magic. My point is that I think that it might be a bit anticlimactic that Durgal is ONLY eating the flesh. (That's certainly a disturbing phrase! :D ) You wouldn't even have to get rid of his treachery to his flock or his gruesome tastes (those are great), but a few more surprises could last him an entire campaign.

Great job! You got one of my votes... (but that stat block made it only just.)

Bah, the OP's just a troll.

Get it? "The Real Troll"!


heh... heh heh... (at least I make myself laugh). :D

I would love to see some work on lizardfolk. The recent blackscale and poisondusk varieties in MM3 have really made lizardfolk vital creatures for me again, but alas, these new varieties are not OGL.

Pathfinder needs its own varieties! :)

Nukes fall, everyone dies. :)

I don't mind the cards. They're kind of neat and may actually see use in my game, and I'm ecstatic over the Harrow deck.

However, I am a little concerned about the product schedule. It looks like you've got 10 products over an 8-month period (with as many as 3 in one month and none the next), and the August item carries a $50 tag: this is an expensive and erratic schedule. I'm very interested in the subscription if it turns out I can afford it, but I wonder if you could comment on whether the release dates and prices might normalize a bit. Perhaps, one product a month? Perhaps, a more stable monthly price? Being able to easily predict what a subscription is going to cost me in a year (or even a given month) is of great interest to me.


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