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Ok so vampires give 2 negative levels per slam, but don't get Temp HP. Could it be changed so they heal that way? the spell Vampire touch functions that way. Also what about a spell that drains the blood right from an opponent? Or like in Skyrim where it is a Fireball AOE life Drain? Yes it sounds overpowered, but that really depends on the actual numbers involved. ![]()
ok in the fiction students of the Arcane are able to attempt to summon Devils long before they should have access to the spell to allow them to do so. Is it a ritualized form of the spell that just takes longer to cast or what? It seems to be a very important part of the Academe, but by the rules it can't be done. Ideas? ![]()
Ok, so the Grater one is level 8(wizard/sorc) so you get it at level 15(or 16 if Sorc) and you get to control up to 18HD monster. So around your HD. Thats cool. The normal on is level 6(wiz/sorc) so you get it at level 11(or 12Sorc) and you control upto 12HD monster. So just a lower level with an equaly lower cap, all seems good so far. Also note that the Grater is 2 spell levels above the normal. The Lesser dosn't fit the pattern. It is just one level lower then the normal (odd in it'self) and you get it at level 9(or 10Sorc) and can control up to 6HD monser? The others have the creature at or slightly above your HD, at least for the max. With Grater you can bind an Imp (technicaly, why you would use a level 8 spell to do so is beyond me, but you CAN). anyway, It just seems odd. Possable fixes, make Lesser level 4 spell and cap HD at 8HD. Possably with a level 2 verison that catps at 4HD (ok not sure what creatures you can bind that are 4HD but it would follow the pattern regardless). Ideas? thoughts? Or am I crazy? ![]()
I like the new arctype, and the rage part means it is a way to get some of the best of Barb while still being a fighter. For a fighter (or any char, really) from the North I think Endurance would be a good fluff feat coice. It gose from fluff to optimizing if the char adventures in cold (or really hot) areas. But is it worth the feat slot? My build:
after 4 not sure exactly what to focus on. Ether some shield feats (like Ray Shield) or Vital strike or something. Second main question: What rage powers are good for a fighter? Don't need claws, a bite attack is cool but not sure it is the best option. ![]()
Ok so I was looking in the books wanting to make a cool shield. Knowing that fighters have issues with ranged unless they pull out a ranged weapon or can fly (which is really expensive) I tried to add a ranged attack to a shield. Am I right that if I want a Command word Item that dose Magic Missle at Caster Level 5 (3d4+3 damage) it would be: ( 1(Spell level) X 5(caster level) X 1800 ) Devided by (5/2) for two times a day? Thats fairly cheep for a solid spell. And This can be added to a shield that is magical without a cost increase (as in the cost of the shield before this enchat dose not affect the cost of the enchant) or did I do it wrong? Cus shields like this would be fun :) ![]()
I know that the Summoning spells are great, but at low level you summon then do what for the next few rounds of combat? If you are not trying to blow all your spells at once, can seem hard to contribute. I know the problem will decrease once you get more spells. Also, should a Wizzard that summons buff his/her summons? and there are few low level buffs that can be applied, whats up with that? ![]()
One of the few things I like about 4th ed is that tanks (normaly melee fighter types) have ways to keep bad guys on them. In Pathfinder, you can build a typical sword and bord char, and then see him never hit cus the bad guys know the wizard is easyer to hit. You can't force them to try to attack you (the intimidate stuff is fairly weak), so there is no MMORPG tanking. So how broken would marks be? ![]()
I have Ultimate magic and I see under the preconstructed spellbooks they have some little bonuses called preperation Rituals. How do you make them, and what is the cost related to them? Do they all scale up or it is only for a given level? Basicaly, they put something cool in the book, but nothing on how to make or tweek it. I think it is a cool addition (and Maguses should be able to use it as well) So ya, how do they work? how do you make them? ![]()
Lesser Planar Binding is level 5 spell, so wizards get it at level 9. They already have Magic Circle vs Alinment and Demenional Anchor. What level would least be? 3 or 4? If it is 3 what HD limit? Wizards get 3ed level spells at 5th level so likely not 5HD but maybe 4? But then they wait four levels for 2 more HD? Ideas? Basicaly wanting to get into summoning and haveing a pet before 9th level. I know scrolls can allow you to do it before 9th. ![]()
Ok, so it says in the D20PFSRD that a Hell Hound is an alternet for summon monster 2. I know it is evil, but that creature is awsome compaired to the other stuff that Summon Monster gets. It has as many HP as some SM3 creatures, and has an AOE breath attack, as well as immunities. Would it become findish or no? Would it get the extra HP from trait? Is this supost to be only for special clerics or something? Because this makes an awsome summon. Who needs a Fiendsh hyena when you can get this? It is normaly on the SM4 list, so clearly overpowered at level 3. Oddly it is a CR 3, so when you first get it your party could kill it as a soid encounter. So is it something an evil wizard should beable to summon or no? (as Sm2, no question about it with SM4) ![]()
Ok, is a Magic Missle wizard a good or really bad one trick pony? With a trait, I can use Maximze at lvl 5, or Empower at 3. With the feats Spell focus (evocation) spell Spelization at level 1 (human) it is 2d4+2+1(evoker bonus) damage. The idea was after level 1 to take Spell Pen and Greater Spell pen as lvl 2 and 5 feats, and a metamagic. Which meta is better for this spell, maximize or Empower (or another one I overlooked?)? The way I see it, the bonus with MM is that there is no attack roll, no save, and only SR. The feats are geared toward SR (which if you want to do damage you might as well get). Only one feet helps only MM, the others can be used to help other spells, like Fireball and Sorching ray (at a bit higher level because of metamagic). ![]()
What are non-spellcasters to do while Wizards and other magic user's use magic item feats to make money? I know they can adventure, but is there a way they can made gold during downtime? Crafting a Masterwork weapon takes about 4 to 5 weeks, for a lvl 5 char with high int, so it is not close to the 1k per day the Wizards can make. So ideas? ![]()
Ok not sure were to put this question. I heard from a friend that there was a feat or trait (not sure which) that would allow a Magus to use Dex for to hit and Damage, and take less then 2 feat slots (Weapon Finness and Devilsih Dancer, which is in an odd book) Or is Devilish Dancer being moved to a more core book? thanks :) ![]()
It says that sheild bashing is an off hand attack, is this true even if it is the only weapon you are attacking with that round? Also is two weapon fighting still needed for Shield Slam Feat? Also if you have improved Bull rush, and grater, do the +2 apply to Bull rushes that happen from Shield Slam or not? ![]()
Looking over the weapon table I noticed that only the Trident was a onehanded weapon with the brace property. the shortspear dose not have this, and the spear and longspear both do, but they are twohanded weapons. So a trident only as brace so long as you don't take off the two side prongs?? Is this an error?? Also, didn't most common militaries in the day use Pikes or other reach-spear type weapons a lot? Or did they utlize shilds and sword (which in this system is soo bad :( ) ![]()
Ok here is what I got at level 5, useing a 20point buy and Level 5 Wealth guidelines. The Bite is a Primary attack, as are the claws, so if he dose not attack with a weapon, they are all at the highest BAB. So doing the math I found his damage output while ranging to be decent. Barbarian LVL 5 Half-Orc
Barbarian LVL 5 Half-Orc RAGING
For a Paladin would two-handed weapons (Greatsword) be a great way to go or the standared Longsword and Shield path? I see the Shield giving 2 to 5 points of AC at the cost of a fair amout of damage, starting at level 1. Stats would be 20 Point Buy, and likely human with
Also, I know that mounts are rarly used, but any advice on a mounted Paladin? Or is it something that just isn't worth playing because so much of the game (fights) happen indoors? ![]()
Would letting them use a ritual to create and controle 1 Undead of Skeleton or Zombie type wtih HD equal to the creater's level be broken? Like a Fast Zombie (human) with 3 more HD for a level 5 Antipaladin insted of the Divine bond weapon thing? It would make skeletans and zombies that are meaning full as you level up. As it is you have to look for really large creatures to reanimate and they get outdated and are hard to replace. This would allow a Necro type to have a pet that is at least able to keep up. Also thinking about giving it Proffinacy with one melee weapon (the player still has to pay for the weapons...) ![]()
I'm sorry if this has already been answered but the threads I found where over 100 posts long. Have they errataed it to make useing a sheild not an Automatic off-hand attack? Like if you use a short sword (light weapon) and a heavy Sheild (one-hand weapon, same catagory as a lon sword) would you be at -2/-2 for the attacks? Claiming that the sheild is your Main hand weapon. Also getting the shield a 1:2 PA raito and the sword a 1:1 On a related note, can you twohand a shield? thanks :) ![]()
What item slots do they have? I know they have collar and barding (dog collars are common in RL and there are rules for barding cus of kinghts on the backs of horses with Full Plate).But what about Belt of Giant Str? or Dex or Con? or headbands? I know this can lead to pimping out your AC but I don't see the problem with that. Once the druid has enough for a +2 headband of Wisdom why not gear up the pet? And the Druid can take crafting feats, so saying "no one makes items for animals of that type" is wrong cus the Druid could. ![]()
This is a TREX pet for a Druid lvl 7. Druid is Human, traided the human feat for Eye for Talent, basicaly giving Comper +2Str. Took Crafting feats on the druid, so this guy has gear. I figured a belt can go on a dino's leg or around him. the Str is: 14base+2FeatTrade+2LVL+1HD+8Upgrade+2Belt
Or the druid could be silly and turn into a bunny and ride Chomper. and heal him. So did I do the math on this guy right? or am I missing something? Chomper TREX Pet
also is there an item that gives you Speak with Animals at will? or offten? Such a fun spell but not a lvl 0 one :( ![]()
Ok so this is what happened, our dwarf Stalwart Defender thought it was a good idea to be teleported onto the back of a flying and attacking red dragon. Now the dragon was attacking us, but the dwarf wanted to get in melee range. So the wizard teleported him to the dragons back and he fell onto the dragon, making the check the DM gave him. Then he activated his stance. So technialy he can't be moved right? even if the dragon flys upside down and such? Anyone have ideas on how this should be handled? Let me clerify. The Dragon is a bad guy we are trying to kill. The movement of getting the dwarf off him, (and falling) is not something the dwarf wants. The dwarf wants to just hack of the dragons head. So he ends up surffing on the dragon's back while the dragon attacks him. any advice on this issue? ![]()
I tried to make him as a Phalanx fighter but relized he might be better as a normal one. Basic stratagy for him is to trip bad guys then attack them. He would gain threat by tripping and controling the movement of bad guys around him. I want Improved and Greater Will, but didn't have the free feats :(
Fighter LVL 6 Human
If you use a weapon to trip, do you just get BAB + STR +improved trip/Greater Trip or do you also add Weapon Focus + Weapon enhancement? The real question is do you get to add Weapon Focus (feat) + Improved Trip (also a feat)?? Second Question, with the Second trip Feat (at lvl 6) can you use an AoO to attack the guy you just triped? What if you used an AoO to trip him (and have Combat Expertise) do you get to do 2 AoO (one for trip and one for damage). Dose the AoO of him going prone use his Prone AC or normal AC? (Prone is -4AC vs Melee) Thanks for taking the time to answer ![]()
If you Shield bash with a Heavy Sheild, and not while two-weapon fighting, can you use power attack at the 1:2 ratio? a heavy shield is on the one handed but not light melee weapon chart, so it should get a 1:2 ratio, like all other weapons on that chart. If you hold it in 2 hands, like you can do with other weapons on the chart, you should get 1.5str and 1:3 power attack ratio yes? I know that useing a shield with two hands is odd, but if you can do it then you could have very high damage while not giving up AC for it. Plus a free bull-rush check per hit is just iceing :) ![]()
Can you use a heavy shield in two hands when you attack with it useing Improved Shield Bash and still get it's shield bonus to AC? This would add damage to a shield build. also when two weapon fighting with a Heavy Shield and a Short Sword, can the Shield be declared the primary weapon?? or dose it have to be the offhand weapon?? ![]()
Dose anyone have ideas on how to upgrade a zombie or skeleton? what do they get for advanced HD? could i use NPC class like Warrior for it? I want to have it so the undead pet gained by Necro Clerics (archtype) scales up with them as they level so they get the most out of it. Also would it be broken to alow this leveling up of undead minons to the Controle Undead feat? I love the idea of an Anti Paladin with an undead pet, makes them more like Death Knights in WoW. I know they can get undead pets (they channle neg energy) but by the rules undead pets ether are useless 2HD creatures or are huge monstors the party reanimated. Druid pets scale up, so i was wondering if this was possable ![]()
Can use use their cruelty (evil lay-on-hands) though a weapon? Or dose it have to be a touch atack with a hand? Also, can you hold a 2handed weapon (greatsword) and use this ability? They get negitave channel so can they take the feat to controle undead? Why would anyone pick the mount? you Have to wait 30days if it dies. And it is as SM3 not the Druid compain that paladin gets. I find this odd. Would letting them get a Fendish Horse be that bad? really? ![]()
I really like the kingmaker kingdom system, it really is a game within a game. But I also love Civilization 3 and 4 and 5 so ya. My question is how would it work to give land to minor nobles? In real they where given small towns and a higher lord would get an area. Like a Lord would get 4 hexs and keep one and give the other 3 to his vassles. How would that work in this system? or would it be each 'kingdom' follows the same rules and is just allied with a larger kingdom around it? Or is the system only good for small kingoms with a single ruler and dosn't get into the detail of how that ruler controles all the land. thanks :) ![]()
We have all seen 300. Now Phalanx soldier is the pathfinder fighter who fights like that. My question is with the lvl 3 ability. It alows that figher to use a spear as a onehanded weapon. This is not normal, but a spear only dose 1d8 so not game changing. But it is still a two-handed weapon, and if the fighter takes Power Attack how dose it work? PA says that if you use it with a 2handed weapon you get -1/+3. a spear is a 2handed weapon. So dose a Phalance soldier useing a spear onehanded get the +3 from powerattack? Another question is dose the figher still get 1.5Str with the spear while useing a shield or no? Could be a fun build if you got the benifites of a 2handed weapon while having a shield ![]()
Which is better, skeleton or fast zombie? for a cleric at lvl 5 can make both, but which is the better combatant/meat shild. do zombies that use weapons get the extra slam attack if they are fast zombies? Do you have to pay onix for the extra HD a zombie gets? I would say no but want to make sure. Would you allow the feat from 3.5 book of the Undead that alows a cleric to give +4 Str and +2hp/hd of undead he/she makes? ![]()
So if you have an Elemental Water Sorc who has ER 10 Cold, and said char enters tundra or cold mountan areas, do they take subdual damage? Assume that food and drink is taken care of (ring of Sub). The subdual damage is untyped but if it was extreme damage the ER 10 cold would basicaly ignore it. So would the Sorc need Endure elements to avoide the subdual when if the weather got worse she would be perfectly fine? the same question is for a Fire Sorc in a hot area. Like it's 100degrees outside so i take subdual but i stand in a fire and MAYBE take 1 point cus i ignore the first 10 points. So in other words, is the ability to stand in fire less then the ability to ignore heat? I have heard vairying replies at the table and was wondering. I think the Sorc wouldn't need Endure elements if the extreme damage is something they are resistent to. And remember that elemental Sorcs sort of become elementals at 20th and I don't see a fire elemental takeing damage from being in a hot area. But that damage is UNTYPED so technicaly they might take it. Or if you don't want to use elemental use a Dragon or such. Over all, if the Char won't take damage from the Extreme damage, should the lesser damage hurt them? ![]()
So LOH dosn't have a caster lvl but is magic healing. the Bearded devil says that to heal while under his bleed effect requires a caster lvl check. What do do? Dose the pally make the heal check? But thats a standard action vs his swift LOH. I'm just confused about how the two work with eachother. And a Bearded devil is among the type of foes I would expect a pally to eventualy fight in Pathfinder. (cus pallies and devils get along soo well). I thought about makeing it like a will save, cus divine casters use will and heal uses will but it didn't feel right. Thoughts? ![]()
In the power attack discription it says you get 1 1/2 str with 'natural weapons' that give you 1 1/2 str and half the bonus with 'secondary natural weapons'. what are natural attack weapons that are not actual weapons? Dose it reffer to natural attacks like bite/claw/wing/rake/tail? Bite is fairly easy for a half orc to get with the current rules, so I would like to know I power attack do I just get a -1 on my bite attack (lvl1) or do I get a -1 attack +1 damage? (assume I swing with Greatsword first). And If my bite is a primary attack, can I power attack with just useing my bite? (getting 2damage for -1attack)??