Shorafa Pamodae

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Yeah, shields feel nice since they always reveal so they always stay in your hand to protect such damage. There are also few breastplates that also can reveal, but they do often recharge in this case. Good point that you are also able to protect with shields after failed check, although it is better to win most encounters. Shields are nice when they work this way, however, I find shields too unreliable since they usually protect specific type of damage, so you kind of rely on luck about the enemy. The late game shields such as Reflecting shield seems nice but such shields seem rare to be acquired

Good point about Jirelle preferring 1-handed weapons. Zadim also prefers them due to his power. Sadly, very few characters get more bonus from them compared to 2-handed weapons. I believe it would have been nice if the developers would have implemented "1-handed proficiency" and "2-handed proficiency" instead of "Weapon proficiency" to flesh out the characters more.

By the way, I see that Shield of Fire Resistance (and all shields in general) saying


If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card

It kind of indicates you can actually play 2-handed weapons, after using the shield? So, you can block the "before you act" damages with shield, and then proceed to use 2-handed weapon?

Whenever I fill my armour slots, I feel that the breastplates are always superior to the shields or headplates. I would like to ask if there are any kind of reasons to include shields over breastplates?

Shields usually have effect like "Reveal this shield to reduce little amount combat damage. You may play other armours in this check. You cannot play 2-handed weapons in this check".

However, breastplates usually have effect like "Reveal this breastplate to reduce little amount combat damage. Or bury this to reduce ALL TYPE of damage to ZERO".

Let's compare that your hand has shield+breastplate versus breastplate+breastplate. Also imagine you are facing monster who have sequential combat check 100 and then combat check 100 to defeat (and you are going to totally fail both checks). Now if you have shield+breastplate, you are going to lose both armours and the rest of your hand. But if you have breastplate+breastplate, you are only burying those two armours but at least you keep the rest of yourr hand.

Therefore, having shields (or headplates) don't improve your defense more than having breastplates, because shields only reduces certain type of damage and only small amount. Being able to play other armour seems irrelevant as in the example above. Also, they limit your offensive capability because you cannot use 2-handed with them. (2-handed usually give you better dices than 1-handed weapons)

Yes, I remembered her Diplomacy die incorrectly. I checked the pacg wiki and she actually has Diplomacy: Charisma+1, so she actually would roll 3d10+1 in the situation described above.

But very nice to learn new things after few playthroughs. I must have skipped many boons in mistake, because they felt less powerful or too situational. Suddenly allies like 'Athlete' or blessings like "Blessing of Shax" feel great for Melee/Ranged-oriented characters!

It is pity that cards usually mention about boosting base skills, which can lead to mistakes like this. Hopefully in future, rulebooks could include some example about those card combos to clarify things.

Yes to both questions. Adding X skill includes X's dice and all its plus modifiers.

Some banes might be vulnerable or immune to certain traits, so they might affect the outcome.

Longshot11 wrote:

Raincloud9 wrote:
My gf was playing Enora the Arcanist, and ended up with the spell Brilliance in her hand (adds 3 to intelligence checks while displayed). She fought a monster, used an Arcane spell to defeat it, and displayed Brilliance to add +3 to the Arcane check. I wanted to make sure this was an appropriate use of the spell. Since Arcane is listed under Intelligence, we figured that Brilliance would apply to it.

Yes, Brilliance boosts Arcane for Enora, as it's base of her Intelligence. Contrast that with Balazar (Arcane: Charisma) who would not benefit from Brilliance.

This is something new info for me which is nice to know. I always thought that such spells only boost the mentioned skill in the text. But at the same time it is confusing so I would like to ask more.

So, whenenever Enora plays Brilliance spell, it boosts his Intelligence. This also boosts his Arcane. Therefore, Intelligence equals to Arcane for Enora?

What if Enora encounters boon that requires only Intelligence skill as check to acquire? Can he use his Arcane skill instead?

If there is item, that says it could be attempted to be recharged with Intelligence skill check, can Enora use his Arcane skill instead? (not sure if such item exists, but just wondering what would be the case)

Blessing of Iomedae is able to give 2 dice for Charisma checks. Seelah has Diplomacy: Charisma +2 listed, and her Charisma dice is d12. Can she benefit from both dice for Diplomacy checks? In other words, when she attempts Diplomacy check and uses Blessing of Iomedae, does she roll 3d12+2?

I have fallen in love with this adventure card game and would like to check the art of each cards in more detail, especially the art of spell cards since they are more than static image. Does such database exist for each Adventure Paths or Class Decks, or is my only option to search and admire them individually?

Alright, I have another question about Zadim. This time it is about revealing card and recharging the same card at the same time.

Zadim's strength skill is d8 and stealth skill is d8+2.

One of Zadim's power states "You may discard (☐ or recharge) a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait to add your Stealth skill to a combat check by a character at your location."

He encounters monster and he has just one weapon Kukri (this is not 2-handed) that states "For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4."

Now he would like to reveal Kukri and use his hero power to discard (☐ or recharge) this Kukri. Therefore, he would roll d8+d4+d8+2.

Is this allowed? Or does he actually need to recharge another weapon? (It is little confusing because his power requires that weapon is not 2-handed so having just single 1-handed weapon is not enough? Also, looking at the hero art he is a dualwielder, so we would assume he need to be using two weapons so that he can "throw" the other weapon into enemy)

eddiephlash wrote:

I'd love to hear more about why you think this is broken or abusable!

Well, it makes him to cycle his deck too effectively. Zadim has other very strong power to recharge weapon to get combat bonus, which usually defeats any bane. He is not able to use that power often because the weapon is recharged. But allowing him to cycle his deck by using his peek power will grant him another weapon very soon for the next turns. You could even determine the sequence of recharging, so you are able to know your next cards you will soon draw. Therefore, his rare combat power becomes very common so that all banes becomes trivial.

Also, I believe that game designers intended that the purpose of his peeking power is to examine the top card (and not deck cycling). Repeating this power even if the top card is known doesn't make much sense because we already know it.

But if it is really allowed, then fine. It can make the game much easier.

Are you sure? It sounds broken and abusable mechanic if he is able to refresh his hand all time at the end of his turn. For example, in WOTR hero Alain could refresh certain boons only. Moreover, Zadim's ability states "... a card ..." which kind of implies he can use the power once only?

One of his power states "You may recharge a card to examine the top card of your location deck".

Is it allowed to use it multiple times during his turn, even if the top card stays same? (In order to cycle his deck more effectively)

Scarab Sages

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Minae, the Ametrine sage.
Kitsune (Fennec Fox)
Neutral Good

Introspective and philosophical, she hates the assumption that because she is sneaky she must be up to no good. Being unseen is just more practical. Finds Sphinxes to be just delightful. Never assumes a human guise.