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![]() Here is my submission! A human magus named Fran, whose ambition and curiosity is sparked when she discovers the possibility that some amount of giant's blood courses through her veins. I've played Pathfinder APs before (Rise of the Runelords and Legacy of Fire), but sadly have been unable to complete one as of yet due players dropping. I'm both excited by and curious about trying out the PBP method of role playing. I believe it has the potential to keep games going that ordinarily might have fallen apart due to the time constraints we all face at one point or another. I don't know a lot about the Reign of Winter AP, but Baba Yaga and the setting are right up my alley in terms of interests. This AP is probably the one I am currently most interested in playing. Character Stat Block:
Franziska Yevena ze Veles or “Fran”
Female human magus 1 N Medium humanoid (human) Init +1; Senses Perception +1 Languages Common, Elven, Skald, Sylvan DEFENSE
Character Background:
In the days before she had turned her intellect towards the arcane and strapped a longsword to her side, Fran had lived an uneventful, but contented life on the bustling island nation of Absalom. In fact, it wasn't until one year ago that Fran had even once stepped outside of the borders of Absalom. And why would she have thought to? She dwelt in the center of culture, power, and trade within the Inner Sea region. To experience the taste of Qadiran cuisine, the depth of Kyonin poetry, or the latest archaeological finds brought back from Varisia, she only had to step outside the door of her family's estate in the Ivy District. All the excitement, knowledge, and experiences in the world seemed to converge in Absalom, and as the daughter of a minor, but still wealthy, noble family she had near limitless access to its excess.
In another place or in another life, Fran's unusual size and physical strength might of ostracized her from her peers, but thanks to the diversity of Absalom, and the wealth of her family, Fran enjoyed a childhood nearly devoid of conflict. At least conflict she didn't seek out herself. By the time Fran was in her early 20s, she had already graduated from a well-to-do academy and had begun dedicating her life towards a passion for history. With any financial concerns covered by her family's wealth, she was free to explore the libraries and registries of Absalom without restraint. In particular, Fran was fascinated with lineages. She reveled in tracing back the line of cause and effect that resulted in the present. What had lead certain families to success and others to ruin? Was it possible to locate and identify the critical turning points in a person's life which determined their ultimate fate? Such pursuits brought Fran joy, and she would have likely occupied the rest of her days with such idle pursuits had she not discovered the sword. Naturally, the first family lineage Fran had explored was her own, but she was quickly disappointed by the lack of information relating to the family Yevena, and the so-called Veles they hailed from. She had the names of a few personages of import, references to great deeds here and there, but the point of genesis for her family was seemingly lost to time. That is, until Fran discovered an old sword in her family's vaults. It was an incidental discovery, but the moment she saw the blade's name engraved upon its hilt, everything changed for Fran. Kernbog, the short sword of one of her distant ancestors. Yet it was no short sword at all, but a full-sized longsword. Had the scribe mistakenly categorized the weapon incorrectly? Or was there more to it? In all her research Fran had only ascertained that her family had hailed from some place far to the "North" and nothing more. The discovery of Kernbog caused Fran's mind to explode with all manner of speculation and theories. Her unusual size, the curiosity of the "short sword" Kernbog, and the suspiciously obscure origins of her family in the North. Fran could only guess, but she knew that guesses would not satisfy her forever. Over the course of the next few years, Fran began to study fencing and sorcery with an almost religious fervor. Previously she had only dallied in such pursuits, treating them as academic. No longer. Fran knew that not even the wealth of knowledge in Absalom could answer every question, and that she would need to prepare adequately if she were to step into the world outside its walls to find the truth. Those years of training were the longest in Fran's life. For the first time she exposed herself, both knowingly and accidentally, to hardships that she had never known before, evidenced most strongly by the fresh scar across her right cheek. The woman who emerged from those trials was not the same one who had first entered them. Some of the light had gone out of Fran's eyes, but her ambition burned stronger than ever before. It would all be worth it to seize hold of a greater destiny than the one she knew. If it didn't kill her first. Apperance and Personality:
I won't put any links here, but Fran was inspired by the art of the talented Per Sjögren. The art he did for Super Genius Game's Archon class is the appearance I envision for the character. If you google it, the images are on the artist's official web page.
Fran is a tall woman, about 6 feet in height. While not exactly broad, her stature certainly isn't lithe or frail looking. Her black hair can look almost a deep indigo blue in the right lighting. She has a noticeable scar on her right cheek that she gained quite recently, but declines to speak on. Although the difficult and shocking experiences of her days spent in training have matured Fran considerably, she still holds on to her irrepressible love of lineage, legend, and myth. The lands of Irrisen in particular would be fascinating to her, due to a history that seems more like a fairy tale than an account of historical fact. While neutrally aligned, Fran leans more toward a good outlook on life. The lengths she is willing to go to realize her ambitions currently preclude a NG alignment, but she would rather take the least harmful option when possible. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there are any rules based changes that need to be made to this submission. And thanks for your consideration! ![]()
![]() Thanks for the quick responses all! I should have specified that its a longspear, so returning will not be so useful, though it was a good suggestion. The intelligent item sounds interesting too and is something to consider down the line, thanks. It's only +1 at the moment, so I think I'll stack enhancement bonuses for the time being. Its not flashy, but I guess there's something to be said for a -really- sharp blade. ![]()
![]() So I was thinking of making the respective weapons of the Templars (except Davashuum) into possible signature weapons for my PCs. I'm not forcing them to keep them, but I thought it was a nice flavorful option if they decide to take it. The PCs are a bard (dervish dancer), barbarian, rogue, and wizard respectively. The bard is the moldspeaker, so that's easy. +1 evolving scimitar for her. No changes required. The barbarian will do well with Kardswann's axe, which I'm thinking of changing to a +1 furious greataxe. I want to change Zayifid's annoyingly redundant scimitar into a dagger (flavored as jambiya) for the rogue. There is also a second dagger hidden in the House of the Beast if the players can find it or, failing that, on Zayifid's person if he survives Chapter 2. Thinking corrosive, menacing, or vicious for those (just one ability per dagger). My problem though is the wizard... I have no idea what I'm going to do there. Only thing I know is that it's going to obtainable in some way from Pazhvann (using John Mangrum's neato scenario). Any advice for what to use? The wizard is specialized in conjuration. |