
byakuren's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts (167 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 aliases.

Pretty much what the topic says. What are some recommend weapon abilities for a fighter? Or is it better to just keep adding +1 to your weapon?

I'm playing a spear-wielding fighter and the party has haste readily available, so Speed doesn't seem like it would be worth the gold.


So I was thinking of making the respective weapons of the Templars (except Davashuum) into possible signature weapons for my PCs. I'm not forcing them to keep them, but I thought it was a nice flavorful option if they decide to take it. The PCs are a bard (dervish dancer), barbarian, rogue, and wizard respectively.

The bard is the moldspeaker, so that's easy. +1 evolving scimitar for her. No changes required. The barbarian will do well with Kardswann's axe, which I'm thinking of changing to a +1 furious greataxe. I want to change Zayifid's annoyingly redundant scimitar into a dagger (flavored as jambiya) for the rogue. There is also a second dagger hidden in the House of the Beast if the players can find it or, failing that, on Zayifid's person if he survives Chapter 2. Thinking corrosive, menacing, or vicious for those (just one ability per dagger).

My problem though is the wizard... I have no idea what I'm going to do there. Only thing I know is that it's going to obtainable in some way from Pazhvann (using John Mangrum's neato scenario). Any advice for what to use? The wizard is specialized in conjuration.