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I'd selected the Use My Store Credit option for my subscription management because I still have five dollars in Paizo credit available, but my card was charged 3.99 instead. Is there any way to refund the money for the card charge and use my credit instead for SFS Scenario 01-08: Sanctuary of Drowned Delight? Thanks in advance for the assistance!
Hello everyone! I'm a DM/GM local to the Kissimmee area, and I'm working in conjunction with our biggest FLGS, Coliseum of Comics Kissimmee, to help bring back some fantasy roleplaying to the Kissimmee area! We'll be running Pathfinder adventures, especially for newer players, on every Tuesday from 6pm to 9pm, and D&D 5E adventures every Friday from 6pm to 9pm! We're really looking to grow the community in the area, so if you're interested in either of these, feel free to contact us, or join our Facebook group for more information! The group can be reached at Further information can be found on the Facebook group or feel free to PM/email me for additional details. Can't wait to hear from you!
In 1993, the Camarilla Prince of Lodin was torn to shreds, one of the many victims of a combined Sabbat/Black Spiral Dancer assault on the Kindred of Chicago, Illinois. The city was left with multiple contenders vying for control of the city and the title of Prince, while Elders weaved intrigues in Elysium and Anarchs railed against the inequities of their youth, weak blood, and a system that was designed to keep them down. All the while, two Methuselahs waged a shadow-war with Kindred and mortal proxies alike, seeking to slate a millennium-old thirst for vengeance over the death of a dream. Nearly twenty-five years later, join us, and peel back the mystery of how the immortal nights of Chicago have changed. We are currently accepting applications for Chicago By Night: Time Gone By, a play-by-post game using the Vampire the Masquerade 20th edition rule-set, set in the early months of 2017 and onward. Character Creation
We welcome submissions, as well as any questions regarding character creation, through PM here on-site or at The game will be played via private discussion board (currently being built)
Male Human Classless, 3 dimensions
Hello everyone! I'm John M., better known as blackaeon, and I'll be your host on an excursion through the savage and frightening lands of Numeria. For a little bit of info on myself, I'm currently a junior pursuing my degree in software engineering, and I live at the crook of SW Florida with my patient wife, adorable dogs, cute kitty and wonderbunny. I've been doing medieval/fantasy RPGs for about twenty-five years now, almost always as GM/DM (I've played in less than five games as an actual PC), and in my spare time, when I'm not working or studying, I play Heroclix and Warhammer 40K, as well as a little M:TG.
Having just recently purchased the materials necessary and having reviewed the information proper, I think that I am ready to run an Iron Gods game online here in the forums! I'm looking for a solid five players who're willing to join up; the game will likely be updated every other day or so, so I'm not looking for people who just post a sentence every now and again. Now, as for what I'm accepting in terms of characters, here goes; it's kind of a specific list, but I'm a specific person. Starting Level: 1st, obviously
Having the whats are a pretty good thing, but don't let me post this without a caveat. What I'm looking for, more than anything, is a character with a well-defined personality and especially an in-depth backstory. I will gladly take a 'vanilla' application that only uses core materials over something 'exciting' from a numerical standpoint if the former has a great personality/appearance/history to it. I will be posting the game in third-person, past-tense, so please try and do so in your application; not to be rude, but I will not even consider a bio done in first-person perspective, so don't bother sending one. I'll give until Sunday night at midnight (EST) for people to get their applications in. Any questions to ask or clarifications needed? Post them here.
So, I've lurked here for a while, but I've finally decided to try my hand at running an Adventure Path. For me, it was a toss-up between Kingmaker and Skull and Shackles, but ultimately Skull and Shackles ended up winning out. For a bit of background on myself, I'm a full-time student, and I've been playing fantasy RPGs since 1988. I got into Pathfinder when the open beta came out for it, and I ended up switching over to the Golarion setting more or less exclusively after that. I value role-play far more than dice rolls, and tend to get a bit descriptive in situations. What I'm looking for is 4-6 stalwart souls, ready to carve their own piratical niche in the Shackles. Hopefully, people will be game for the challenge. Here's some hard info on what starting chars will be like. Starting Level: 1st level Stats: 22 Point Buy. I know it seems like an arbitrary number, but I like things somewhere between high and mythic fantasy. Alignment: This is a bit of a sticky wicket, or at least was until I made my decision. Since the PCs are supposed to be a part of the pirate lifestyle, I WILL allow neutral and evil PCs, but be amply warned beforehand: your actions will have consequences, and those consequences could spell your doom if you're mindlessly violent or bastard-y. HP: Max for 1st level, half for even levels thereafter, full for odd. So a 1st level Wiz would be 6 + Con mod, 2nd level 3 + Con mod, 3rd 6 + Con mod, lather, rinse, repeat. Classes: Core material (Core, Ultimate Combat/Magic, Advanced Player Guide) work for me. I’d like to see a nice mix of classes. Races: All races except the following will be okay: Samsarans, Strix, Vishkanyas, or Wayangs. Oh, and naturally, no Azlanti. Remember, the campaign is set in a relatively warm and aquatic environment, northern/cold-loving races would probably be a little put off. Drawbacks: Nope! Traits: Two, one can be a campaign trait (and is recommended). Wealth: Max starting wealth. It doesn’t matter so much for this campaign because you will, at best, be starting with a set of clothes and a personal item. Downtime: Downtime will be an important part of the adventure, particularly the latter portion, since there’s a definite kingdom-building vibe to the entire AP. I’ll handle significant events that happen during downtime in vignette-style action, and hopefully it’ll work to keep everyone from getting bored. Submitting a Character- I prefer that you send these to me via private message. If you have questions about character creation, you can address them here on the board and I’ll get back to you. Please keep the format for things in third-person style (mostly because I get kerfuddled seeing “I do x, I did y, etc”. If you're accepted, feel free to make a profile for the PC; I'm still getting the hang of constructing a PBP set-up on this board for the game (pointers will not upset me!). Character submissions should include: Description – A paragraph or two should be sufficient for this. Please describe your character as they’d appear the first time someone saw them. Personality – If this warrants explanation, I can do it privately. I’d like to see a nice paragraph or two talking about the PC's background at least, though I won't say no to more than that. Since the campaign is focused on the Shackles and surrounding areas, your character will either be from the areas nearby or an immigrant.
Leather, Steel, Lead and Blood: Freedom After Dark The neon lights of the row of sex shops, package stores, and pawnbrokers shone in a garish glare on the wet blacktop and pavement as Susan headed home from her second job as a second shift waitress, the meager tips she'd earned tucked away in the clutch that she had a death grip on. She skidded on the wet pavement a little, the soles of her shoes worn enough that they were losing their traction, and the laughter and jeering catcalls of a group of drug dealers on the corner rolled off of her like the fat droplets of rain coming down from the sky. Taking her cellphone from her clutch, she was about to call home to see if her mother hadn't fallen asleep watching the kids when a strong arm wrapped itself around her neck and hurled her into a black alleyway, her fall broken only by the mouldering softness of a ripped garbage bag filled to overflowing. A man, he looked like the ugliest transient in the world, brandished a very large and sharp knife and wiped his nose against the sleeve of a ratty Army surplus coat when he said, "You lucky, I just take what I wanna. So don't scream." It was all visible from the rooftop, and the man standing on it's edge could feel his stomach churn as he watched the scene unfold below. And then he was leaping off, two titanium knife blades scraping against the wall of the building to slow him down, and he collided with the transient, his weapons sinking into the bone as he slashed at the man, silencing him with a raking cut across the throat before he even realized what was happening. The bum was dead before he hit the ground, and the hunched figure standing over top of him turned to look at Susan with a mask obscuring his features and the glow of infrared optics showing around his eyes. "Go home" was the only words that came from the rasping throat, and Susan stood paralyzed for a second before she grabbed at her clutch. She'd never made it home so fast before in her life.
Government is overreaching it's power, enacting sweeping legislation making outlaws of the costumed heroes of the past.
Freedom After Dark is a gritty excursion into the superhuman genre set in modern times in the upper northern part of Michigan... the fictional and corrupt metropolis of Freedom City, to be exact. We're looking for a few vigilantes who're willing to take the fight into the darkness in the hopes of getting a little bit of justice... or perhaps revenge. If you're looking for a standard superhero setting, this definitely isn't for you, and we're looking for mature players who can post regularly. Take a look at the site, and if it seems like it's for you, contact us, let us know what you're looking to do. We're planning on getting started soon, and we're looking to hear from you. The site can be located at And if you're looking to contact us, you can reach me (John) via Yahoo IM at xpg_pincushion or Mari (Co ST/Admin) at maxlog_888 on the same. Mari handles character approval, so really, you should contact her first. If you're looking to contact us via email, reach me at or her at
Darkness over Faerun (D&D 3.5 campaign) Looking for 3-5 players for a Forgotten Realms game on invisionfree boards. It will center around evil characters, so no paladins or goody goods need apply. What we're looking for currently is people who can post consistently (at least three times a week, more better) and well (paragraphs; no one-liners). Additionally, we're looking for characters who can interact in meaningful ways, so leave the ravening psychopaths at home. We already have two warrior types, a rogue, a bard and a favored soul, and if you're interested in a specific PRC, monster class or the like, let us know. Starting character level/ECL is 8, 34 point stat buy, 36,000 starting gold with a 20,000 gp cap on any starting item. Additionally, one cross-class skill per character can be made into a class skill, player's choice. We're planning on running this thing until the epic levels, so we're looking for people who can commit. The site can be found at We're looking to get it running within the next two weeks or so, so get in touch with us and let us know. We're only accepting the applications we think work best. Looking forward to seeing what you've got. You can email me at
Hello all, Looking for a pbp game for 3 people (myself, fiancee, roomie) that's character and story driven. An evil game would be preferable, but a good game with a lot of interesting moral dilemmas would be workable as well. Looking for something for all three of us to play, and no 4e, because we're not fans at all. We're all excellent writers, post frequently, and will definitely make things interesting for your game. I've got 20 years experience with RPG's/D&D especially and about 10 for pbem/pbp games. Fiancee has about 3 years D&D and seven years pbem/pbp, roomie has two and two respectively. IF you're interested, drop a line at
Just to give a better idea as to the type of game we run, I'd say we usually alternate between downtime and adventures on a fairly common basis, about 40%/60% or so. As of yet, we've only ever had one adventure that not all of the students got to attend (so there's no "x gets to go but y doesn't have something to do except throw a birthday party or talk to people who also got left behind at school" going on). Currently, we're a little short on some of the old standbys like energy manipulators and the like, but as long as the character concept is really well-written, we're likely to at least give it a fair amount of consideration. So pop on by. Feel free to email us some character concepts if you'd like. We're looking forward to seeing you. |