
blackaeon's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 182 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

16 people marked this as a favorite.

I contacted my VO yesterday to have myself removed from the list of Venture-Agents for the company's Society games. The nothing statement from Paizo on the matter just affirms that it was the right decision to make. Not mad about the 360 hours or so of volunteering, met a lot of great friends and played a lot of fun games, but when the company's management is as broken as it clearly is, I no longer feel that acting as a representative of said company, even in a volunteer fashion, is going to be acceptable until some serious house cleaning gets done. You can do better, Paizo, please do.

Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/5

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Plenty to aspire to!

Grand Lodge

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I'm excited to see them as an in-game option, as are most of my players, but to be fair, a lot of them are relatively new to Golarion as a whole anyhow. I'm as pumped as my player base is for 2E, can't wait to see further reveals.

Grand Lodge

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Take my money and my sanity!

Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/5

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I've only been doing PFS GM'ing since October and have eaten quite a bit in the way of costs for scenarios, maps, markers, miniatures/pawns, etc, but I feel, 100%, it still is. If running games online is sort of harshing you out, maybe try contacting a local store and seeing if you can organize something in person? It's a totally different dynamic and feel; after wrapping up a non-PF game I'd been running with my wife for 8 years, I kind of felt bereft of gaming, but signing up to run PFS is the best move I've made in recent years as far as gaming goes. YMMV, of course, but a local store might also be able to help defray the costs, especially if they participate in the Regional Support Program or the like.

Grand Lodge

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Super excited for this set! Wish it'd come a little sooner but I feel that way for everything SFS related because it's all been consistently great.

Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/5

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Honestly, I kind of wish that they'd implement the same Infamy mechanic that they have going on for Starfinder Society in Pathfinder Society; it turns out, just from what I've seen from running games, that limiting someone's equipment purchases is a horribly potent way to make people reconsider whether or not they're playing like a sane/decent human being. A long-time friend of mine has some serious murder-hobo tendencies when he runs in games, but man, one Infamy point and he calmed right the heck on down. Warnings are good, but when there's no carry-over from GM to GM, the don't hold a lot of weight.

Grand Lodge

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If the party wants something that'd allow them to visually track a target, there's nothing like making a touch attack and casting Light on said goblin's trousers. Hard to hide glow pants.

Grand Lodge 3/5 5/55/5

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Yissssss... just getting SFS play going in Kissimmee, FL, and I'm madly in love with the product thus far. Just put that content right inside my upgrade slots.

Grand Lodge

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When I ran through a slightly edited version of the first part of the AP during Hurricane Maria by the light of a jeweler's loupe, my players were more than happy with provoking AoOs so they could clamp those puppies on. They got real weird with it.

Grand Lodge

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Go for it, this'll be up indefinitely, so I don't care if you recruit right from it. Just means there's a good home for more people to bang out some good roleplay, and that's never a bad thing. Thanks for looking out with the lists!

Grand Lodge

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LOL, just noticed that GM8574 handled the list thing for me. Awesome possum!

Grand Lodge

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Having just recently purchased the materials necessary and having reviewed the information proper, I think that I am ready to run an Iron Gods game online here in the forums! I'm looking for a solid five players who're willing to join up; the game will likely be updated every other day or so, so I'm not looking for people who just post a sentence every now and again. Now, as for what I'm accepting in terms of characters, here goes; it's kind of a specific list, but I'm a specific person.

Starting Level: 1st, obviously
Races: Any Core, any Advanced Race Guide, Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unleashed, Android
Alignment: Good
Classes: Any Core, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unleashed
Archetypes: APG, ACG, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic
Starting HP: Full + Con
Starting Gold: Max 1st level
Stats (Point Buy): 25 points
Traits: 1 standard, one from Iron Gods Player's Guide (any non-third-party Pathfinder book)

Having the whats are a pretty good thing, but don't let me post this without a caveat. What I'm looking for, more than anything, is a character with a well-defined personality and especially an in-depth backstory. I will gladly take a 'vanilla' application that only uses core materials over something 'exciting' from a numerical standpoint if the former has a great personality/appearance/history to it. I will be posting the game in third-person, past-tense, so please try and do so in your application; not to be rude, but I will not even consider a bio done in first-person perspective, so don't bother sending one. I'll give until Sunday night at midnight (EST) for people to get their applications in. Any questions to ask or clarifications needed? Post them here.

Grand Lodge

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So, I've lurked here for a while, but I've finally decided to try my hand at running an Adventure Path. For me, it was a toss-up between Kingmaker and Skull and Shackles, but ultimately Skull and Shackles ended up winning out.

For a bit of background on myself, I'm a full-time student, and I've been playing fantasy RPGs since 1988. I got into Pathfinder when the open beta came out for it, and I ended up switching over to the Golarion setting more or less exclusively after that. I value role-play far more than dice rolls, and tend to get a bit descriptive in situations.

What I'm looking for is 4-6 stalwart souls, ready to carve their own piratical niche in the Shackles. Hopefully, people will be game for the challenge.

Here's some hard info on what starting chars will be like.

Starting Level: 1st level

Stats: 22 Point Buy. I know it seems like an arbitrary number, but I like things somewhere between high and mythic fantasy.

Alignment: This is a bit of a sticky wicket, or at least was until I made my decision. Since the PCs are supposed to be a part of the pirate lifestyle, I WILL allow neutral and evil PCs, but be amply warned beforehand: your actions will have consequences, and those consequences could spell your doom if you're mindlessly violent or bastard-y.

HP: Max for 1st level, half for even levels thereafter, full for odd. So a 1st level Wiz would be 6 + Con mod, 2nd level 3 + Con mod, 3rd 6 + Con mod, lather, rinse, repeat.

Classes: Core material (Core, Ultimate Combat/Magic, Advanced Player Guide) work for me. I’d like to see a nice mix of classes.

Races: All races except the following will be okay: Samsarans, Strix, Vishkanyas, or Wayangs. Oh, and naturally, no Azlanti. Remember, the campaign is set in a relatively warm and aquatic environment, northern/cold-loving races would probably be a little put off.

Drawbacks: Nope!

Traits: Two, one can be a campaign trait (and is recommended).

Wealth: Max starting wealth. It doesn’t matter so much for this campaign because you will, at best, be starting with a set of clothes and a personal item.

Downtime: Downtime will be an important part of the adventure, particularly the latter portion, since there’s a definite kingdom-building vibe to the entire AP. I’ll handle significant events that happen during downtime in vignette-style action, and hopefully it’ll work to keep everyone from getting bored.

Submitting a Character- I prefer that you send these to me via private message. If you have questions about character creation, you can address them here on the board and I’ll get back to you. Please keep the format for things in third-person style (mostly because I get kerfuddled seeing “I do x, I did y, etc”. If you're accepted, feel free to make a profile for the PC; I'm still getting the hang of constructing a PBP set-up on this board for the game (pointers will not upset me!). Character submissions should include:

Description – A paragraph or two should be sufficient for this. Please describe your character as they’d appear the first time someone saw them.

Personality – If this warrants explanation, I can do it privately. I’d like to see a nice paragraph or two talking about the PC's background at least, though I won't say no to more than that. Since the campaign is focused on the Shackles and surrounding areas, your character will either be from the areas nearby or an immigrant.