Sheriff Belor Hemolock

bitrunner's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts (30 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


So it was recently pointed out to me that all armor contains a personal comm unit (pg 430 under "Planetary") yet this capability is NOT listed under the Armor section in the Equipment chapter.

Is this just an oversight, and this info on pg 430 is correct? Or was this not factored in when the Armor section (which only lists environmental protection and magnetic boots) was written?

If the former, then why would characters purchase a personal comm unit? why would a character NOT have even the most basic of armor? And if they are put into a situation where they DON'T have armor (captured, etc) then they certainly won't have a separate personal comm unit, unless they somehow smuggle it (such as in a cyberarm compartment)

Since the info on pg 430 is the Setting chapter, is this just flavor text?

Second Skin states that it can be worn under normal clothing. Does this mean that it could be worn under other armor types as well? If so, I'm assuming that it doesn't stack its benefits - but it would be nice to have a "backup" or armor that I could always be wearing should my main armor not be available or gets removed/destroyed in some sense.

Question on how these work while wearing clothing / armor...

Common sense would dictate, in today's tech level, that you would have to be naked in order to be able to access the items in these types of compartments. Is this different in SFS? Does clothing/armor have some kind of self-sealing technology or other design accommodations that would allow one to access these compartments and the items stored within?

One of the reasons I ask is because Iseph, the iconic Android, has the Quick Release Sheath as the armor mod in the chest. If you can't be wearing armor / clothing with this, then what would be the point in having it. Note that Iseph is wearing armor in both the 1st and 4th level iterations of the pre-generated character.

In Yesteryear's Truth, can I get a clarification on one of the reward items??

the Membrane Holdout Pistol lists the battery capacity, but not the Usage. Is it Usage:1 if not stated, or is it Usage:2??

how? when i go to my forums profile all i see are Pathfinder factions...

i would like a ruling on this as well...

also, if you opt for the exocortex for the mechanic, then you wouldn't need the Artificial Personality Mod

(edited) along the same lines, it mentions that the custom rig operates as a commlink. the description for the commlink mentions that you can add other devices to it, such as scanners, by just paying 110% of the cost.

"You can upgrade a personal comm unit to function
as some other devices (such as full computers and scanners) by
spending credits equal to 110% of the additional device’s price."

does this mean i could add the Motion Detector that basically provides quakesense/blindsense to the "commlink", providing me with that sense?

"This handheld scanner is capable of detecting sweeping kinetic
moves, such as the locomotion of creatures and vehicles.
Motion detectors have blindsense (vibration) out to 30 feet, but
you must take a move action each round to use the sensor."

this is, of course, predicated on being at level 6 to get the Motion Detector (a Level 7 device)

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So, solarians sound like Jedi, with the Cycle being like the Force, except that solarians don't need a lightsaber -- they ARE the lightsaber...

ok, i've never played Pathfinder - Starfinder will be my entry into the Paizo-verse - so i'm ready to be ridiculed here...

i don't see what all the complaints about complexity are about. I'm not sure what these "Chronicle" sheets are, but why couldn't you just have a sheet that has sections for each kind of boon and a list of all the boons for each section, then just check a box next to the active one(s). similar to spells but instead of spell level it is split up by boon type.

i mean, really, how many boons would a character collect over a season?

btw, boons just seem like a way to flesh out the character and differentiate them a bit more. more like edges/flaws from some games, but they can evidently be swapped out.

my question that I can't figure out is, if you need to have special boons for an alien race, how does that work? if i want to play race-x, but can't do it from start, it doesn't make sense to start with a human and wait until maybe i'm 6th level before getting the boon to become race-x. that doesn't make any sense. and if the intent is that i've earned the boon, and now i can start a new character with that race, well, why should i do that? i'm already up to 6th level on the current character! i enjoy character development, it's one of the features of RPGs I enjoy - i've played some characters in other games for years, even a decade. why would i cheat on my character with an alternate one? so what am i missing here about boons for playing a (new) alien race?